Wednesday, December 20, 2017

On Curing a Symptom

(Originally published July 27, 2008)

Let us start out by saying that no all symptoms are caused by repressed emotions but a good deal of them are. The question then poses itself, “What does it take to cure the symptom?” Can counseling do it? Yes, but with reservations. You see each level of consciousness--brainstem, limbic system and neocortex, contribute its specific kind of pain to the system. And they contribute the most when survival is at stake. That is why the most pain lies deep in the neuraxis where insult can affect whether we live or die. 

Now let us suppose that a migraine takes a level of 10 for it to be manifest. And we take away current stress that brings the pain level to eight. Have we cured it? No, we have taken away just that valence that originally put the system over the top and into a symptom. But we still have deeper levels of pain. We can only say we have “cured” it when we arrive at the very heavy valence pain that was at the origin of it all. 

In depression there are levels of hopelessness that finally result in overt depression. But until we arrive at the intrauterine trauma of a heavily drugged mother, for example, we cannot be said to have cured the problem. 

What too much of current psychotherapy does is manipulate the current burden, leaving the heavy-duty pains untouched. But that manipulation may have been enough to keep the symptom from manifesting itself (biofeedback, hypnosis, cognitive therapy, etc.). That might lead to the false notion that this method of manipulation is curative of such and such symptom. It is the same as in alcoholism. Enough support and warmth in the present can take just enough of the pain load away to snuff the habit. The reason that there is always a tendency toward the illness is that the underlying pain waits in its cage. When the system is weak and vulnerable again the symptom may spring forth. Cure is always tied to original causes. When the symptom is matched through feeling to its advent we have succeeded.


  1. Hope you all have a nice Christmas for those who celebrate. I'm thankful for all of your input this year on the blog and thankful for the Primal center staff and their caring and mission to help people. Where else can we find such valuable studies and openness to solutions of neurosis.
    Good feelings to you all.

    1. Hi Sheri,

      Thanks and to you too and all the other people.

      Paul G.

  2. Hi All,

    Art also wrote a piece about appearances and essence, the implication being that most people have some kind of a-historic fixation in the so called 'here and now' where only symptoms (appearances) manifest. Thus those pesky symptoms are a nuisance looking for a cure. That is the big lie.

    Paul G.
