Articles on Primal Therapy, psychogenesis, causes of psychological traumas, brain development, psychotherapies, neuropsychology, neuropsychotherapy. Discussions about causes of anxiety, depression, psychosis, consequences of the birth trauma and life before birth.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sculpting the Brain
How does a cross word by a father become a chemical in the child's brain? The angry words portend possible danger and rejection. There are clues in the tone of voice, the look, and the words themselves. What is going on inside the child is that the hypothalamic-frontal cortex axis is engaged to send messages to all other systems to be on the alert. This message is sent by chemical courier. It is the meaning implicit in the message that begins the chemical transformation in the child's brain. The hypo-thalamus then triggers the endocrine system to release catecholamines, making the heart speed up and the blood flow. Generally the process goes from the perceiving frontal cortex and other aspects of the cortex (hearing, sight, etc.) to the hypothalamus to the pituitary and then to sympathetic nervous system neurons which organize the flight or fight response to danger.
How does a loving look by the mother at her baby change the baby’s brain? It is responsible for the increased serotonin output that keeps him comfortable. When the traumas are severe and early enough the brain and particularly the brainstem, cannot manufacture enough. The setpoints may be altered. The child then overreacts because it cannot dilute or vitiate feelings. This child may become terrified of a slightly angry father, while another loved child would not. A deviated personality is on route.
Terror of the father now becomes permanent increases in stress hormone levels. The frontal area, now signaling extreme danger, interacts with the medulla in the brainstem to affect heart and lung function. In turn, the brainstem maintains the tone and vigor of the frontal cortex, constantly adjusting it to react to stimuli. When the brainstem is in a hyper state due to early trauma or lack of love, there is chronic, dramatic overreaction. "Hysteria" is the label we attach to this. "What are you getting so excited about?" "Dunno." Now we know. The brainstem has been primed and too ready for action.
When warmth is expressed in the actions of a parent toward a baby, the baby's brain is suffused with opiates, resulting in a feeling of well-being in her. I have heard many of my patients cry out, "Show me that you want me, Mama!" In animal research, the loving handling of specimens just after birth increases the anti anxiety chemicals such as serotonin. This level endures so that later in life there is still an adequate mechanism to handle adversity or stress.
When a father never touches his infant, is impatient and angry, and demands obedience from a two-year-old, the frontal cortical neurons are going to be impaired, perhaps for a lifetime. Hugs and kisses during these critical periods make those neurons grow and connect properly with other neurons. You can kiss a brain into maturity.
A father who never shows happiness to see his baby, never responds with kindness to her cries is forming a new brain in her. Every action of the parent may exude unhappiness with the child who did nothing more than get born and interfere in his life. The stage is already set for later unhappiness and depression. She is now on a lifelong struggle to make the father happy to be with her—a fruitless effort. The baby can feel unwanted long before it understands the concept. And what can the baby do about it? Nothing. Her brain goes on the alert, and stays that way until later on she finds a downer or painkiller and suddenly finds what she needed all of her life — comfort and relaxation. Who can live with such a feeling when you are totally dependent on people who don't like you? And in the child’s brain that feeling remains intact and present. Drugs are calming the child, the child who feels unwanted and unliked. Drugs do exactly what would have happened if the child were adopted out to a loving, kind, warm family. Drugs become the family, and now if the adult is in a 12-step program he has another family of addicts beside him. That support bolsters the second-line limbic function and calms pain on that level. Thus the agglomeration of pain on all brain strata has been reduced on one of those levels making the search for drugs that much less importuning.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the difference between feeling chased in a jungle that hides lions ... to what a child feels when haunted by crazy parents? The difference is… the one who is hunted in the jungle at once can leave it… but a child cannot leave a crazy parent. The feeling becomes permanent while it goes on all too long… that is why we all feel hunted for the rest of our life… as parents never stops during the growth… it becomes our “nature”.
To search for such an event in the djungle may belong to what we possible can feel. We may feel just dead if we don’t search for the feeling of being hunted… and when we feel dead we reminds of what happened… and that in other words is formed in to anxiety and depression which we do all we can to get away from… to feel hunted in the jungle is better than to feel haunted with no way out.
Dr. Janov,
ReplyDeleteRe-Sculpting the brain of the parents!
Why do fathers react angry or with rejections? Why is a father incapable of loving its child? Why do fathers believe they love their children when they beat them.
What can we expect from a father who never was hugged and kissed during his critical childhood period?
