Sunday, October 1, 2017

The Passing of A Great Man

It is with great regret and deep sorrow that we write to you of Dr. Arthur Janov's passing today. He died peacefully in his sleep, surrounded by his loved ones. He was 93.


  1. So sorry. He gave so much of value. Will miss him. Take care everyone at the center and France especially, and all on the blog.

  2. R.I.P. Arthur. No doubt many thousands of words will be posted/printed about your work over the next few days. Whatever the 'official' verdict, only the passage of time will unfurl the true extent of your legacy to humanity.

    Thank you and farewell.


  3. I struggle to express how sad this makes me feel in words on a website. All I can say is my heart goes out to France and all those who knew and loved Art. I am forever in the debt of this great man.

    Erron Adams

  4. I am in deep sorrow. RIP my friend.

  5. I announce to all of you my deepest sorrow for Arthur Janov's passing away and especially to you France! Your forever Frank.

  6. I want to thank you Arthur Janov!

    I want to thank you for changing my life, that I gaining access to being able to see and experience my life, that I have been given the opportunity to change my mind and change my behavior for the better.

    Now that you're gone I only feel a silence and loneliness in all of my body.

    Aida Castañeda

  7. I knew of Art and Primal Therapy since his appearance on the Dick Cavett show in the 1960's. I've followed the "Primal Reality" ever since, and like so many was profoundly affected by "The Primal Scream". I've corresponded with Art many times over the years (and his early on Medical Director) and most recently had the distinct honor of talking to him on the phone. His claiming he never kept any of his early Primal Newsletters and monthly journals, I supplied him with the copies I had --from the 70's. I told him it was an honor to talk with whom I considered to be perhaps the most important man --in the history of Mankind. Perhaps in time his "works" will be appreciated and applied. In all this 50+ years I never found/read a contradiction in his writings about, as I call it, the Primal Reality. I told him that he may outlive all his critics and skeptics. I hope this was true of many. In my estimation, they were/are simply scared of THEIR OWN PAINFUL (inner) TRUTH (of their lives) thus had/have to dismiss what could (have) set them free.

  8. Just yesterday had lunch in Melbourne, Australia with friends, we all did PT together and we talked of Art. Now this sad news. Heartfelt sympathy from all of us here to Art's loved ones. He will be missed in so many ways by so many people.

  9. Good-bye Dr. Janov. Your work will be with all of us.
    To France, his family and everybody in the Primal Center my sincerest condolence.
    Sieglinde Alexander

  10. I've never met Art, but this touches me like a death in the family. He and his work have made a difference in my life like few others. I was hoping he'd go on forever.

  11. The world has lost a wonderful man. Like many others I was privileged to meet him a few years ago. I will miss him.

  12. I am so sad... I'll always be greatful for what I have learned from your books, it has changed my life! Rest in peace.
    Anna Carra

  13. Such a shock.iǘe been feeling sad all day. I hope you pull through this OK France. R.I.P awesome genius

  14. I want to say goodbye. Forever in my heart.
    Thank you, Arthur.

    Frank D.

  15. Dr. Janov was a great, accomplished man. He will be missed for sure.

  16. Thank you for all Dr Janov and rest in peace.

  17. So sorry for France and her family and friends. He was such a great human being.

  18. Terrible news for all of us who believe that Primal Therapy can stop much suffering in this world!!
    I hope for Dr. Janov that his belief that there is no existance after biological death is wrong, and that his life is now continuing in a realm much better than this one. The realm of unconditional love and beauty and creativity, which he tried to manifest on earth with Primal Therapy.

  19. It's hard to grasp your passing away Art. I believed and I wished you could live forever. You were a great influence on my life, so unique and wonderful. I hope your legacy will continue.

    "But yet I know, where'er I go, that there hath pass'd away a glory from the earth "

  20. My condolences to all his family and friends. I feel the need to comment here because primal therapy saved my life, I don't know where I'd be with out it, and so I'm eternally grateful Dr. Janov was a truly great man whose legacy will live on through all the people he's touched and his
    amazing discoveries.


  21. Thanks to this man we all have a chance to be the person we should have been.

  22. My deepest sympathy. I never met Art but I have read his reflections for several years. I admired his insightfulness on the human condition and followed his reflections with the hunger of a student looking for knowledge into my own human condition. Rest in peace Art.

  23. To everyone on the blog:

    My life was saved here.

    I never told how bad it got.

    I wanted to die.

    Now I really want to live.

    Paul G.

