Articles on Primal Therapy, psychogenesis, causes of psychological traumas, brain development, psychotherapies, neuropsychology, neuropsychotherapy. Discussions about causes of anxiety, depression, psychosis, consequences of the birth trauma and life before birth.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Let's Look Again at Evolution and Psychotherapy
Our lower brain and brainstem were designed originally for immediate, rapid reaction. It is survival and supreme defense. As the brain developed and added on higher levels of function, all the way to the top neo-cortex, we got help in sussing out danger and responding to it. Our mechanisms became more elaborate and arcane. On the way, what happened down deep in the brain became more indecipherable so we no longer knew what was bothering us. Thus, deep imprinted terror on the level of the brainstem sent its message up high and suddenly it became transformed into anxiety. Then we began treating anxiety as some mysterious affliction, never understanding what it is and where it came from. We did not know because we had never taken patients down to the brainstem level, and therefore had no idea what lies down there. So we guessed and developed fancy theories about it, which had to be wrong because it remained a mystery. But there were and are clues. So let’s see, what is one clue?
First line dangers which awaken primitive terror mean that menace is close, danger is approaching and we must react. The closer that danger the more our primitive terror reactions. But, but… our brain evolved we became alienated from the real danger, our deep imprints, and sent the message on high to the neocortex. And what does the cortex do? It gets all wound up ready for action. But what kind of action? No one knows. But it remains on the qui vive; the cortex churns away in a constant frenzy. And how do we treat it? We give medication that works where? On those lower levels where terror is organized; and what does that do? It stops the frenzy. And we just thought it was a cerebral frantic state that we had to deal with. We offer, " Don’t pay attention. Put your mind elsewhere. Try Mediation, etc. etc", ad nauseam. What do we do? We follow orders. We “learn” how to relax, as if that were possible when the lower brain is in a flurry of activity. We do anything to deny and divert attention from the real problem….traumatic memory that required frenzy and being battle-ready. The system helps out because our biochemistry works on the gating system and tries to keep it closed so that we never find out what the source is. And the devilish part is that now we must wend our way down to that source through the various levels of the brain, slowly, methodically so as not to overwhelm things. There is no way to get down there immediately. Those who did so, using LSD paid the price too often of psychosis, as the brainstem threw up its hidden cave of primal demons and overwhelmed the neo-cortex, preventing it from functioning properly. It manufactures bizarre ideas, delusions, to cope with the upsurge of imprints. We treated the delusions, some therapists, tried to meet those delusions and tried to change the patient’s ideas by that method. Always ignoring origins, the key to cure. And those origins were and are behind so much of sleep problems and nightmares. We cannot fall asleep cause our brains are ruminating on this or that, and we cannot get off it; we cannot stop the input from below from our primevil beginnings. And we have nightmares because in our brains the danger is immediate and life threatening, which it is, and we need be alert to protect ourselves. We need to be aware to watch out for the danger. We become hyper aware in order to block unconscious imprints. Aware to defeat the unconscious. That is why those who become intellectuals have fled to their heads and never feel the danger that activates them.
Can we treat psychosis? Sometimes, but the damage is done and the patient too often needs to remain in a controlled environment. We don’t have that. The same is true of marijuana, although I am told the new marijuana is safe. I do not know enough about it to agree or disagree, but the long time pot-smokers I have seen over the years behave like those who took LSD. Both drugs chip away at the gating system, weaken it and thus prematurely allow deep imprints to mount and disrupt everything. And what is the last line of defense against the mounting danger? Delusions; we call upon the last developing part of the brain to whip into action to manufacture a defense. Let’s be clear: as the terror from down deep nudges the higher levels into action the whole system responds to danger; and what is the danger? Feelings. You mean feelings, our own feelings are a danger? Let me explain. The imprints from the first weeks of gestation are monumental. They are psychosis-producing. Now as they mount to the thinking, ideational cortex, but back then when they militated into childhood psychosis (a mother taking drugs, smoking and drinking from the start). The more of these gating-weakening drugs we take the more the deep levels bump into the higher ones. The danger becomes immediate; hence an “anxiety attack.” We cannot relax in the face of danger, and we should not, as then we will be in terrible danger. The weaker the gates the closer the danger and the higher the terror/anxiety level. So we have two choices. We can strengthen the gates by offering SSRI’s (Prozac), the same brain chemical that was depleted in the original combat during gestation and birth. In short, boosting the gates again to block feelings and pain. Or we can do what makes more sense—help open the gates in a safe way so that the primal forces finally have egress, and finally we can heal and relax.