What chemical transformation in the brain has taken place when the father was a child?
Can anybody give what she/he never received?
How many of these early emotion-deprived adults seek therapy/PT?
Should adults have children who have such a disturbed biological and psychological system? Can we hinder the production of a new emotional/psychological disturbed generation?
Maybe, the Berlin School of Mind and Brain should read your books and articles.
Would you, Dr. Janov like to present a challenge to the faculty with the question why we have so many emotionally deprived/disturbed parents? Especially to the Research Group Cognitive Neuroscience (Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Sieglinde: Sure why not? but are they open to hearing something new? AJ
ReplyDeleteDr. Janov,
ReplyDeletethis was the reason why I used the term “challenge”.
I do believe two of the leading Professor could be receptive to confirm or object to a theory.
Professor Arno Villringer
Mind and Brain Institute
c/o Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Humbold-Universitaet zu Berlin
Luisenstrasse 56 Haus1
10117 Berlin
and Research Group Cognitive Neuroscience
(Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Professor Niko Busch
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Luisenstraße 56
10099 Berlin
May I suggest sending both professor your latest book with a letter that introduces your experience and the scientific evidence.
Another question. Have you received the attachment I sent you a few days ago?
ReplyDeleteWe have tried to complete the application on several occasions but when we send it… what we filled in will be erased. We don’t know what is wrong? We cannot copy it in to Word eider ...the same thing happening there… what we filled in will be erased? I don’t know if the application has to be sent by normal mail or?
Aida… me and her dotter… and some others… would be very happy to participate in your amazing offer “For all you who may want therapy but have no funds, please fill out your internet questionnaire and send it to us. I have some ideas.” Aida that I told you about… I am sure will do primal therapy easy… understand me right now.
As you may know I was at the primal institute on Almonds drive during 1977-78. I left because of economic reasons… there was nothing I could do… I had to go. I wish it had been otherwise. So if I can participate in your offer now... would make me very happy… my struggle would be ending.
Yours Frank
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ReplyDeleteSieglinde: No I never received an attachment. I am not sure why I would write to the two professors. AJ
ReplyDeleteFrank: Send it any way you can. Work at it. It is your life. AJ
ReplyDeleteMy mother was a very strong energetic person. She was also very much afraid of giving birth. This fear came in part from her education. I remember her repeating so many times, while talking about people having babies: « …and you shall give birth in pain… ». I was her second child. My older brother’s birth had been a long agonizing nightmare. My poor brother suffered so much that he wanted to die. My mother said many times that until he was 3 or 4 months old, feeding him was a constant struggle.
ReplyDeleteFrom my mother’s point of view, my birth was «easy». I see it somewhat differently… From many birth primals I had, I know she was scared to death and driven with a raging determination that I would get the hell out of there! For all my life I was afraid of angriness and didn’t know why. For many years, I thought: “I must have been spanked very severely when I was a child”. I discovered that I had this « big » beating when I came to birth. I felt the rage, the fear, the tremendous force against which there was nothing I could do. At no point I felt any form of communication, a caring for what « I » was going thru. I was expelled from her body like a chunk of meat, like I was not supposed to be there, like I was not a human being… For all my life I had that deep fear of my mother (not very helpful for «attachment»). When she died, I felt that a big danger that has been looming over me was no longer there.
And I should point out that my mother was a very good and loving person. She probably inherited this fear from her own mother. She was certainly very sad to see me, her own child, fleeing away from her instead of going to her for help and comfort. There are countless tragedies like this going on everywhere. Humanity is sick and, sad to say, will stay that way for ages giving that so few people are aware of this reality and even fewer working on healing with techniques like Primal Therapy.
ReplyDeleteWe can all promote primal theory on Janov's behalf. In some ways I think it's better that it's promoted by outside enthusiasts too. It looks less like "marketing" as you are a functional 'seconder'.
Art: I'm not applying for you offer just yet because I want my brother to get your therapy first (who I will help support) and I can't stand the idea of getting your therapy while he is. Any clue on what those ideas of yours are? It's just that I can't see how you can operate a large-scale charity!
Dear Art,
ReplyDeleteI do understand and appreciate what you have achieved - helped a great many people to feel and think and self-regulate far better than they would have done without you.
However, I can't help (for reasons that I know, and that I know are not foreign to you) wondering about how (or approximately by what 'neuroelectrochemical' means and 'expressions of plasticity') that PT works to the significant extent and degree that it in some cases clearly can and does.