  24. He was a good guy. Godspeed, Art. You made a good effort.

  25. I never had the pleasure and good fortune of meeting Arthur but I know of his wonderful work. He made a tremendous contribution to the study of pre and perinatal psychology and I thank him. My heartfelt condolences to his family and to his friends, Laurie Brant.

  26. So sad... so sorry.... My great teacher...

  27. France, my thoughts and warmest gratitude go to you, "the unsung hero" he called you here. May you later be able again to enjoy life and work. Thank you, France!

  28. I first met Art Janov in January, 1973, when I became a patient in Primal Therapy, when the Institute was located on Almont in West Hollywood. I stayed for 4 years, married another Primal patient, and moved away for 14 years. Came back to SoCal in 1998. Incredible mind, incredibly analytical. The world of psychology will miss him.

  29. The greatest psychologist of our time... RIP Art, your works and spirit is with us...

    Emmanuel Audy

  30. This world is so fortunate to have had Art Janov. He has helped so many of us to understand what we need to do. I will stay on a better path, thanks to him ****A REALLY WONDERFUL GUY****. I know you are in terrible pain, France, my heart goes out to you.

  31. I had my lie, I was dreaming that some day I will go to Santa Monica to undergone PT, Janov was my hope. Now it is gone. I will share his knowledge where I can.

    1. Don't give up Piotr, just rest awhile and try again.

  32. I loved your work Arthur, rest in peace.

  33. Thank you, Art! I never met you in person, but your work transformed my life from emotional pain and agony to the natural state of calm, and presence, and happiness, and love for all and everything.
    Frances Shure, Denver, Colorado

  34. My Love to you all who are intimately suffering his loss. To me he was just the wisest of men. The truth of his work will be seen to be his legacy.& in time a saner world because of it. I miss him like he was my best friend.

  35. My love to all of you intimate in his loss
    History will prove the truth he fought to convey & from that a better world. How we need that! How we needed Art & his wisdom.
    Keep his spirit strong. I miss him.

  36. I am feeling really sad right now after finding out about the passing of Art Janov, I can tell you that.

    Although I have never done Primal Therapy, just the reading of his books and blogs have helped so much over the last 10 years. I am very grateful. Nothing much in this superficial world makes sense to me, but when I`d read Arthur Janov, something did make sense, something important and deep.

    So thank you, Art Janov for your decency, humanity, compassion for and help to afflicted people, and keen and deep scientific spirit of inquiry.


    1. Beautifully said Marco, and I can only agree with you. I did Primal Therapy back in 2001 and 2002. Art had a Christmas group that year and he played the part of Santa Clause. It was beyond words really, just lots of feelings to enjoy. It was also my birthday. The warmest most feeling birthday I had ever experienced. He really was such a wonderful man.

    2. Dear Steve: Thanks for your reply and acknowledgement. And I am so glad you had a good time at that Christmas Group.

      Take care.


  37. Great, fabulous thinker, and my deepest inspiration for my work as a "primal-related" therapist. My own neurosis has made it near-impossible, throughout my life, to experience the feelings of gratitude and admiration. The rare exception is Dr. Janov. He receives my admiration and gratitude in full.

  38. Art, I have you to thank for my life. Your books helped me to hang on when I was at my lowest, and inspired me to delve into my depths when I was strong.

    You've made the world--inner and outer--a more fascinating place. Thank you. You'll be deeply missed.


  39. This is the draft of my 'in memoriam' to Dr. Janov for my obscure little blog:

    Dr. Arthur Janov has died at age 93. Though a bit poetic and speculative, it makes sense that he lived this long, as he was an exemplar of his understanding of healing, of release of the pains that cause our psychological problems. He deserves to be -- he IS in the Pantheon of brilliant thinkers who could understand truths that later seem logical to so many people (though they still may understand only the surface of them). He saw that we are holistic in mind, body and time. We are ALSO what we were. We are roots -- birth and childhood -- and we are the trunk, branches and leaves that grow from those roots.

    We know the world of people is, in the main, lost. Our human brain holds pain which bends, corrupts, blinds us, or rather grows blinders to self and others. And then that brain passes that pain on to the next generation. Part of this lostness is to form psychological ideas that are "self-medications" -- no different from so many big ideas like political, religious and ideological ones. Therapies that believe we can think our way to a healthy body-mind, can hope health into existence. Magical thinking, magical doing. Dr. Janov could see what a child knows better than his parents usually do, that we are responding to the injuries that remain virulent inside us.

