Monday, November 14, 2016

It Is Not Only Food that We Ingest

Anything that goes into a carrying mother’s system will affect the baby.   Medication, above all. And we may not be aware of it, but the biochemicals processing anxiety and depression too. The mother and fetus are in many ways one system.  The mother is depressed and so is the baby; he will be largely more lifeless than normals.  Heavy repression is going on, which diminishes energy levels; which is also very true in anxiety where energy levels are increased.  The baby may be born hyperactive and soon may not be able to sit still or concentrate early in life.

Here is a study that throws light on the problem.   (Science Daily sept 18, 2016, Depression in Pregnancy, see  This study maintains that depression can reduce  the enzyme in the placenta  that breaks down stress hormones in the fetus which then produces epigenetic changes  when the baby is stressed.  The DNA remains the same but how and when it is expressed changes.  Here may be the beginning of mental health problems in the baby. It may look like inherited depression, but no.  The carrying mother’s physical state has much to do with it.  Experience changes how genetics is carried out.  And that too often includes the medications the mother takes which alters the baby”s system.  An adult dose for a newborn may be overwhelming and life-threatening. Any drug can produce major biologic changes in the baby.  We need to be aware of that.  A baby is not an adult.  And too many mothers take a couple of pills in the morning without thinking of the lifelong consequences on the offspring. “It is just a mild painkiller,” we rationalize but it is not mild for the baby.   These pills may aid serious repression. It can set up  a lifelong prototype  of being “down”  in the baby. As the pills inside of him re-set  a new his natural state:  repression.   He is sent to a doctor in his childhood.  He is asked whether he has taken any drugs?  “No” he says, unaware of the embedded memory of drugs that his mother and he took together when he was a fetus that set up a prototype.

In one sense, the depressive mother’s “down” tendency can become part of the child’s inheritance and it becomes very difficult to separate out what contributes to abnormality.  Is it really experience or pure genetics.   I vote for genetics given expression by experience. Is it inherited?   We have to understand inheritance to know what we mean.  Are we inheriting pure genetics (blue eyes) or are we inheriting a hyperactive system which may be a combination of the two. Some of the recent research shows a wide discrepancy between actual age and  methylation age (an accumulation of life’s traumas).  The latter is far more accurate estimate for our longevity.  It makes sense that trauma wreaks havoc on our biologic system and curtails its endurance.

It seems now by carefully studying methylation age (the age of accumulated traumas) we are measuring one’s longevity.  It is something we have noted for decades; that early life lack of love, neglect and lack of touch shorten our life span.  They certainly point to the build-up of serious illness.   Most serious scientific papers urge the search for what factors we can add to prolong good health.  My vote is for our therapy because when we lower body temperature on a long term basis for example, we extend life.  I recently quoted a study on body temp that seems to confirm this point. Why?  Because we reduce the constant work of the body, save energy so that system is more relaxed and healthy. Early life is critical to how long we live and if we are to inherit terrible afflictions.  Love the child at age one and prevent illness at age fifty.    Not a bad bargain.


  1. Stockholm 2016-11-15

    To me the information about primaltherapy come too late. I am already a mother of five children. I never took any medications when I was expecting my children But I was not alive. I have never lived. I was severely depressed. Sometimes I wanted to jump in front of the subway when my kids were in my stomach.

    Love is so vital, vital to feel, I did not.

    I would be able to blow up the entire world, or? YesI would liketo, I do not have no words for what I feel.
    I wished this had not happened, I do not want this done!

    All I should have known, I know now. But I can not blame myself anymore. I'm not guilty! I have not known about it, how could I?

    My children has needed my love. My hands patted my stomach when I was pregnant so they could feel the touching of me. They needed to feel wanted.

    My children were just. Just like me, I was just. Without love and without being wanted.

    Love is the foundation of life. My children! I have much to restore now.

    Now they would fit nicely with a primal center here in Sweden.

    My knowledge that I have now, by myself is absolutely necessary. I've known that I had to make my own therapy before I can help others.

