(Originally published August 15, 2008)
At UCLA Pulmonary Laboratory, my staff and I filmed two patients in slow motion moving exactly like a salamander (in a birth reliving that was spontaneous and unexpected) for over an hour and a half each. They were reliving anoxia at birth due to the heavy anesthesia given to the mother which affected their respiratory system. Drugs given to a 130-pound mother enters a system of a six-pound neonate and shuts down many systems. They were reliving this anoxia with the most primitive nervous system, hence the salamander-like movements. It was evident that no person, not even themselves at a later point, could duplicate their movements nor their deep breathing voluntarily, and certainly not for half an hour. They would have been exhausted. These patients were not exhausted. In some of these relivings, which were filmed, the body temperature dropped to 94.8 degrees in a matter of minutes. The patient was neither cold nor suffering from it. He is reliving an event where the body temperature was exactly 94.8 degrees. And each time the patient relives this kind of event, the fall, or rise, will be the same. The individual, therefore, in his reliving does not lie; it duplicates history exactly; the history that each of us carries around every minute our lives. It is that history that often requires quelling or suppressing with tranquilizers and painkillers, particularly when there was no love or touch very early in life. When patients relive enough of their painful history, they no longer need alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and painkillers.
The research in blood gases with these patients was carried out in association with UCLA director Dr. Donald Tashkin and his associates, pulmonary scientists Dr. Eric Kleerup and M. B. Dauphinee. They were wired for, among other things, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. They were then taken through a simulated Primal, or reliving, of an early trauma. During the simulation, both patients became dizzy and had "clawed hands," within three minutes, typical of hyperventilation syndrome. This research has great significance for understanding the human psyche, for understanding access to deep brain levels and for how psychotherapy must be practiced.
We took frequent blood samples with an in-dwelling catheter during the subjects' reliving episodes (every two to three minutes for one and a half hours) and during voluntary hyperventilation. We measured blood oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, as well as core body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. The simulation and the reliving were quite similar in terms of strenuous physical activity and deep, rapid breathing.
During the simulation, the blood carbon dioxide and oxygen levels were what one might expect. There were clear signs of the hyperventilation syndrome after a little over two to three minutes of deep breathing, including dizziness, tingling hands, rigidity of the extremities, bluish lips, loss of energy such that the subject could barely exert himself, and great fatigue.
In the reliving of oxygen deprivation at birth, however, there was no hyperventilation syndrome. Despite 20-30 minutes of deep, rapid, locomotive breathing (it is raspy and sounds like a locomotive), there was no dizziness, puckered lips, or tingly hands. The UCLA researchers found that lactic acid in their blood compensated for the low carbonic acid level caused by their locomotive breathing, preventing the hyperventilation syndrome. In other words, their muscular exertions during the reliving were so great that their oxygen requirement exceeded the supply. Their muscles were forced into anaerobic respiration, like a sprinter in a 100-yard dash: glucose is broken down to lactic acid in the absence of oxygen. No amount of voluntary exertion during a simulated primal could equal that effort. The factor that makes the difference is imprinted memory. The musculature under the control of the imprinted brain memory is working as hard in the session as in the original trauma to try to survive. In the reliving, the brain was signaling its history; a lack of oxygen and the necessity to breathe deeply.
In the UCLA study, we had accessed, almost directly, brainstem structures, something unheard of in the psychological literature, and witnessed their awesome power. It is perhaps the Holy Grail of psychological science. The import for psychotherapy is that only total reliving and frontal cortex connection makes profound change, for it is only in a reliving that vital signs change radically.
Thank you France for re posting this,
ReplyDeleteit gives me hope that I might one day get to my birth in re living episodes despite having been born unconscious, probably knocked out on strong drugs given to my mum. I suspect I was pulled out forcibly by hand, having got stuck just under her pelvic bone - that would explain why she got 'torn' down there (& why I often feel like a 'head banger'). I have patches of missing hair follicles in my beard which match finger prints positioned around my jaw to lever me out. You can put your fingers on those patches and it positions your hands exactly where you would need to 'get me out'. I suspect, if I can get to that early stuff, bruises will appear in those patches, possibly the hair will grow back and I will finally get a full beard. I have noticed quite a lot of older men do not have full beards and I wonder if this phenomenon is common.
One thing is for sure, as I get older, my beard in particular and body hair generally is getting thicker (except on my head where I am going bald & grey)! My arthritis is stabilising and my reliving experiences have changed radically.
Had I not read the Primal Scream in 1985 and then discovered this blog after a very serious breakdown in 2009, I may not have survived this long.
I have Art & France to thank for their work which aught to get mainstream recognition, we all know why it does not.
Thank you.
Paul G.
My tribute to Arthur Janov
ReplyDeleteI want to pay a tribute to the man who has saved my life. I've got something amazing in my hand. Being in touch daily with what I feel is a gift. I had never been able to figure out this equation my self and put 1 + 1 together so that it could be 2.
What I've got is absolutely amazing! I feel great now, joy, lust and I feel so motivated and positive inside. All the time I have experiences, everything is explained to me by feeling it. I know all the time that there are no parts of me that I do not know anything about and that's amazing because I want to know ALL about myself now. I miss it and I can't almost wait. I simply can not be without it, the feeling of wanting to feel it all has taken over.
I would not experience this today without Arthur Janov's books. My life is very interesting today. I am at the center of myself and no one can take it away from me anymore. The consciousness about myself is not a miracle but miraculous. I have Arthur to thank for everything, but all the work has to be done by myself it is up to me to do the job myself. No one can help me, if so it's only me who knows what hurts and ultimately me who can solve it all.
I understand the greatness of Janov's discovery. I understand the greatness of this amazing man. It's the discovery of myself that makes it so big. I have learned from the work that Janov wanted to show. My gratitude is endless. Waking up without anxiety is amazing, not to suffer, I'm in pain but have contact with the reason of it, what else can I ask for? The "happiness" I was looking for I have found. I feel so good.
Aida CastaƱeda