Monday, August 22, 2016

On the Difference Between Abreaction and Feeling (Part 10/15)

By definition, abreaction lacks connection, which is the sine qua non of Primal Therapy. Without connection there is neither healing nor cure. So, clearly it is crucial. If there is no connection to solidify the feeling there is no progress. So what is connection, after all? It means that while the patient is feeling and reliving she is connecting to the pain/fear/terror. Bit by bit as she relives and feels she is making a connection to something buried away for perhaps years. Connection means feeling something in context, comprising each different level or aspect of the feeling until the patient arrives where it all began. That is eventually where patients need to go. But a random scream or cry will not take you there. At each level, the feeling must connect with its context, which is different as we descend down the chain of pain. Each brain level contributes its specialty: ideas, feelings or instincts.

 On the other hand, abreaction is just a release of the energy of feeling without meaning and out of context. There is a great gap between reliving and relieving, and this is the mistake so-called mock therapists make all of the time. The mistake is easy to make because, again, abreaction looks like feeling but it is not. It should be noted that the patient is not deliberately faking a feeling. Abreaction can be a real feeling, but it is out of sequence, and therefore it is not curative because it does not allow for proper connection across all three levels in a natural, orderly way. The patient is pushed into the tributary feeling because the pain of the main feeling is too great. This heavy painful feeling does in therapy what it does in everyday life; it keeps us from focus and concentration. It pushes us away from the central feeling. So abreaction is going through the motions of feeling without its depth and history. And it requires that the person perform the sidetrack feeling over and over again—relieving not reliving.

 So again, connection means liberation of feelings in context. There are those who scream and writhe and cry out of context, as in an exercise. They make no profound change, but when the patient slowly descends to deep levels over time and reacts to the stimuli and events on that level with the neurological capabilities of that era, there is progress.

 The goal of our therapy is to retrieve memory, not only of the scene or the place but also of the feelings belonging to them; that is what has been repressed and held in storage, the pain and terror. When we primal, we are reaching deep down physiologically to a part of our history that has been sequestered for decades and will not give up its secrets easily. Sometimes, the patient is not yet ready for the experience so it remains a mystery, until the time is right. When patients finally experience those feelings in their totality, including physiological aspects, they become integrated. The neurotic split is healed and the person is no longer at war with himself. Now we can use the term “holistic.” The patient has become whole in every sense of the word. His feelings are integrated into awareness and into his neurophysiology.


  1. Art... you work on the other side of "hell" for what suffering here in hell are exposed to!

    "When patients finally experience those feelings in their totality, including physiological aspects, they become integrated". They've become integrated."

    The physiological aspect to be aware of death... it is far from what a psychiatrist even can imagine him self. What an experience he will go through if he should understand what his thoughts is all about. Which he shall not do as a thinker about it... it would be a disaster for him. But the idea of how it could be possible for a person like a psychiatrist who just has an idea of what happens in the brains of his patients WOW... who is that as we are trying to get to understand Primaltherapy?

    Yes... I know what I usually claim... a legal process to help achieve a change. Out of the aspect I now mentioned I have to give up! What we must do is to keep all psychiatrists outside of the process to prepare for the primal therapy.

    We can impossible be thinkers if we are to perceive what primal therapy is all about. They use the wrong part of their brain to start from in order to perceive what it is all about... and the suffering a psychiatrist has to gothrought is not of this world... he is his neocortex in all sence of his task!

    Again! "When patients finally experience those feelings in their totality, including physiological aspects, they become integrated". They've become integrated."

    As I noted... this must also bring a warning.. it to carefully consider what you are doing if you seek some form of treatment for psychological and also many physiological disorders be very careful and not only that avoid them!


  2. Frank,

    this legal process has to be assembled by the future users of the resource as the past users cannot do that for them. You cannot 'prosecute' a revolution. You might be able to 'procure' one though.

    Paul G.

    1. Hello Paul!

      "this legal process has to be assembled by the future users"

      The future has passed decades ago to be worth mentioning. The future of primal therapy is always passed because the only ones who can change the future are those who now in time perceive and understands the primal therapy's process.

      It's our physiological bodies that holds the connection to our emotions and not our thinking brain and that is the emotional equation today as well as tomorrow and it wont change. The difficulties will always be the same.

      If we can experience what it is our bodies tells of... it will always be as revolutionary now as then and in the future.

      What we have at hand to illuminate primal therapy's effect is what the resistance offers and it will always be the same.

      "You cannot 'prosecute' a revolution. You might be able to 'procure' one though". That is what it all is about!

      We got "Epigenetics and Primal Therapy" by Arthut Janov in our hands!

      Your Frank

  3. I think the scientific approach is the way to go. I think people just want proof that it is what it is; safe, predictable and curative.

    How are you going with your book Art?
    I do so wish for you to have the recognition that you deserve in your life time. You should be treated like a Mozart or a Shakespeare for the gifts that you've given humanity, I think your gift is greater because you've given us back our humanity. You should be recognised for the genius that you are.

    Ps. Regarding the language gender issue , it makes me sad to hear you apologise for anything about your writing at all.


    1. Katherina, As always I thank you. It is so nice to read. art

    2. Hello Katherinanina!

      I can not but agree with you... except that we can not even understand what it is Art has "messed with" in our brains... and where so many professionals are light years away from what it is all about!

      You are great Art! I know you do not know how big it is what you've done because if you knew then you would be able to fly:)

      Your Frank.

    3. Art!

      "Frank, how very sweet" Oh how I wish my father had said so!

      Thanks Art!