    It is imperative that you have know about your feelings first.
    My feelings have not been something to play with. I have not been played with them. I have been dangerous, both to myself and others.

    Now I feel that I can be useful. I want to work as a therapist. Nothing would make me happier in my life. I have great respect for my feelings. I have great respect for people who feel bad. I recognize myself in them.

    So love is life saving. You can not live without love. Love is a must, otherwise you have a long and painful life ahead of you.

    Aida Castañeda

    1. Thank you Aida. I sent your letter to my friend because she believes Janov blames mothers and she doesn't want to feel guilty.

    2. Hello Richard!

      Against yourself, in that part of the brain you suffer there is no guilt!

      To ours children we will always be guilty what so ever! But the blame on ourself does not exist more than others suffer for what we did to them. it at the time we our self just suffers. What I am saying is our children will always feel what we did to them as anyone knows who undergoing primal therapy, and it will hurt as much as it did when we ourself shut of from ours feelings. In me it is very painful. So no matter how I twist and turn the question it's painful to me.

      It's all about our brain, in which part of it we are and how much we feel of the communication in it. it at the time the question of guilty is asked!

      Against ourself for what we suffers, for what others done us there is no guilt, what so ever, even though it may be a matter of our own therapy, "What have I done" as an question to connect to memory.

      Your Frank

    3. Hi Frank. My friend's parents blamed her for everything, and punished her accordingly. When she left home, her parents blamed her sister for everything.
      Now my friend is extremely sensitive to criticism even when it is purely scientific and not directed at her personally. She was very interested in Primal Healing until she reached a point where Art was talking about the mother and the fetus. At that point she felt intense hatred and slammed the book shut and never read it again. There is nothing anyone can do for her other than offer some friendship until she is gone. I have given the book to another friend.

      Hi Art. I am not sure if you responded to my question on parasympaths coz I can't remember where I posted it.

      In case you were wondering, I haven't given up. Still saving money... just need to complete three things so that I can do the therapy properly. I know you don't go on forever. I know years have gone by but I think I'm doing the right thing because I don't have much faith in therapy via Skype. I need to be in the US. Skype might work for others but not for me.

  2. This is also a matter of that primal therapy would have been established in Sweden since the seventy century?

    When we ourselves have no foresight in substance, we are at the mercy of others and may become prey to the will of others, other people's capriciousness, others' lies and above all the science as are lost!

    Who has the right to questioned a professional? Appointed through fanfare and pageantry who then turns out to be far from what the knowledge of science proving to be, and you will be vilified and threatened to reveal it. This is what we are dealing with in order to achieve what science tells us about. Do not forget Copernicus, Newton and many many others.

    Yes, we need a brain that is capable of tilting at windmills, but we all know what happens when the wind calms down, our luck!

    Professionals of this variety is not unusual today when life is at stake for what the compensation is of the matter, it more than to be able to admit his ignorance. I guess that's what we all suffers, for the requirements to be successful and not what love to each other tells of!


  3. Replies
    1. Piotr,
      I am not so great right now, chronic throat problems due to botched surgery years ago. Thanks, art

  4. When I sing the song "oh my darling I love you and I always will" and I produce it, that is one thing, but when I sing the song and feels it, that is a complete different thing, then my tears flowing down my cheeks and my memories are recalled, memories of need and loneliness! You know, that is me and what I belongs to, my need.


  5. I would have been able to become really sick if I had not found ways to rushing upon! To have demand me to be someone I am not, it has been my akillis heel impossible to access as it followed me as a threat into every room of my life!

    Now I know why no one has been able to help me in my therapy! I have been far too vulnerable, too sensitive to open up to my self around others. It has even been impossible alone with myself. It would have required someone who really knew what it is to be as vulnerable as I was, and there has not been any, what soever during my struggle against to feel. It's not anyone's fault, but they have certainly not seen me. But now I'm here. after all I been plagued around other! Always!

    Yes it's anyone's fault, those who claim to know about emotions and what to do. And what do they do? Scary!

