Articles on Primal Therapy, psychogenesis, causes of psychological traumas, brain development, psychotherapies, neuropsychology, neuropsychotherapy. Discussions about causes of anxiety, depression, psychosis, consequences of the birth trauma and life before birth.
Friday, November 18, 2016
The Elusive Truth
I often write that the simple truth is revolutionary. But where is that truth? How do we recognize it when we find it? It is often not a truth we seek out; it is a truth that hits us from inside. A truth that can rattle our bones and can alter our thinking. I will often an example from my life.
I have been trying to have an MRI for a long time but I cannot make it. When I undergo the scan it seems likely my whole birth history arrives intact. And I fall into an anxiety state that is as spooky as anything I have ever undergone. It is not anxiety; it is terror of approaching death. So why is that? Because we carry it around all of the time, and when the circumstances are right it can be triggered again, especially when your head is not allowed to move, one cannot see out and breathing is more and more difficult as Primal suffocation raises its head. The baby feels all that and is in pure terror with no help, no one to ease the pain and no one to explain.
It takes place on the deepest levels of the brain where no concepts for understanding exist. And it leaves a trace, a methyl trace (called methylation). That marks the spot and indicates how painful it was and is. It agitates us so that we cannot think clearly and concentrate. We have to keep moving. I call it an “imprint” and it stays embedded in the brain and affects our anatomy, biology and neurology. It later drives our adult behavior and symptoms. If we do not recognize this we are doomed to not understand any of this; nor the origins of our compulsive behavior and recurring symptoms.
Our lives remain a mystery.
Anthony Weiner had an imprint that drove him to act out in exhibitionism. Once the imprint was there the act-out had to return in force and it did. No different from a severe physical symptom; once treated it remains a danger for years to come. It is an ineluctable force from which there is no escape. We cannot run from the imprint; it is part of us. On the contrary, we must run toward it, experience it and then be done with it. It has been part of our lives; only now it must be part of our conscious lives. My belief is that the earlier and more powerful the imprint the more like it will dog us for a long time. It is that recurring nightmare with the same demon chasing us. I know, I owned one for years. It never let me be free. I was living in a nightmare and never knew, but my whole system knew it well and expressed itself every night in those nightmares. How did I find their origins? When I travelled deep in the brain to where those deep imprints lay. I relived all the origins and my terrors disappeared. They were allowed to rise above the gating system to be faced head on, and I do mean “head on”. I then knew immediately why I had to sit in a restaurant with nothing over my head. I had to drive a convertible for the same reason; and that reason was so arcane as to remain unbelievable . When patients started to tell me, “It feels like I am living my birth.” I told them, “Enough of that nonsense, let’s stay rational and away from booga booga explanations. That means “I” the discoverer of this whole process, did not believe in the most important part of it, until, the evidence became overwhelming. So I fully understand when it is poo-pooed and scoffed at by others. If we do not believe in the imprint there is no way whatsoever to understand mental illness. Imprints are the safe haven for the secrets of the unconscious.
Im surprised that after all this time you would still have to avoid MRI ? It is a freaky thought though to be stuck inside a machine with no control over it. They should have a safety switch the patient can reach if they start to panic. I'm sure it would prevent a lot of anxiety.
ReplyDeleteI hope your throat will be better soon.
thanks Katherina, but so far still no relief. art
DeleteI know how infuriating it can be to have someone who knows little make suggestions from their position of ignorance; but I wonder if your throat is all the worse for the birth trauma you went through? There can only be so much physical healing from that anyway - any serious interference to the throat / chest structure etc is likely to leave a trace, no matter how much Primal pain you have relived & integrated. I have been in the throes of some kind of chest / throat / nose infection for three months now. My 'allergen immune cells' are very high in the blood tests I had. I'm sure it's more than coincidence that I'm having 'waking apnea / deep breathing' episodes lasting up to two hours. Which came first? The fungal spore irritation from the leaf mold I inhaled OR the chain of pain I was already & inexorably sliding down into 1st line symptoms (also triggering an immune reaction). I'm suggesting it's resonance down PLUS my old damage/weakness caused by blocked trachea / suffocation during birth - I sense (but have not yet relived) that a doctor/midwife had to force hir fingers down my throat to clear it out due to me being born completely zonked on painkillers. I also sense I was given heavy chest massage to get me breathing again.
Maybe I'm a bit muddled and mixing up my experiences with yours; but everything I'm experiencing fits into your Primal Theory like a glove - and in sequence too.