Does it work by nudging and allowing the output of action potentials from (most basically CURSES-representing and permanently longterm potentiated excitatory neurons to be routed into a far more discretely flowing pattern (by engaging "specific type" sensory neurons whose effect is generally to spatially focus the flow of excitatory messages [gen. ref. A.R. Luria, The Working Brain] while the same excitatory signals generating neurons (at the core of CURSES) remains more or less chronically active?
[IOW: Does a CURSES (a primal pain, or "Pain" - a label you used in the past) get thus modified by PT to become a more efficiently sequestered conditioned-in (originally by specific/synaptic hibernation imploring threat) state (of a thus afflicted brain or central nervous {actention selection serving} system)?]
OR does PT work - conceivably IN COMBINATION with the above 'postulated possibility' - because it facilitates a realization of an existing (but often only latent) brain function that can cause the dynamic neural core of 'a CURSES' to become "extinguished" (i.e. quite plausibly as a direct function of "the endocannabinoid system")?
Andrew: It is another way we plan to offer the therapy. Not sure yet. Still thinking. art janov
ReplyDeleteI wish that one day we all… all of my family and those around us can be part of Primal Therapy. I would be very pleased if you can find a way to help us. I understand that there will be... and is an economic issue and I do everything I can to help… help you to introducing it in Sweden. I send all your comments to the government authorities here in Sweden ... I will not give up. I can’t see how they for long can escape being caught by their silent on science facts against self-perception.
But it’s like you write ... it is terribly difficult to get a “professional” to change there focus and listen. It is also what you once said ... "how will anyone be able to feel/understand something when something is what he does to not feel and understand"
Pbef, you are looking for a way to cheat a system which relies on billions of interconnected networks. If you try to cheat the system you will inevitably create a bug in the system. It is too complex. You are being too hard on yourself. I can hear all that blood swishing around inside your swollen left frontal cortex. Give it a rest.
ReplyDeleteDo what Art does. Go with the flow.
ReplyDeleteOf topic again but...
I was just thinking. I think one of the reasons why many people may not be interested in what you have to say is simply because of the level that you observe humanity: You go straight to what's *really* real.
You look at people like a zoologist studies animals, but with a kind of clinical objectivity of who we are on a highly personal level.
I don't think people like this. It spooks them? I remember talking to friends years ago about the theories of Transactional Analysis, and it was all good fun and interesting to them. When I started talking about Janov some were casually interested whereas others were really spooked by it--even though by comparison Primal theory makes remarkable sense.
I suppose if you wanna be popular you have to be fit for the Oprah show(?).
Dr. Janov,
ReplyDeleteI have send the attachment again to: did you received it?
I would appreciate your answer.
Dr. Janov's work is for years on both of my websites (German and English).
Sieglinde: In hospital, wait AJ
ReplyDeleteIs this information common knowledge?
ReplyDeleteFrom a website of an amateur scientist:
However, I can explain why this theory is not in the coverage of the media. Publications on scientific topics are not accepted if it is not ultimately be traced back to an academic researcher affiliated with an academic or research institute. And raising the threshold, I personally fully agree because without these restrictions any scientific journal (or site) will be filled with the most wonderful theories.
ReplyDeleteIf you are in hospital, then first of all I sincerely hope that it is not serious. Secondly, I wish you a speedy recovery. I am sure that all of your bloggers feel that way.
We don't want to see you getting ill now. You are too valuable to the world at large, although sadly your work may only be recognised fifty years from now, such is the sad state of humans on this planet.
Paul: Yes I have references in my new book. AJ
ReplyDeleteWell Art's books are publications, and they are written for a wider range of people.
ReplyDeleteAs for being inundated with "wonderful theories"...there aren't many wild and wonderful theories that are put into practice and actually get results. The media and institutes need to look a little further...after all, that's what science is all about.
@Sieglinde - you wrote: ..."Should adults have children who have such a disturbed biological and psychological system?.."
ReplyDeletethe answer you can find also here
I agree with him
Dear Arthur Janov: Loving fan of yours since the 70's. I really feel that the brain is sculpted biochemically via stimuli, etc. That the brain can "shut down", which also leads to emotional pathways being either completely shutdown or non-functioning. The effect of this biochemical-emotional pathway requires a thorough examination of the primal pain. Perhaps the root cause of the primal pain has existed through many lifetimes, generationally. It would be most interesting to see how this cause and effect is mapped. Chiccoreal