Articles on Primal Therapy, psychogenesis, causes of psychological traumas, brain development, psychotherapies, neuropsychology, neuropsychotherapy. Discussions about causes of anxiety, depression, psychosis, consequences of the birth trauma and life before birth.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
On What Help Us Love
There is the obvious: being loved from the start.
There is the less obvious, abstracting the chemical elements that are part of the ability to give and receive love; i.,e; oxytocin. Being loved is the natural way. Paradoxically, another way is to feel the lack of love, which seems to normalize so many bio-chemicals. Why? Because feeling the lack of love is a feeling, and feeling helps to normalize so much that was shut down when feelings were suppressed. I have seen so many patients who were unloved by parents who now cannot sustain a loving relationship.
This inability to love is now being recognized in the field and doctors are prescribing a spray that enhances oxytocin. Another constricted effort. I have another idea; let them scream out their agony over not being loved, in Primal Therapy. When they can feel again we find is an increase in loving their children. It is an odd dialectic that crying and feeling unloved can help us love, as one turns into the other. Which is why the dialectic is such an important concept. Determined to love one’s wife or kids will help but it often does not add the feeling element to the process. This can happen despite the best of intentions. Intentions are a top level effort when we need deep emotions so we can transmit the feeling of love.
When we are on pain killers most of the time, our feelings are shut down or diminished. Will power and determination to love needs to be driven by passion and feelings. Otherwise it remains a cerebral desire, bereft of feeling.
Those who take pain killers also suppress passion. But, suppose we are on pain-killers permanently; when there is great early pain there is an equal and opposite reaction to hold down feelings…..repression, which is constant and obdurate to hold down great agony. Then we cannot love completely. And that can begin before we begin in this world. Clearly, when we remove deeply embedded pain we enhance the ability to love. We reopen the feeling channels.
Remember, feeling unloved means feeling; repressing it means not feeling. When pain mounts it turns into repression, the opposite of feeling.
Let us not look only at oxytocin because what we have found is that normalizing the patient elevates so many biochemicals to normal levels, as we have measured over the years.
We do not dissect the patient into his parts, a kidney, a heart or a liver, We try to approach the human being as a totality and expect changes as a totality, as well. That is the trouble with Rolfing and Bioenergetics where muscle groups are targeted and worked on to the exclusion of the brain and mind. Which means all that does not come from the central nervous system but the organs themselves. Which is how we go awry studying the organ apart from the human being, his life and his history. If we study organs apart from history we are no longer evolutionary scientists. We live in the vapors. And we get changes in the muscle groups and not an organic change. Relaxing tense muscles is not the same as relaxing the whole person. The tension usually arrives from experiences early in life and those sculpt the human being. Beware of the facile, easy answers. We are not an arm, a liver or blood pressure. We are humans, and therapy must be of experience, not “psycho.” We experience as humans, not legs and arms. Yes there will be measureable changes when we target a muscle but those changes will only endure when the whole system is involved. Otherwise, they stay confined and contained. Unless we believe that muscles have an independent life of their own.
Those who take pain killers also suppress passion. Often the opposite of what we want. But, suppose we are on pain-killers permanently; when there is great early pain there is an equal and opposite reaction to hold down feelings…..repression which is constant and obdurate to hold down great agony. Then we cannot love completely. And that can begin before we begin life on this planet. Clearly, when we remove deeply embedded pain we enhance the ability to love. We reopen the feeling channels.
Remember, feeling unloved means feeling; repressing it means no feeling.
Let us not look only at oxytocin because what we have found is that normalizing the patient elevates so many biochemicals to normal levels, as we have measured over the years.
We do not dissect the patient into his parts, a kidney, a heart or a liver, We try to approach the human being as a totality and expect changes as a totality, as well. That is the trouble with Rolfing and Bioenergetics where muscle groups are targeted and worked on to the exclusion of the brain and mind. Which means all that does not come from the central nervous system but the organs themselves. That means the reactions are narrowly contained. Which is how we go awry studying the organ apart from the human being. And we get changes in the muscle groups and not an organic change. Relaxing tense muscles is not the same as relaxing the whole person. The tension usually arrives from experiences in life and those sculpt the human being. These experiences are often preverbal and therefore are ignored in the therapeutic equation.
We can repress feelings when imprinted pain gets immense, or we can repress pain with drugs that mimic what takes place when we ingest the same drugs that we should secrete when pain gets too intense….serotonin… the form of Zoloft and Prozac. We need to revisit our inner pharmacy to help out with pain killers when repression is not sufficient.
There are those of us with such levels of early pain that repression is faulty due to leaky gates. Drugs build up supplies but they do get used up and we start to suffer again; then different drugs or more of the same to help out. But helping out is not the same is taking away the imprint of hurt so that we no longer need help out from outside of us. And just as someone has a sex problem, frigidity or lack of erection when taking pain suppressants, the same thing happens when the pain killers come from inside to block imprinted pain. It all means blocking feeling and blocking reactivity to feeling. Alas, solving this problem mens reducing repression’ that means reducing pain and that mean reliving deeply embedded pain so that it is gone from the system. Now why is that? Because when we live again a pain that has never been relived it is out of the system, done with, gone. This is what I have found over 50 years of Primal work and what the new Methylation research is showing, as well. Everything we do aside from that is dancing around the pain without ever affecting it. It has to be reliving to escape its Primal Prison and be free! To escape the pain we have to meet it, embrace it and go through the agony we avoided originally. But, But. It is also a pain that feels good. A relief to have it gone and not weighing us down, sapping our will and our energy. That is real freedom, not a booga booga exercise.