It seems more than ironic (and very unfair) that the one Doctor who has the most to say about the human condition (& particularly regarding suffocation / oxygen starvation / blocked trachea & throat at birth) is himself chronically suffering from a botched throat job and consequently doesn't have the voice to speak. I know what it's like to be 'gagged'. That can happen in later life in many different ways for many different reasons; the world mostly ignores or tells enlightened souls like you to shut up anyway.
I hope things improve for you. By the way I tried a variety of alternative remedies and discovered some that helped boost my immune system. 'Wellness Formula' by 'Bio ALIGN' really helps me a lot, not cured but definitely 'boosted'.
All the best to you,
Paul G.
Thanks for the heads up Paul. art
DeleteArt, does the "hot" throat bother you to talk only or is it a problem with general primal perinatal and later) expression? Does it block you to fully feel? A trigger and a double-bind?
DeleteA “but” situation.
There is a way out of this womb “BUT” …. Yes you can cry ”but”… Now you are adult and it is safe “but” this hot throat… Yes you can heal it “but” only if you don’t use it... keep being soft... and not too aggressive... but it is not easy!?
The average person, the one that didn't have a birth trauma, just doesn't understand. Think we are phonies, playing games. To get better is a constant goal, almost futile. I'm not saying I'm sick, but I do believe that fear can make one feel somewhat now right; almost like a temporary seizure. I told a person at the gym that I feel sick if I am not able to go. It's like one , after awhile feels the "mood" the "routine" of the boring work process (if one's work is absolutely boring to them....and I find that even dealing with the obnoxious kids boring) one must move about , break out of that "mold of a mood" for a while in order to do better. Life is hard as it is....and people can make it that way. When one has sincere fears, it can just be worse...but many people just don't understand. Overcome with fear, can hurt. People think it is a joke and funny...and here the person may be really suffering. They can't see it; especially when the person never appears afraid (always appears to have strength). It's like if one "breaks down"....not good for them, and they know it. They all say "unity" is the best way...why are they so afraid of loners, why is it such a sin? Many loners are totally harmless. and so got something, so I have to get it also ....(but really "how do you feel"....we are individuals.)
ReplyDeleteI have the same problem with the MRI scanning and I have to use sedative pills and the newer much wider machines to get through it .
ReplyDeleteWith me it's just strong anxiety though . Good luck to you !
Hello Art!
ReplyDeleteIt is surprising that you have not been able to demonstrate this phenomenon! Or? What happens scientifically about showing your reactions and what you are experiencing?
It looks as being what science needs to show the physiological reaction, it about what happens in our brain when we are exposed to magnetic influences which can open channels to what is unconsciously within us!?
In a way, very interesting considering those who want to know more about themselves, all of those professional who claims to know everything. What are they saying?
Art! I really hope that you do not have to suffer more than what is necessary of your injury in your throat!
Your Frank
Thank you for the interest Frank, it is appreciated. art
DeleteHello Art!
ReplyDeleteThe more I think about what you told us about MRI it becomes more and more of an interest... an interest for what it could be an crucial factor to prove science in its process of primal therapy... it to be spread around the established society for determination around what science should be about or not!? Not least to puncture the bubble around ETC... medications and cognitive therapies!
You probably have a lot going on around this phenomenon, but the more people that are involved and know about it the better it will get... the greater the spread! I knew nothing about this!
I am looking forward to hear from you about this!
Your Frank
Dear Art
ReplyDeleteFor me you've done great job. Until your findings, no one knew what is wrong with people. One out of seven billion.
A genuine feeling!
ReplyDeleteWhat if I would have known to be small when I throughout my life been there but with a tortured "soul" for not having dared to be there... not to have managed it since it was so painful for what loneliness into the death was. It is to be the Frank I am... as I have to experience if I am not going to die early of the suites from it.
This is my first day for what earlier days just has plagued me!
I am still happy to be who I am now!
Now I can see how almost all are about to kill themself.
No one could ever tell me the truth. I was waiting sooo long to discover your books. I just wanted to have my own history and people all around me fooled me. I just wanted to telll to someone that I hurt a lot. Few times I've almost lost my life. They always forbid what I say.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear about your throat, Art. Hope it gets better soon.
Thanks Kip, a little caring always helps. art
DeleteSo sorry to hear it's still bothering you, Art. Wishing you rest and better times :-)
Thanks Forth good wishes Erron. art