    Our need for survival, and to answer our obscured birthright of happiness and love, is tenacious. Even many of those psychotherapists who see our source in pain and starved need put that fact aside, in a box, and focus on the here-and-now and "positives." What a disconnect! What a displacement of fact and necessary act. If we are hurt, we must go there, to the dark, to 'where we are wounded,' as Arthur said. I will never see my clients otherwise -- as obvious to me as that something exists.

    I do see some things differently from the doctor. It is probably fair to say he was optimistic while I am more pessimistic. I believe that despite all the potential opening up and pouring out, we must remain a default of defenses, our same self, and that we cannot recover from our developmental stopping point. Am I more realistic than Janov? I think so. But he may have been better for people. Because ultimately we do need to have love, believe we can deeply recover.

    What a great man he was!

    1. Hi,
      -"We know the world of people is, in the main, lost. Our human brain holds pain which bends, corrupts, blinds us, or rather grows blinders to self and others. And then that brain passes that pain on to the next generation. Part of this lostness is to form psychological ideas that are "self-medications" -- no different from so many big ideas like political, religious and ideological ones. Therapies that believe we can think our way to a healthy body-mind, can hope health into existence. Magical thinking, magical doing. Dr. Janov could see what a child knows better than his parents usually do, that we are responding to the injuries that remain virulent inside us"-.

      So true.

      Is there any possibility that someone who has helped Art in the past might be able to set up a new blog. or keep this one open in his memory? At least for a while longer.

      Very best regards to every one. Particularly to France who by now must be really feeling the loss. If I know anything about defenses and early pain, it tends to get triggered then immediately repressed as a natural defense but later the pain begins to come through with all the realisation of loss and grief and unmet need. I know France has done a lot of therapy herself, is a 'strong character'; I just hope she is not suffering too much and can grieve effectively, then move into another phase of her life.

      Very best regards to all,

      Paul G.

  40. Dear Art, I owe you so much. I will promote your legacy as best I can. May I be lucky enough to live to see the day it finally breaks through.

  41. This knock me out as if it were a close familymember passing. It is difficult for me to even think.
    In my inner theater I see a band playing on a stage.
    A young man steps forward to deliver a solo
    a piercing sound cuts through the air and time
    it forces its way through to every hart that hears it
    listen! I can hear that trompet
    its a sound of protest and pain
    it is shouting
    Love is real!

    My thoughts go to you France - close family - colleagues at the center - friends and every Primal person crying now.

    Flemming D

  42. Each and every single day, all we do and what we say, echoes down into eternity, who will be, what we'll see..... For me this sums up everything that Art discovered and documented. His work has created ripples in the cosmos that will echo into eternity. Thank you Art.

  43. Dear Arthur, I salute and thank you, for showing me how to save my life nearly 40 years ago. I have never forgotten your courage in the face of my terror. Bravo, dear soul.

  44. I was shocked to learn of Arts' death, his books were a revelation to me and just plain common sense, when will the world wake up to this.

  45. Dear France, I am so sorry for your loss. And the therapists there at the Center who knew him well, I am sorry for your loss.
    I am so very sad that Dr. Janov has passed. He was such a wonderful human being. He and his unrelenting dedication to Primal therapy and mankind.
    Dear Art, I know that I have thanked you before but again I thank you for all that you have done and the impact that you made on my life; 41 years ago I entered therapy. I feel that without you and your therapy I wouldn't be here today. In my heart you will live forever.
    All my love,

  46. I am so sorry that everyone has lost Art and my sincerest condolences go to France and also his colleagues at the Primal Centre. It is often the case that the rebels who shape the world are not always recognised in thier lifetimes and some time is needed before the value of thier work is recognised by the World. I suspect that will be the case with Art's work which is starting to be backed up by the science. I wish all of you who read this blog all the best for the future and keep Art's work close to your hearts.

  47. I have just read the news today October 20th. This is something I have been dreading so much! I have just bought his new book in Richmond which is so brilliant. Art Janov, what a wonderful genius. I have been saving for the therapy for years and hoped I could one day meet him. I see him as a true saviour of mankind. The human race has got somehow lost, with parents lacking in the natural instincts which even animals possess in being able to love and care for their children. Art recognised the truth and knew the way free. Perhaps the only one who has. What a great and original mind he had and with a big heart. Thank you Dr Janov. You have influenced my whole life more than anyone else and you will never be forgotten ever. My great sympathy and thanks to the staff at the primal center. France, Marie Hascoet, and everyone. And please don't abandon the work. Sandie Bradshaw.


  48. Getting to myself is a breathtaking experience for what Arts's passing makes me feel! I recognize the feeling... I have borne it throughout my life. So thanks to the primary therapy is my memories back from a time where all was a catastrophe like the one for the missing of Art. Thank you!

