Thursday, December 4, 2014

Can We Learn to Love?

Is that possible?  To learn to love?   Is it ever possible? Nope.   Just a wee bit?  Nope.   How about liking someone more?   Yep.  Then learning to love should be possible?  Nope.  What can we learn as adults?  How to build a computer, fix a propeller, mow the lawn, blah blah.  But love?  Here we are confusing two parts of us that are often antithetical.  Learning is top level; cerebral, a brain devoid of feeling.   Don’t forget; it cannot feel and is not supposed to.  It can interpret feelings, explain them and write about them ad nauseum.  But when feelings surge forth,  the top level recedes.  Love is deeper in the brain, does not need language or learning.   In fact, it is impervious to learning.    The more lessons we have on how to love, the less loving we become.  Saying “I love you,” all day long is not a substitute for hugging and kissing and showing joy at seeing each other.

The military learns to take orders, and  obey without thinking.  Feeling would screw it all up and we wouldn’t be able to kill any more.  And why is obeying so important?  Because it blocks feeling.  You would not hear a woman who is hugged and kissed often complain, “You never say you love me.”  It was just said in the language of love.  It exudes out of every pore. But what you can actually learn is motivation, a willingness to work and study.  That comes within a loving environment.  The teachers that I had who patted me or put their arms around me are the ones I learned from.  So I perfected Spanish and typing; and after about 12 years of four universities I learned very little else.  I learned a lot from those who called my name and asked me how I felt and how I was doing. So, Mr Reagan, it is not the three R’s, readin, writin and rithmatic.  It is kindness, generosity and interest from those who teach; who show approval and encouragement.   Who love teaching and the students who learn.  School is not the military and “military intelligence” is a contradiction in terms. ….,an oxymoron.

What was so important that I learned about child rearing was from my dog.  She taught me about loving and how important it was. I gave her every freedom yet she always stayed by my side.  That is why I always took my dog to therapy sessions.  She heard cries and licked my patients who then cried and screamed—they never cared and never showed empathy like my dog.   When we are loved the right feeling brain grows and develops and we learn nuance and music and art and kindness and empathy and love; that is a lot of learning.   And that is the springboard for real learning.  That is why most of my Ph.D’s cannot learn to do the therapy, even though they know every theoretical answer.  They cannot sense what the patient is feeling; cannot  know when they make a right or wrong move in a session.   Cannot know when to stop pushing a patient (in order to feel that they got the patient to a feeling, even though they overloaded her.).

How do we learn to love?   How do we learn to be a good therapist?  We don’t.  My kids, when they were young, did my therapy and they were right on most of the time.   If they got a doctor’s degree I am afraid that all feelings would have been squeezed out of them. Primal Therapy is an art within a science.  We need to understand nuance coupled with scientific understanding.  Not one or the other, but both at once, conjoined into one outlook; one therapeutic perspective.
So we know what is going on inside patient, both in her feeling brain and in her intellectual one.   But alas, we have very smart therapists talking endlessly to patients while crushing their feelings and taking them out of any chance to get well.   Because, they cannot get well in their head alone , but everywhere in their system.   But intellectual therapists are satisfied to get patients well in their thinking, intellectual brain.   The feeling part, the sexual one, the artistic one is neglected and overlooked.   And what do we get?  a smart dummy, who knows history and literature but not their own history and not what they could write if they were in touch with their personal literature.

I would like to redesign a doctoral program that includes empathy, touch, hugs and kindness.  I would remove all statistics and graphs and concentrate on the doctor herself; help her understand her life, her beginnings and how it shaped and sculpted her.  I would offer her Primal Therapy so she could learn everything she needs to know about treating another person.   And guess what? No charge.  I do not think medicine and therapy should be paid for.  We do that with our taxes.  It is not a profit making venture.   I tried for years to offer my therapy to several governments. I took my son to see the English Minister of health and offered him my therapy.  He smoked a pipe, took a deep breath and said, “Let me see if I got this right.  You have a psychotherapy that cures, are willing to have it examined by our specialists and there will be no costs?   Whereupon my 12 year old son said, “Dad let’s get the hell out of here before it is too late.”  And we did.    