Let me be clear. There is new research that indicates that the key repressive painkilling chemical mechanism in most SSRI’s is serotonin. This was recruited to help in the battle early on in the womb and now when we run out we get more from outside; those precious pills. The research states the defective serotonin interacts with stress during the fetal stages which increases basic long term risk.(see They reported that a certain receptor for serotonin was examined to see what it did in the formation of brain circuits, and in particular, those cells that regulate excitement. It helps dampen too much input and neuronal action. In other words, it helps reduce potential cerebral hyperactivity. This keeps serotonin on track, helping to find its place in the developing cortex where it can function best. It seems to have a role in the correct assembly of neuron tracks. When serotonin receptors are impaired the whole gating system is affected. Trauma certainly damages the serotonin system. Pregnant women who take drugs can damage or modify serotonin neurons. All to say that very early on we begin to weaken that most crucial gating system. And there is no going back. The damage remains and later on we find those with ADD and severe anxiety states. We never know why.
Wait a minute!: Yes we do.
We need to get it right about evolution because visceral reactions, come from the viscera which are organized at the beginnings of our lives, down deep in the brain. So clearly, we are anxious long before we are aware of it or can give it a name; and when we do we give it the wrong name—anxiety—instead of deeply embedded terror. Worse, then we try to treat this anxiety without knowing where it comes from or what it really is. Still worse, the ideas about it, our name for it, came along millions of years after it started its life.
To reiterate: The same traumas that severely damage the fetus and his brain are the very same that mount with the use of pot and LSD to again produce severe reactions; most often psychosis and delusions. They are not different causes just because they are produced at different times; they are the same with disastrous reactions at different stages of our evolution. They are crazy making.
Hi Art,
ReplyDeleteover the years I have met a few people who profess to have taken many hundreds of LSD Trips and they also profess to be and appear to be completely unaffected. . . the few I have met are middle aged geeks; often into code writing and computers.
There's a certain kind of "bullet proof" intellectual personality. . . Timothy Leary comes to mind. . .
Though he was fully into weird ideas and died young. . . I nearly fell for Timothy Leary but his theory made me terribly weary. . . .
Paul G.
This weekend my wife and I visited some friends. Both have had depression and even come close to breakdowns though they would never think that. Both have taken SSRI's. I thought they had stopped but this weekend was informed that the husband is on a low dose. The lack of love and critical domineering Parents have resulted in this need for a chemical cosh. The husband thinks he is fine. However how does all that deep seated Brain activity come out now that it is not allowed out into the concious mind? Hyperactivity physically. A Garden dug and dug and dug, walls built, shrubs pruned and long long speedy walks every day. Food eaten at a fast rate. Everything done at a furious rate while the SSRI helps the person think they are fine. The poor guy is probably heading for a heart attack or heart bypass and his wife worries about him while at the same time doing her own Neurotic control dance by controlling him, encouraging him to cook and then mocking his attempts to do so because cooking is one of her few areas of self confidence but not enough to allow someone else to flower in that area. I love them to bits in many ways but after two days I am stressed out by it all. Stressed by seeing what is going on and feeling powerless to help. I tried to get the husband to read "Drama of being a Child" a few years ago but his intellectual defence (he went to Cambridge) is still too strong and he poo poo'd it.