    Your all Frank

  49. Haven't been here in awhile, just learned of it. I loved this guy. I know we all did. He and his work will never be gone.

  50. I also was deeply saddened to learn of Art's death yesterday. What a great understanding he had of the human condition and the needs of children. Somewhere the human race seems to have lost the natural instincts which animals have of being good parents. His vision was unique. He has influenced me more than any other human being from reading his books. I expect this means the demise of this blog but I hope the Center will find a way to continue. My sincere condolences to everyone who knew him at the Primal Center. Sandie.

  51. A memory of Art to a memory of myself!

    It's not just a memory it's also a physical experience that makes my heart beat faster for what I remember... for what I felt now when I remember!

    It's a whole world that falls in place for what all has been lost and nothing will be what it would have been but now I start to feel what it would have meant when I lost what I now remember of my needs.


  52. I'm posting this several weeks since Art´s death for several reasons. Having received no new posts from this blog since his passing away, I´m wondering how France is, and whether this blog will be continued, albeit in a different form? Also, his unexpected death affected me deeply, loosened my own defensive clamps, and then, just 10 days ago, my best friend, my beautiful, devoted, uninhibitedly loving dog Betty, with me for 7 years, was savagely attacked by some of my other rescue dogs and died later that day from her injuries. I struggle to find a justification for sharing this tragedy here. I feel that I am abusing Art´s passing and France´s undoubted pain for my own selfish ends. In my defence: Art s passing is now several weeks ago, and my own loss is acutely painful and here is the only place I´ve found to share my pain and not fear that insensitive and uncomprehending remarks, the norm over the past few days, will be made. Betty taught me so much about love, how patiently animals wait for it,and how forgiving they are towards the humans who so often abuse them, not holding grudges and still, despite all, uninhibitedly and totally loving. I am not and never will be one of those abusers, I hasten to add. Art would have totally agreed with me when I say that I know Betty suffered from physical pain whilst being attacked and afterwards, and from terror and terrible anguish whilst I was not there to rescue her. My heart has wept, and wept, seemingly, it seems, there is no end to my pain over Betty, and the mournful howls of some of the many dogs who are within earshot of my rural home, permanently tethered by unfeeling "owners" who are too numb to begin to even suspect their charges are suffering an existence to which they would always prefer death, sound exactly like my own howls of grief over Betty. I´m sorry if i have used Art´s death for my own purposes. Maybe this post will lead somewhere, and help others. In Western Society, expressing over death is taboo. It is like a huge mountain everyone can see but all pretend is not there. Rest in Peace my beloved friend. You will always live in my heart. Gary

    1. Hi Gary,

      you need no justification. This blog was always for sharing and discussing pain. I'm sure Art knew that his death might open some of our gates, something has changed in me. . . I take comfort from him saying he was no longer afraid of death.

      I miss him, he was the friend I needed these last 7 years.

      France will by now be feeling the full loss. I imagine she has very good friends and also the motivation and will derived from her own Primal journey to make a new beginning without her husband and confidant. . . The greatest problem with loss I have found is losing the will to carry on alone. One has to make a new beginning, somehow.

      I too hope we can find a way to keep this blog going.
      I'm not religious but I am saying prayers for you Gary, and for France. Betty's and Art's suffering has ended.

      Best regards to you from Paul G.

  53. Take good care, Gary. It's such a connection we have with our pets isn't it. We share the best of our brains in common with them and don't have to put up with any cognitive rerouting of feelings from them. They just give love and are happy to receive it. How great they are, and a comfort they come to be in our life. Again, take care.

  54. Dear France,

    All of us who have been following this blog want and need some kind of continuation. For the time being, one simple solution would be to re-run it from the start in 2008 omitting the old comments. All the entries are a treasure, and many of us did not follow from the start. New readers will also appreciate it. In addition, there are also all the Collection of Chapters from 2005, the title eludes me (one chapter analyzing various schools of psychotherapy).

    With utmost respect and gratitude,

  55. Dear France,

    The 2005 opus by Art I was referring to is of course "Grand Delusions", which I think also deserves a re-run for all new readers.


  56. Hi All,

    a friend sent me this:

    It explains why we need social connections and thus why and how this blog has been a lifeline for so many of us. I really hope the blog can continue in some form or other; or be replaced with one run by the Primal Center.

    Paul G.

  57. You saved my life Dr Janov,I will love you as long as I live may you rest in peace great soul of wisdom:-(

  58. It has been a year. I still can't believe he is no longer with us. I will miss him forever.