  1. That would be great to incorporate the feeling, emotional , creative person into therapy. I think love, to me, happened a few times. But aside for those few times, I actually feel as though, now looking back on it....I was more in love with the idea of being in love than loving a person; that is where now I see mistakes made. In the beginning, one may be in love with the idea of having someone or in love with the idea of loving someone; but that , to me, isn't loving someone (one is trying to teach themselves to love and it just isn't "the real thing".) I don't even think, the times I was in love, that it would have lasted even though I was definitely in love with 2 men. And they didn't last, mainly my fault...due to my youth and stupidness. Had I known what I know now, I might have had a chance at love. People , many people, of all ages, could benefit from a therapy where there were feeling, emotions shown. I think it would be very beneficial to the people in the U.S.

  2. If love, emotions and feelings are present in therapy ; maybe people would be kinder towards one another in this world. As it is now, there are some (not the majority, at least I don't think so) "cold-hearted" people out there who think they know everything, and who think they have power. Sure the love I felt at one time was lost, and on the rebound found someone, but that didn't work out at much as I tried, there was a "condition" , a "stipulation" that if I didn't go away to a foreign country with him, that I was not worthy of much of anything...worst relationship I ever had. So to me, I felt more, because I would never place a "condition" or "stipulation" on love. It was the "thing" to do...his best friend had a girl who went away with him, so why couldn't I? Really didn't want to at all. This was not love.....although, I tried on my part. Everyone told me, that it was a bad relationship, and to get out . Finally, I did myself a favor and got out. Never tried at love again. Don't know why. I like the idea of being in love, but had it a couple of times, and now wish I could go back to one of them now at this time in my life...but to them, that love is long gone and never thought of....which is o.k. (fine....good by me). There are other types of love ; love for family, pets, people in need....doesn't have to be a "love/sex , boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. Love, any kind of love that is mentally healthy, is good. Love in therapy, if shown, would be great, but people are so afraid to show their feelings. As much as one feels emotions, they just show the opposite many times.

  3. Art,

    What more do we need to know to understand that we do not know a thing about feelings.
    What an amazing story to make us "understand" that we do not understand a damn!

    Your Frank

  4. I think that without feeling the brain creates an intellectual prism for itself - usually socially reinforced by other intellectuals creating the same prism, from the same scene and the same education programme. Then any new information that is not consistent with their prism is just wrong or weird to them.

    Intellectuals can be so enlightened and clear, yet at the same time utterly blind.

    The problem is their confidence can allow them to easily dominate others, making them potentially extremely destructive.


  6. Hi Art,

    -"That is why most of my Ph.D’s cannot learn to do the therapy"-.

    The mind boggles. Why are they in your program then? Is there no end to my curiosity? Why should I care? But really, why teach these types if they make so little progress as actual therapists? The only reason I can think why is because they themselves have some awareness of their limitations and later on could SUPPORT Primal from a professional perspective when they 'make it' in another profession elsewhere. . .

    yours bemusedly

    Paul G.

  7. Hi,

    -"But intellectual therapists are satisfied to get patients well in their thinking, intellectual brain. The feeling part, the sexual one, the artistic one is neglected and overlooked. And what do we get? a smart dummy"-.

    One way you can tell if some poor creature has become brainwashed like this is by the language they use in the circumstances they use it in.

    For them it is ALL now about BOUNDARIES. Of course boundaries are important but the poor creatures we refer to here are manipulated by their programmers in the first place precisely because they don't have well defined boundaries to start with. Another bee in my bonnet as you can see. . . In particular is this 4 stage child development theory from Piaget (I think):
    1. Co-dependent (or "merged") which is essentially from the Primal perspective THE critical window.
    2. Counter-dependent.
    3. Independent.
    4. Interdependent.

    What many therapists have done is to develop a Cognitive Exercise Regime whereby certain behaviours that (allegedly) correspond with the above 4 stages can be identified and learned as MORE or LESS appropriate in any given situation. But, unfortunately this is exactly what Art discusses here. You cannot LEARN your way OUT OF a co-dependent ACT OUT by repelling the counter dependent activity of others. It may serve to deliver you into some temporary sanctuary and I'm not knocking that. Many abused people DO need to get away from their abusers. But to present this developmental / behavioural model as a GESTALT for real growth is a CONFIDENCE TRICK which exploits the very vulnerability of the poor creatures in the first place. It IS exploitative and I hate it. Just for one thing it HAS to assume the counter dependent one (in the Gestalt) MUST have NO CONSCIENCE. . . (That is just one particular conceit out of a litany of many different possibilities).

    This stinks so badly of hypocrisy I can hardly write about it without feeling sick. SO, here we have a (so called) therapist exploiting the transference of a co-dependent patient to develop a hierarchical Gestalt system that 'teaches' patients to ACT OUT independence when they havn't even begun to properly FEEL the true state of terror in their critical window period that caused them to become so incredibly timid & indecisive in the first place.