ReplyDeleteLove can not be given through any promises... only through a thriving experience of feelings!
ReplyDeleteWhat if need of mom and dad expressed in words is the question to give us back our memories from our childhood marked by pain... what is there to lose?
A room that will never change is my room where the hell pervaded my life... a room in my therapeutic process as I return to again and again and again just to allow all the pain to end up on the spot possible to visualize in conscious awareness! A room that was cemented as well as all other rooms were during our development! What if I could have been loved in the rooms I return to ... what a difference would it not been if I could returning to my childhood memories with feelings of love?
Our experience of lovelessness continues its journey when we seek help for anxiety and depression in our clinics... prepared in the sense of helping us... clinics that since long ago denies science as a basis for the method.
I want to live... but can not because they do not understand what is the cause of my suffering! Can something be more like hell?
An email comment:
ReplyDeleteInteresting that you mentioned anxiety states, as it triggered a recent insight I had after a "primal"? I usually cry when I try to feel for any real length of time say an hour or two. The last time I felt a much greater calm, my legs which have always been tense, relaxed some. I felt a kind of quiet relaxation, and as I noticed myself not turning on the tv, turning off the radio, and not keeping dialog going in my head, or talking to myself, and it came to me: I have been drowning out the anxiety of my life... I have a LOT farther to go, and I am far from having the amazing experiences I have read about in your books, but oddly I am changing, inside, and inside is becoming a much quieter and less anxious space.
Thanks Art
Off topic:
ReplyDeleteI work with a girl who was pregnant. I wanted to introduce her to some advice on having a good birth. But virtually before I could as much as open my mouth, her response was basically: "I'm not into that hippie bullshit...and so I don't want to hear it". I said "ok" and left it at that.
But it's pathetic. Even if it was "hippie bullshit", why not listen to it anyway? What harm could words do? Why the blunt out-of-my-face response?
The truth is she didn't want to over-complicate anything. She couldn't be bothered testing for the possibility of truth in what I had to say, and discovering maybe something important. Her response was basically just convenient and easy. But why should she react like this?
Bluntly, and as I believe, she didn't really give a shit about the ultimate wellbeing of her baby - because she wanted her baby for abstract reasons that have nothing to do with the desire to bring a new, young human being into her life.
You can tell by her nature that she's not a mother and doesn't want to be one, on a real level. This pregnancy is just another project - another thing to do, another thing to 'achieve'.
I don't judge her for that. There's nothing morally wrong with not wanting to be a mother, for whatever reason. But there is something wrong with bringing a child into the world that you don't truly want to have. And one of the effects of this is that we fill the world up children who are deprived...with serious long-term costs to our societies.
Maybe we, as a society, need to encourage mothers who don't really want to be mothers to not have kids. 'Unwanted children' is probably the root of all evil - it's what makes "evil" people.
Sorry for the rant - just wanted to say all that.
Hi Andrew,
DeleteMany people agree the biologic urge to breed is stronger than the 'fear' of the consequences, stronger even than the alleged disinterest in parenting. . . The fear is in the (usually correct) assumption that becoming a parent constrains your personal freedom; inside that is the potential intuition that YOU will be challenged to face your own UNMET needs. Having to put a little bairns needs first is challenging even for a 'normal' person.
Say it's true, that biology really does drive procreation, then what people 'say & do' is largely a false layer, a defense against their fears. Some say they 'planned' for their pregnancy, some have to incorporate their future child into a version of their false self image to justify it, some belittle it. . . and on and on.
Few people, mothers or fathers have much inkling of what they're really letting themselves in for. . . Many fathers hardly, if ever find out and find themselves quickly on the 'outside' of a domestic / gender divide. . .
But people continue to procreate whatever they 'believe' or say or do and it's a shame we are so defended against this so common yet so massive and important 'phase' of Life & Existence.
Why the denial?
Neurosis. Why neurosis?
Primal Pain.
Paul G.