Tuesday, March 22, 2016

So, About this Hormone of Love

Do I mean there is a hormone of love?  Yes and with a good birth you will have plenty of this hormone in your system.  Bad birth—low on the ability to give and receive love.   Mothers who had a poor birth history and lack of maternal love from early on, do not have enough milk to give their newborn.  

This hormone is called Oxytocin, (the medicine is known as Cerbetocin) and it not only offers us  the biologic capacity for love but it also softens pain and makes life bearable.   And what can it do about stress?  It can treat stress disorders with something that boosts oxytocin.   In short, it ameliorates pain and suffering.   More, it can counteract anxiety states, which often translates into terror disorder. It can soften stress-related genes. Wonderful. We need to make sure we have it. In the hippocampus it softens potential psychiatric disorders.

There are several studies on the subject; one with rats who had restraint stress. These rats often became depressed. As would humans who were stuck in the canal during birth. Oxytocin had a marked beneficial effect in those animals  who had previous stress. The system rushed in to help out as best if could, as if to say that love is an ideal remedy for hurt and and anxiety.   And “here my friend, is  a dash of love to ease your “suffering.”   The system knows that love is what it is all about. That the antidote to pain is love, and with love all of the natural functions start to normalize.

The problem is that it is not so easy with humans.  We cannot offer hugs and kisses and solve the problem; it is too late.  But there is a way: feel unloved and unfulfilled and open up the closed gates which tried to block too much pain into conscious/awareness. And slowly as we reopen the gates we can feel love again; pain diminishes and the biochemical processes readapt.  Wow, what love can do. The point is even before we are born , stress can change us epigenetically and we grow up thinking we suffer from a genetic affliction because it happened so early.  In other words, we are being shaped long before we go to school and interact with others. Those experiences are important but not as critical as womb life.  The origins of behavior problems exist long before we can behave socially.  And this is very true of mothers who are stressed before and during pregnancy.  They are creating imprints that endure in us and can affect us for a lifetime.

What I think Primals do by lowering pain levels is increasing oxytocin. I believe this is true in those advanced patients who seem far more capable of love.   It seems to change the imprints in the limbic system so that the feeling centers can function properly at last.  So we learn to love from loving parents but the capacity for love is much more epigenetic.  It is inside us, and our systems, when normal, are well prepared for it.   “OK, I am open.  Shove it in and I will tell you when I have had enough.” ENOUGH!


  1. "Message In A Bottle"

    Just a castaway
    An island lost at sea
    Another lonely day
    With no one here but me
    More loneliness
    Than any man could bear
    Rescue me before I fall into despair

    I'll send an SOS to the world
    I hope that someone gets my
    Message in a bottle

    A year has passed since I wrote my note
    But I should have known this right from the start
    Only hope can keep me together
    Love can mend your life
    But love can break your heart

    I'll send an SOS to the world
    I hope that someone gets my
    Message in a bottle

    Walked out this morning
    Don't believe what I saw
    A hundred billion bottles
    Washed up on the shore
    Seems I'm not alone at being alone
    A hundred billion castaways
    Looking for a home

    I'll send an SOS to the world
    I hope that someone gets my
    Message in a bottle

    Sending out an SOS


  2. I would suggest the evolutionary meaning of love making pain more bearable, is that if you are valuable to the group then there is the capacity to absorb more stress (as the group neutralizes it, in part). If you are not valuable to the group then stress will kill you off more quickly.

  3. My dearest frend Art!

    I can not stand with both feet on the ground in thoughts about what happens!

    "The point is even before we are born, stress can change us epigenetically and we grow up thinking we suffer from a genetic affliction because it happened so early. In other words, we are being shaped long before we go to school and interact with others. Those experiences are important but not as critical as womb life. The origins of behavior problems exist long before we can behave socially. And this is very true of mothers who are stressed before and during pregnancy. They are creating imprints that endure in us and can affect us for a lifetime".

    This must be the basis for how a teacher's knowledge is about something quite different from what is now the requirements... without any regard to how children's brains rushing in a completely different direction than managing knowledge learning... it without any consideration to the child state for what it is fighting for his life not to experience?

    What a tragedy... what a punishment to be needing to be facing the impossible! Art did you herar this? Can we possible be looking... just looking without doing somthing more? Pleas Art give me the tools you have not told me about? There must be at least some evidences that proves what is happening in a childs brain which no one can deny with the science under their noses.

    We "just" need to prove it!

    Your Frank

    1. I am now finishing a book to answer your questions. The first science of psychotherapy. Hang on and you will get it. art

    2. Over 90 and still cranking them out. How do you do it?

    3. Andrew, I am on a mission. To leave the world better than I found it. art

  4. Reliving a primal pain may only last for a matter of hours, but it literally takes away decades of pain. The most painful part is carrying all that hurt and tension around year after year, and not feeling it at the level that gets rid of it. Feeling freaked out, anxious, angry, frustrated, despair, tired, exhausted, driven, obsessed, hatred, unloveable etc... on a daily basis is far more painful and exhausting, than having a Primal Therapy session that gets rid of it, in a matter of hours, once and for all! Yes one has to chip away at it, to get to the core feelings that are causing all the problems , however at every little step along the primal road to recovery, there are rewards of relief. You can't imagine how great it feels to finally get free of primal pains. Primal Therapy is life changing and life saving!
    It is criminal that there is an answer to human suffering and no one talks about it. Katerina

  5. Your ideas are becoming more widepread. This is from a finance professor in Denmark. She finds that financial stress during the last recession affected birth outcomes ( low birth weight, male to female ratio, etc..) which results in a lifelong handicap

  6. Dr. Janov,
    I’m so glad that you write about Oxytocin. As you may remember I believe oxytocin is THE healing hormone that influences us for the rest of our life. More inside was revealed after my back surgery March 10, 2016. Lack of oxytocin is the foundation for low pain tolerance on the physical side, and lack of trust on the psychological side.
    In spite of having a very extensive surgery, I left the hospital after 2 days.
    If I’m in a place where I don’t feel save, I can’t heal because I cannot sleep.
    I’m in lots of pain and can’t write to much, but I believe you understand what I mean.
    May I encourage you to get money for research from the VP. He is open to finance different approaches.
    Read his answer to me: http://boxbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Answer_VP.pdf

    1. Sieglinde, I hope you are much better. I will try Mr. Biden if I can. art