    It makes me feel sick and angry just to write about it. But I am glad to be able to articulate it on this blog nevertheless.

    Paul G.

    1. Hi,

      typical perfectionist:

      An afterthought of being witnessed on this blog (an 'insight' even):

      The terrifying assumption that toddlers (counter-dependent stage 2) ARE narcissistic BECAUSE they challenge authority. Worse still that they are still 'imprinting' and thus YOU can (re) program your toddler to copy your "revulsion at their obedience". . . which is what the tyrannical in us feeds on) and because they feel guilty that you had to look after them (IE: your parental needs were more important than their child needs). . . Sorry? who 's talking about who? ? ? Who is who's child when the child is programmed to seek approval to get NEEDS met ? ? ?

      This is how parents make a burden of parenting on their children's shoulders. Art's Primal reaches back far enough to pre - scribe the remedy for these historical dissatisfactions.

      Paul G.

  8. Hi Art,
    Your mentioning of Your dog immediately evoked my experiences with dogs...
    As a young boy I was terribly afraid of a barking dog and tried to pish him away with my (fortunately gloved little hands) ; I remember the laughing of my brother and did not understand why he was
    Since then I was afraid of dogs till now I have "grumpy" feelings when I see one approaching...

    Only 3 dogs to whom I had a closer relationship somewhat allieviated that I remember one who took my fingers between his teeth ...and I was n o t afraid!
    2 of those dogs were "Huskies" ; and a Husky the perpetrator who commtted this awful "crime":
    In an unobserved moment he grabbed a baby out of the basket and and ate her.

    I do not have the ability to imagine the feeling of her mom realizing this!!!
    Sorry for mentioning this event ,but it`s part of our reality on this"bloody star" (Carl Spitteler)
    Yours emanuel

  9. An email comment:
    Thanks for writing this, its one of your best.

    I've always thought that if I didn't have a dog, growing up, I wouldn't be here now. She was always there for me, when I felt bad. Thanks again.

  10. "Love is not something for what we thinking of... even if we think of love... thoughts of love is believing of love nothing of emotional reality. Love is an emotional experience... an experience that belongs to the whole body". We may well experience when love is alien to us... when we are shy... when we involuntarily suffer from a meeting with love in pain... from when need of love becomes pain and on to suffering as now shy.


  11. Hi,

    I had another thought. . .

    It may not be possible to learn to love but it may be possible to (re-learn) to be LOVED.

    I can be so closed off sometimes. . . Too hurt to let other people's best wishes and intentions IN.

    I am not alone in this. With a little help from my friends (the real ones) and some real information (like from this blog) I can take some risks, loosen my defenses and let a little love IN.

    As Art and others have said, other mammals, dogs. . . They want to love us; they are willing. Our children, they want to love us, they NEED to love us. . . We could perhaps learn to accept that love, to let some IN.

    Paul G.

  12. An email comment:
    Bravo to your son. ;) I don't think we learn to love but we can love and learn and we can learn to put loving and learning together. Sometimes here in my poverty and lack of a therapist, I think the little chihuahua I live with teaches me more about how to do that than most people I have encountered.

    Once in an "experiment" long ago, attempting to use a "buddy" system to feel, I took the turn of the patient and my friend sat behind me just "listening". His disinterested breathing in the midst of my expressing my pain enraged me. I calmly said to him, "I think this experiment is over."


  13. Being crazy in pursuit of their "freedom" helps no one ... something politicians must take into account in their democratic concerns. But as we well know... they are themselves a matter for what they are!

    We live in great fear for what our parents... schools and the military caused! We were formed to be loyal citizens... to obey... obey instead of love! Why we now are looking for freedom... "freedom" that in the end will cost us our lives"

    As prisoners under our own ok... we are lost for what we must obey. As adults... we are already free from our taskmasters... but we are not allowed to know why we still are prisoners for what the psychiatric and psychological scheme binds us to... our now taskmasters!

    We are one with all the others life-sentenced. We suffer together without the wisdom to discover it. We are depressed and have anxiety ... something "we sat in the lake" as a human disease... which blurs out the cause.

    We can only hope that words will ultimately be subject to understand the content ... a vague hope if not a legal investigation with attorneys knowledgeable their task enters the podium!


