Wednesday, September 22, 2010

On What Tranquilizers Do

I often talk about our internal pharmacy. When pain enters the arena our brains go to that pharmacy and order what it needs; say, more serotonin for the synapses to help with repression. What the commercial pharmacies do is produce the precise molecules that we manufacture inside our brains; and they do it because we cannot manufacture enough ourselves. I am convinced that most of us manufacture what we need in the ordinary course of life. But we know that just as the brain is developing in the womb there are traumas that beset us that cause lower serotonin set-points; that is, we cannot secrete what we need because pain (noxious elements such as a mother very anxious or who smokes), has caused the brain to use up its reserves in the battle to stave off being overwhelmed. And this sets up a permanent deficit. And then what happens is that the offspring/now adult, is also chronically anxious because her gating mechanisms are faulty; and so the cycle goes on.

There is a debate going on now about the advisability of using tranquilizers in the womb to normalize the mother’s system. There are minuses in both directions. If there is no medication given to the mother than she is anxious or depressed, and will pass it on to the baby. If we do give tranquilizers while the fetus is still in his womb-life, then that can be transmitted into the baby, as well. We are overloading the fetus’ serotonin levels with medication. There is no great solution except one: normalize the system before getting pregnant. That can be done, and we have shown in any number of studies that we tend to normalize the brain system after one year of primal therapy. This is preferable to messing with our inner manufacturing plant.

Frederich van der Veen presented his findings on serotonin to the Forum of European Neuroscience (July 2010). They gave one dose of a serotonin enhancer to subjects. They then watched sad films. Those on medication cried much less. It effectively brought down the levels of pain and opened some access to tears and the sad feelings. We are not normally low in serotonin except for trauma; and those traumas that occur the earliest in our lives are the most powerful, dealing as they do with life-and-death matters. Crying less doesn’t just mean less flowing tears; it also means less access to ourselves and our feelings. The purpose of serotonin enhancers is to numb out some of our feelings and reactions to them.

Taking shots or pills does not eliminate the pain or the churning of the system; it hides it all, making us more unconscious. But that unconsciousness can kill; what you don’t know can hurt you. Taking medication needs to be seen as a stop-gap method and not a cure.


  1. Hi Art. Last night I watched a video: Insights in Primal Therapy. France constantly returned to many examples to help illustrate her points. I found it very easy to listen and understand...much easier than reading a book. Obviously it's not possible to convert that video into text. Books must be written in a style which compensates for a lack of subtle expression.

    I recommend that you try to give your documentary a similar style to the videos at If the narration is over-scripted, it will read like a book.

  2. Hi Art ,"those on serotonin cried less than the others2( or the like..)
    My experience with my feeling ,compassion and other "empathetic" sentiments is such.
    when I`m down after a sleepless for example I can`t f e e l very much compassion but when I am well and feeling that zest for life (my "dream-life") and hear ,read or see something really cruel, mean and devastating events occuring to other people t h e n I can feel the horror of it all !-and the conditio humana in general-by the way!
    Since I am not a "primal man" I I think my serotonin level is then h i g h ...
    Thatnotwithstanding I am still waiting for my next crying ...(6 years ago)
    Yours emanuel

  3. Off-Topica:

    I just got this notice (below) from the main Reichian organisation, which refers to traumas during womb-life. This is the first time I`ve ever heard Reichians talking of those traumas. There is also an upcoming Time Magazine article about the topic (see below also). I thought this might interest Dr Janov and others here. I would also like to suggest that Dr Janov meet with some Reichians and Bioenergetics people for a ``summit `` meeting to try to hash out their differences, before he shuffles off this mortal coil.It seems to me that you all have a lot more in common than you might suppose. But, hey, maybe I don't know what I am talking about either!


    Fri, October 1, 2010 8:25:11 AM Modern Research Reconfirms Wilhelm Reich's Discoveries - Time Magazine Cover Story
    From: American College of Orgonomy Add to Contacts


    The American College of Orgonomy

    Time magazine's October 4th cover story, "How the First Nine Months Shape the Rest of Your Life," reiterates what Wilhelm Reich discovered in the 1940s and 50s; that life in the womb is a critical factor in shaping the person you become as an adult. The article reports an "explosion" in recent years of literature in the field known as "fetal origins." In his ground-breaking 1948 book, Cancer Biopathy, Reich discussed the effect of the bioenergetic state of the mother and her connection with the fetus in the womb, and subsequent tendencies for emotional and physical illness.

    Board-certified Greek psychiatrist, Dr. Theodota Chasapi, will address this timely topic during her presentation, "The Roots of Love & Hate," as part of the ACO's ongoing series of Social Orgonomy talks this Saturday, October 2nd at the Princeton Public Library, 65 Witherspoon St., Princeton, NJ from 3:00PM to 5:00PM. Admission is FREE thanks to underwriting support from Jack and Jean Sargent. Seating is limited and reservations are recommended. Refreshments will be served. Call (732) 821-1144 or make your reservation online by visiting

    Time magazine article,8599,2020815,00.html

    This presentation has been approved by the American College of Nurse-Midwives for 0.2 continuing education credits and by DONA International for 1.75 continuing education units. (The ACNM does not endorse this program.)

    This announcement was created by The American College of Orgonomy (ACO), located near Princeton, New Jersey. The ACO is a nonprofit education and scientific organization devoted to setting and maintaining standards for work in the field of orgonomy. The ACO provides information, training, and research support for those interested and involved in orgonomy. This press release is meant to inform those who may have an interest in the science of orgonomy and the activities of the ACO. The ACO is not affiliated with any website, newsgroup, bulletin board, network, service, or other media that may be reproducing this release. The ACO does not endorse any information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages, or other materials transmitted, posted, published, distributed, or otherwise disseminated on any media other than the ACO's website at Please contact for information on the ACO as well as to verify the original text of this announcement.

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    American College of Orgonomy | . | Princeton | NJ | 08542

  4. Art,

    To "understand" something that is tied to life-vital effects ... physiologically bound in its experience… impossible to explain in words. Words of intellectual performance ... put themselves at risk if the effects of physiologic cause leaking through at the explanation?
    This happens without reason as above explained... when we look at epileptic reactions and in all virtually phenomena we have as a method to keep the pain at site. What I mean is… it by intellectually performance can be enforced?

    In't this a problem Art?

