Monday, March 28, 2016

A Wee Bit More on Addiction

It is all over the news lately.  Many states are trying to control the sale of serious pain-killers and slow down the spread of addiction.   OK fine. Does anyone care what addiction is or why it is there?  What makes addiction and why is the most effective pain-killer also the most effective, and the most addictive?  Does it mean that those who need it are actually in pain?  Yes, but no one sees it; and the deepest level of imprinted pain where the hurt is almost ineffable tells us two things.  That the deepest levels of brain function also harbor the deepest levels of pain, and that the earlier the trauma the more one needs pain killers that no one can see or is aware of.   Thus pain is installed from gestation on and is devastating.   Because the need is at its asymptote and must be fulfilled; or else there is untold suffering.  And one needs to kill the pain without ever knowing it is there.

And then there are the medical pundits who stay awake at night trying to take their medicine away.  Do they know what lies there deep in the antipodes of the brain?  How could they; what they see is the need for drugs and never say to anyone, “Why the drugs?”  It is as if diabetics need medicine to control their blood levels while an army of specialists are trying to stop them from having it.   The pain is lodged in the brain and the need to stop it is biologic. All this is a direct legacy from the Behaviorists who see only behavior and want to change it; the YMCA approach.   They stay on the surface and do not go deeper in their understanding because they do not go deep into themselves. They do not recognize a deeper self, and that misunderstanding and superficiality seeps into all of the Addiction Centers who practice non-scientific,  booga booga medicine; lots of good food, exercise, no work and conseling and emotional support. Wonderful for amelioration but never approaches causes.

Yes these powerful drugs are addicting because the cause remains untouched.  And so the response of using remains untouched.  Yes of course there are dangers, but ask any addict if he is willing to take the risk to be bereft of pain he does not know exists?  But it is importuning and takes precedence above all else. If someone is jabbing you with a needle could you concentrate and function?

I have seen this embedded pain for 50 years in my Primal work. It qualifies as ineffable. I have measured it, filmed it and studied it with addicts, enough to know that serious addiction must be in-patient because when the pain comes up, even in small titrated doses, it is devastating.  The good part  is that once the pain is relived it is gone from the system, one small piece at a time.   But if it is not relived exactly as it was laid down, it will remain for a lifetime and become “ADDICTING.”  I have seen this over and over in those who come to me from addiction centers who have not relived as neurobiology dictates and go on suffering.  They are recidivists because the pain has never left, even they have gone through the motions of screaming and crying.   It is not that therapy does not help; it has to be the right help.  It has to rely on science.   There are no shortcuts or easy answers, no quick-fix.  It took a long time to be seeded into the system and will take time to undo it. The level of this seeding/imprinting is marked by methyl traces what tell us where the pain is lodged and how agonizing it is.  And we will soon measure the traces to show how and when the pain  leaves the system and how strong it was.  This undoing of history is called demethylation; it is the new brain science that marks the level of imprinted pain.   Primal pain is neurobiologic, not like a pin prick that comes and goes.  Primal pain lingers because the pain lingers.  That pain is the in and out of addiction. If never recognized addiction will not leave no matter our best intentions despite all those delicious and expensive chef-concocted gourmet meals. Hey, I would love that that despite not being addicted; let’s see, no work,  lying around, exercising and being paid attention to and helped with counseling. Sign me up.  How much did you say?   Several thousand a month to be pampered? Wait a minute, let me think about it.

This is an email from a former patient I received recently:
Thanks for writing this….

I was one of the addicts that you cured with primal therapy, real primal therapy, at the primal institute.  I thank my lucky stars…. that I went through primal therapy so long ago … every thing you say is true… drug treatment is a racket…. it makes the corporate health care system billions… and doesn’t offer real hope for anyone… My own father was a drug addict, and i watched him die from cirrhosis. The same thing would have happened to me if it wasn’t for you…  thank you."

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