  14. Wait a minute. What is LEARNING? Don´t mix it up with the authoritarian thing we experienced in school which was CALLED learning. It´s the same thing that creates OBEDIANCE. What would soldiers be without it? (lousy soldiers.) I profess that this whole international anti-feeling thing comes out of the soldier´s morale. Which has influenced whole societies. Can a crying soldier kill? Let me finish with a line by the unwilling soldier Wilfred Owen. (poet who died in the trenches in 1918.) "I am the enemy you killed, my friend."
    Inga from Sweden

  15. Hi Art,

    -"I would like to redesign a doctoral program that includes empathy, touch, hugs and kindness. I would remove all statistics and graphs and concentrate on the doctor herself"-.

    We people take soundbites and fit them into their internal prism and then shine them back to confirm our prisms' 'authenticity'. Or in other words we plagiarise IDEAS to 'patch up' our false selves.

    If ideas are capital then words are surely it's currency.

    If I take the soundbite from Arts post above I could easily mistake what Art is saying for what many other professionals & therapists have long said in the humanistic / counseling professions. These of course have been running parallel to Arts Primal since the 60's. Over decades these humanistic ideas have gradually disseminated out into the UK / European (even US) helping professions gathering momentum and results from genuine practice with positive outcomes.

    These (democratically introduced) ideas and practices are often referred to as: "Client Centered".

    So what's all the fuss about then? ? ? Why listen to what Art has to say? ? ? After all, he's only saying what many (even most) are saying and improving (in the health care professions) as time goes (democratically) by. We ARE moving FORWARD aren't we? ? ?

    So I could accidentally diminish the VALUE of Primal because Art also speaks with a Humanistic Voice and this SEEMS like old hat. As if Art is repeating some one else's mantra.

    But (and it's a BIG BUT) what this soundbite does not distinguish is the difference between the INTENTION to feel and the FEELING itself. . .

    Humanism is great because it INTENDS to attend to Human Feelings & Needs. However Art's message is about a scheme which would put the DOCTOR squarely in the PATIENTS bed. . . So to speak, even the one the Doctor made for hirself to lie in. . .

    So why does Art think and say what he says (above) if he's NOT merely repeating the humanist mantra?

    The Doctor needs to be a patient FIRST.

    Paul G.

  16. When your blood is full of horny hormones, are you feeling a certain type of love? I don't think so. I think love and sex are two different things. When I am horny, the horny feeling triggers my desire to cuddle and kiss; I feel a smidgen of real love boosted by sexual desire, and I feel sexual desire boosted by real love, but the two feelings always emerge together -- the love is the unfulfilled need and the sex is the neurotic outlet. This is why I must avoid situations where sexual feelings are inappropriate.

    But some guys prefer to dominate their sexual "victims" - tie them up, spank them etc. -- no cuddles or kisses - and their girlfriends actually beg for this rough treatment. There is no love in that type of act-out, but long after the spankings have ended, they feel close to each other throughout the day; they know that they have access to each other in a very personal way. She says "I love him" even when he is spanking some other girl.

    My biggest desire in life is to feel full love without sex.

    By the way, I have severe bronchitis (this is the first time it has ever happened -- I hardly ever get sick). I am having intense coughing fits which result in total closure of the airway - unable to breathe at all for ten to fifteen seconds until the airway opens. It doesn't bother me much - I just relax and wait for it to open. I read that a lot of people panic when this happens, and this can make the spasm continue until they pass out. As soon as they are unconscious the airway will open and breathing will resume (poor people!). I wonder what causes such an extreme reaction. I haven't been to the doctor yet because I am waiting to see if my immune system will do the job. I have been researching it on the internet. Doctors seem to know very little about this choking symptom -- only that it will subside each time it happens.

    1. Richard, have you thought about it being a memory? art

  17. Yes Art the first thing I thought of was Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) because my cousin's child died from this and my friend has brain damage caused by MAS. The stressed fetus defecates in the womb and is at risk of inhaling its own feces/meconium before it is born. This can result in serious lung disfunction. I can't think of any other reason why the airway would close completely. Most babies who defecate in the womb do not inhale their feces. I wonder if this choking reflex has no purpose other than to prevent inhalation of toxins in amniotic fluid. In utero defecation is more common with overdue babies. I was very overdue. Also, high concentrations of nicotine have been found in amniotic fluid in expectant mothers who smoke. My mother smoked through all of her pregnancies. When nicotine enters a fetus's lungs it can cause considerable damage to its lungs and it can cause strong interference with brain development So yes, my choking reaction could be a prenatal memory. My brother and two sisters all have asthma, and my mother's first two babies died before birth.
