Friday, February 10, 2017

Birth, Anoxia, Shallow Breathing and Cancer

I am reporting here on a hypothesis regarding cancer.  I have been wondering about the mechanism that causes an imprint of damage at the start of life, such as from anoxia, to climb the neuronal chain and produce widespread damage over the body.  I believe I have found a link: lowered oxygen when the system needs it most. This critical shortage of oxygen comes at a time when the first-line brainstem reigns, because higher levels of the brain have not yet fully developed, which is why the damage at this early level carries such deleterious effects later in life. The question is: Why does it endure and create such harm years later?  Through 50 years of clinical observation, we have seen our patients trace their lifelong suffering back to this kind of early damage done at the start of life. That damage can effect the nervous system, hormonal system, blood and circulation and muscle problems.  And we seem powerless to understand what is going on.  Maybe because the place and time of the damage is so removed from our present-day experience that we fail to link the cause and effect, so it becomes a mystery.

We have observed and filmed apnea right after birth, and in some patients it seems like they are dying. They go easily 6o seconds without moving a muscle, nor breathing, or showing signs of life. They do not blink or show anything that means they are alive and present. They come out of it with a few coughs and throat clearings, with the subsequent newborn baby cry, which is unmistakable. But there is trauma here because there did not seem to be enough oxygen to aid the birth process. And there is the lasting imprint of a near-death experience.  This is the experience that lingers within the patient long after the event; and as they relive it in therapy, they know what it is and can describe what it’s all about. They uniformly describe approaching death, and that is precisely what is happening. This impending doom is the background that produces a lifelong fear of death, panic attacks, and anxiety fueled by a sense of approaching death. This often shows in their nightmares in childhood with someone or something trying to kill them.  This is the story the system coughs up to attach to near-death; to rationalize their experience even though they have no idea about how it starts or where it comes from.  They have childhood anxiety and are prone to ADD, as anxiety pervades the system not enabling them to focus or concentrate.  The imprint has left a massive amount of information that saturates the brain that the person must deal with all of the time.  That pain information blocks focus and concentration.  Remember, Pain is information.   It is systemic.  So as the pain rises higher in the brain, it registers the oncoming agony and concocts a story for a near death approaching.   It moves even higher up to fabricate a story of this death foretold.

As the child develops he begins a lifelong pattern of shallow breathing to conserve oxygen and energy,  a replica of the birth process where oxygen supplies diminished.  To accompany this is a passive life style, holding back and holding down. He does not project in his speech so he is often inaudible in communication.  Slower movements and equally slow reflexes.  Slow patterns of speech. The whole system remains in conservation mode to combat the imprinted damage which occurred originally.  This shallow breathing means that the system is not allowing in the oxygen it needs. And if we look at their brains and sleep behavior; chances are we would find more frequent apnea attacks.  Again, a reliving of the early trauma.  We are watching this closely in a patient who is currently undergoing sleep studies. My hypothesis is that there is an increase in sleep apnea event where a Primal patient is coming out of the oxygen-deficient birth and wakes up frequently and falls into a state where breathing comes in fits and starts, which I have observed. And it appears to be again a near-death experience where the person just does not seem reactive and aware. Patients report this as a near-death experience as they relive a traumatic birth. In the case of non-primal people, they just wake up, almost comatose as a replay of a birth on the cusp of death. The breathing seems not to be complete or at full capacity.  There is an oxygen deficiency that goes on and on where more sleep is needed to fill the tank, so to speak.  It is a repeat of history. It is here that we find those more susceptible to migraines as part of a lack of a full supply of oxygen, a memory arising from the early imprint.    Here we also see chronic low energy and tiredness.   I believe the apnea is one key sign of being close to that oxygen-deprived imprint that we see in so many patients.