This is just another effort to show why we need a therapy of feeling and not a therapy of cerebral exercises that explain why we do not feel, ad nauseam, suffocating feelings as insights ramify and reduce our feeling selves.
The escape from mom and dad!
ReplyDeleteWhen thoughts alone have done what they can for me to survive then I'am open to madness to determine what shall be... open to survive without love. We have feared madness... it's why laws and clauses have been the moral tool to curb the madness but now as Primal therapy is available it will not be needed.
We must let go of our thoughts to not be so dominant. We have much to pay attentiona to within us only we learn to perceive it. It is what must be done in the sense of achieving success in primal therapy... it for us who are led by our thoughts. It is essential to avoid life long suffering and for once be able to breathe and rejoice with others around us. This was a step too far to be mentioned at the start of PT... but there is experiences I been surprised by.
To experience myself as small where I encounter difficulties as an adult and I am ashamed of it ... it's a connection... an experience of my smallness as been an obstacles to be myself as an adult. It's the critical window that I learned about... it shows more and more about who I am... about myself... about how to feel more. Fear is not the least I feel... but I know it's a reaction from my feelings... a symtom to all my fears... fears who saved my life. So... be careful is nothing I have to force myself to be.. I am "growing" in to my fear?
ReplyDeleteI found this on my fb feed, not one of mine:
Here's the bad news:
You can't get 'over' a feeling.
You can't get 'past' it.
You can't release it.
You can't let go of it.
You can't transform or transmute it.
You can't even heal it.
All these ideas come from the mind,
not the body, not the Heart.
They are all subtle forms of violence,
sneaky ways of saying 'no' to a feeling,
aiming for its disappearance,
its death.
We learn to let go of 'letting go'.
We stop trying to release.
We end the exhausting effort to heal.
Instead, we are present.
We offer a feeling our simple presence.
Our non-resistant attention.
Our love.
Here's the good news:
In this field of presence
the feeling is no longer a problem,
an enemy, an aberration, a stain,
a block to freedom.
It is no longer 'something wrong'.
It is no longer 'negative'.
It is no longer a threat.
It is no longer an unwanted child.
You are now its guardian, its protector,
its loving parent, its Home.
And held lightly, in a still space of allowing,
the feeling stays for a while, or moves on,
or returns,
or never returns,
but either way,
you are healed from the need
to find healing elsewhere.
You do not heal feelings, you see,
they heal you, when you allow them
to guide you back
to your original Wholeness,
your loving nature,
your breath,
your place on this Earth.
- Jeff Foster
Truth is most of us commit the same mistake. We take needs, as they surface, and desguise them as if they were feelings. How to overcome those needs but letting the lack of love in as the sender of a message of relief. I want to feel, it is my right, my duty as a human being to embrace each and every aspect of me no matter how threatening it showed. I won't leave this Life until I have released every repressed imprisonned memory. I don't want to keep missing all the good my Life is able to experience, willing to offer me. Thanks Art.
DeleteLars, As always, a profound letter. i expect no less. art
DeleteHello All!
ReplyDeleteIf we look at the physiological process... we need to understand what frequency is all about! Frequency is a physiological process which shows how atoms relate to each other... or if we will go down to a level where quarks tells of the smallest currently known component… it of the physiological process and in other sentences for physical material now known for its pattern of movement then that will be for what the future will bring. In other words! What do we know about what we claim to know? We only know what we claim to know... and that's our loss. And if we do not have to prove what we know the uncertainty will be mankind's dilemma. Then it will be for what we understand it to be for what it is all about. An understanding can then be about anything for what so ever there will be.
If we can not keep apart the sentences without the gramattiska knowledge then will never the scientific context let themeselves be proved. It's all about feelings!
If you do not understand what I write... I understand that but it is not to our help!
Your Frank
Frank, I don't always understand. art
DeleteToday is the other side of nowhere for what we do not know better!
ReplyDeleteHow will we ever be able to understand humans "capriciousness" when we have as source ourselves to be capricious? Although if we may not are capricious... we have "all" others who is... it for what a revolution otherwise would be meaningless... not being up to date.
There will always be too late for a revolution that includes science that would change humanity in its foundations to become human.
If we pump up a ball and continue to pump... so it will explode and that is not what we want to happen humanity... which is to come for humanity when the contradictions just gets bigger and bigger!
Big words may seem... but science for its purpose is extremely small. But it brings with it the humanity on its journey in the name of revolution.
The only thing I can feel around my anxiety is what has already happened to me... but it is my neocortex who determines what is to come. That is what we are and continue to be if we do not undergoing Primal Therapy!
All that as are of life and death belong to the physiological process here and now something we are not aware of and can not be sooner than we approach it in our history for what it then should have been... why it is not now! Obviously we talk about the need for love!
Hello Art!
ReplyDelete"Remember, feeling unloved means feeling; repressing it means no feeling".
And the only thing that is possible to feel for us as unloved is the pain from just feeling unloved! And almost all of us know it as we at times are ashamed... a critical window that can stand ajar for so long that the sweat flowing from us... and it do hurts!
For me... my life has been about being ashamed of anything I've done around other people... so I had to resort to alcohol and other things in an attempt to normalize my life. It sounds contradictory... but if we look at my condition so it was in all sense an attempt to normalize my life!
Your Frank
They dont know nothing about this all day long terror 24/7. They tell me get over this. And I am still terrified.