Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Steve Jobs Movie

I just saw one of the worst films ever by well known professionals.   It never moved me for a second and yet here was a man who helped change the entire world but you would never know it by the film.  Too many intellectuals in the mix in the film called Steve Jobs.  But here is a much worse crime; someone using name, books and therapy to promote himself as a Primal Therapist.  So what is the crime?    Pretending to help Jobs when there was no chance of that happening.  That is the danger of the charlatans.   It is a precise science that takes years to learn.  Some professional cannot just pick up a book and know how to do it.  Who suffers?  The patient; in Job’s case it was fatal.

I have no idea what was wrong with Jobs nor if I could have helped him, but we have treated seriously ill patients.  And some with success.  With a charlatan it cannot be said because they fool around, hoping that something might happen.   This is no different from the myriad of addiction clinics springing up who offer good diet, exercise given by professionals,  talk sessions in group  or otherwise, and with no scientific results whatsoever.  Worse, no control at all by government nor scientists.

Where do these people get the idea that they can fool around in psychotherapy without  proper scientific backgrounds?  No measureable results?  They want to be loose and free and do whatever they think might help.

This is not a game, but unfortunately there are no laws or laws to follow since therapy in history has been pretty much of a game, where anyone can play. So they add dance therapy and  massages to help patients feel better while ignoring the cause.  Do those “healers” really believe they are treating a serious affliction?  Or are they selling hope?   They are selling a concept, an idea to fill the heads of the sufferers and patients are encouraged to recount at how much better they feel.  They do not work or study while at their healers compound, so of course one can feel a bit better.  No responsibility.  No taking care of kids, no work just play and go through the motions of getting well.

We have treated enough deep addictions to know what is behind most addictions.  There is no place here for booga booga therapy.  It is a crashing malady that requires understanding, empathy and knowing about the deeply embedded roots and imprints roiling the brain.   If there is no deep brain experienced there is no cure. There is no soft way in or out of it.  Pain in and pain must go out.  But only in a systematic, evolutionary way.    No shortcuts.    If the cause is pain and duh! They take pain-killers,  the way out must involve pain; not any pain but exactly the pain that was laid down  years before.  The pain that endured because it remained lodged in the deep brain.  Oh yes, let us  not forget where deep pain lies and how and where it must be approached.    If we stay on the neocortical level how can we ever treat deep-brain processes?   And that is where the imprinted pain remains.  We can dance around it but it is the source, hidden and well sequestered but a force to be dealt with.   Who ever anointed the healers that they could treat addiction?  The same people who told them they could treat migraine and high blood pressure?  We can see addiction so we think we can treat it.   Wrong!  


  1. Hello Art and everyone.

    Art, imagine that you want to buy a carpet and you have to choose between 10 sellers. have no idea what a carpet is, how to use it and of what material it should be made.
    You have only heard from your friends that it is a good idea just to possess one.

    Reverse the example and now you are the "seller" (you provide primal therapy) and some people need unrgently therapy. Why would they choose you amongst dozens of others?
    Well, myself, I know why, but they don't. For them, you are just one from the bulk. And since they are in pain, they need something fast and obviously not painful ["fast and not pain" is not the exact description for primal therapy, although its results are real and long-lasting].

    To put it differently, your words and your "why's" above target their intellectual condition and cannot help you stand out from that ocean of therapy-offering. They need an enormous slap (which usually comes directly from life itself) to realize that thinking and meditating is temporary. But again, for such slaps there are drugs and act-outs!

    Thus, you need a different approach to touch the potential patients. I don't know which one, but if something comes up, I will let you know. Until then, keep up your work which is an excellent one, if you ask me!

  2. "They want to be loose and free and do whatever they think might help."

    but Art, isn't that how Primal Therapy started? Surely there must be some balance between science and experimentation?


  3. Steve Jobs, wow...I never knew this. Maybe people will read what Art has to say here and face facts; just might save someone, and save time. Thanks Art for writing this.

  4. This shit is so strong. It kills me every day bit by bit. If PT would have been available throught insurance. If......

  5. Hi Art,

    The mere idea that we might not have so much free will to 'do stuff' that will cure us through our 'own efforts' is deeply frightening for most people.

    Paul G.

  6. To go through a therapy for whatever you choose is just a thought away from the madness if it is not not primal therapy and there is nothing... absolut nothing and no one that deals with similar therapies who can guarantee you a safety more than what their medication makes it guilty... guilty for what ever they can name security through medication. There is no safety and there will never be any... to it... there is no substance for what ever they do that has any security!

    And if we start talking about meditation... then you are really in trouble they do not even use any blocking medication in case something should go wrong! Then you are sent to a psychiatric clinic given blockers for being something wrong with you and not for what the meditation opened up to!

    They do not know... but now through this post it shall be by their good memory that it is extremely harmful for what the consequences might be for their victims... victims is what they are and it will never change... it for what science presents.

    It is a criminal activity going on and no one seems to care not even those who know that it does. Through these words... will no one never ever be able to get away with what therapies and medications they expose unknowing people to.

    There rests a "curse" in people's ruthlessness in effort to escape their own suffering! We weep for what they suffer... but beyond our sorrow... they're guilty of something no tears we cry will ever help against... for what they have done! How long shall we put up with this without even taking a chance to achieve a change? We live in the reality of what madness is our curse!


  7. Art,

    -"Some professional cannot just pick up a book and know how to do it"-.

    So mostly they roundly ignore you and pretend the entire field doesn't exist, or it's just 'over there', y'know, 'out of sight'. . . . .

    - Booklearned -.

    Paul G.

  8. While this article concentrates on the fact that Jobs consulted a mock Primal therapist, I just want to add the observation , perhaps not relevant to this specific discusssion, that I do not understand the respect that this guy was extended. Here was a guy who started like I did (and Bernie Sanders did) in the hippie counterculture, but who sold out to the System creating ever more clever gadgets for the masses to fool around with.And worse, he had these gadgets manufactured in sweatshops around the world, just like any other exploitive capitalist.Not to mention he was arrogant and egotistical.

    What this world needs is better people, not better gadgets. We have enough of these cellphones and what not. Why do people pay attention to Jobs but not Janov, who seems to have some very meaningful things to offer to a troubled world?


  9. I was one of the addicts that you cured with primal therapy, real primal therapy, at the primal institute. I thank my lucky stars…. that I went through primal therapy so long ago…every thing you say is true…. drug treatment is a racket…. it makes the corporate health care system billions… and doesn’t offer real hope for anyone,,, My own father was a drug addict, and i watched him die from cirrhosis.. The same thing would have happened to me if it wasn’t for you… thank you.. All the best

  10. Another email comment:
    Wow Art: What a great revelation (exposure) of bad film work. I am tempted to see it for the sake of seeing just how bad film making can be. From what I know of the work of Steve Jobs and his companion Steve Wazinak who I always felt he got a little left out in the cold.

    For sure what those two as kids did in a garage, it changed the world. Way more so than I ever thought Bill Gates did.

    Take care Art and hope your health is holding out. I'm 8 year behind you and hope to make it at least to 90. Thanks for the most part, for what you yourself gave to the world.