The shallow breathing in those with this condition, that will show up in sleep, is measurable.  And when patients relive the early lack of oxygen we should see changes in sleep patterns and apnea.  The reason I bring this up is I that I do see the shallow breathers struck by cancer.  And I wonder if the lack of sufficient oxygen is body-wide affecting so much of us.  It is a damaging imprint that leaves its traces and afflictions throughout the system.  The precursor for all this may be deprived oxygen at birth; too many pain killers taken by the mother or heavy anesthesia which is fine for a 130-pound mother but overwhelming for a 6 pound baby.  The distance between the time and place of the trauma and the symptom of cancer makes it incomprehensible.  Unless, we find a way to delve deep in the brain and observe for ourselves. Sleep studies, now so far advanced, can offer much information to us and eventually I hope to stop serious illness.

The change we need to make is total personality. The trauma drives that personality and its tendency to disease.  There can be no piecemeal alteration.  We are changing patterns from birth; not easily or quickly done.  But necessary. Otherwise, each and every breath taken produces a deficit in the system and furthers the trauma. We are slowly depriving the system of needed nutrients and oxygen, the stuff of life.  The thought behind this is to propose a way of diverting the arc toward serious disease by changing the imprint of anoxia which binds the system ineluctably to deprive itself of oxygen and exacerbate the possibility of cancer.



  1. for some time i am thinking about what only 20 percent less than optimal oxygen level can do to our cells? or 20 percent more food? for decades... i think about what it might doing to me.

    could also the "gravity" toward womb life imprint cause the apnea and/or shallow breathing? again, we are attracted to bad behavior because we are not connected to our deep experiences. and it is killing us. bad breathing, bad eating, bad exercise, bad relationship. inappropriate lifestyles...

    in our adult life, the system with healthy womb life will more likely choose present air as source of oxygen instead the mother's blood in the womb. we are not fetuses anymore! the system wants connection but if instead we go through endless suffering then it is not good. it could shorten our life significantly. to be almost connected...

  2. In some of posts Paul said that probably we will die in this and in cause of this (or something like that). But, we are step closer. We have your books and blog. Maybe some day…..

    1. Hi Piotr,

      I recently got a severe asthma reaction to a series of peculiar events. Sweeping out a moldy garage (leaf mold) and an argument with an ex over our daughter. Asthma resulted. I hardly ever get such problems, before this event I was getting alternate apnea / deep breathing / crying episodes. A predictable cycle. Obviously without a 'supervisor' my organism won't let me go there.

      Maybe we could collaborate with a European Legacy ?

      Paul G.

  3. Hello Art!

    I'm glad you're back!

    We are not anguished we are living it... which is closer than we think!

    How the "hell" should anyone understand what you write when they understand to not perceive what it is you are trying to convey. It happens too much in their neocortex to make room for what the wound is in their limbic system! They listen... but hear what they want to hear and that is what their neocortex is the guarantor of... the protection of what they suffer emotionally!


  4. I am the symptom of my life... a symptom neither heard or seen for the uninitiated but with devastating consequences then my symptom can be compared with a steam train that never stops running. I'm the symptoms... only symptoms and nothing else... when I as symtom start to crumble... then the symptoms can no longer save my life and I'm at the mercy of a pain impossible to live with... so the madness... the cause of my symptoms overflows all broadens and I am lost... the only thing left... I can only be mad... mad to not die of pain impossible to cope with.

    How can someone just imagine this? It falls on its own absurdity... unless the cause of the child's presence are where we were in the process... it now and live what we were... were then when it was a hell... . Something we can do now with the knowledge of how the process MUST proceed... but not all of it at one time!

    How can we defend ourselves... so that everything does not flow over at once? A question that should ring loudly in the ears of those who believe themselves to be able to stop a runaway steam train whose drivers lies unconscious on the floor?


  5. I don’t know, I keep adhering to a broader perspective, something’s forcing me into making over and over again the same damn connection between your discoveries and what the so called Holy Scriptures refer to about how we as a species came into being: "To the woman He said, "I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children…” (Gen. 3:16). This words which have profoundly influenced western mankind. Could it well be that mankind was not being condemned for having twisted his trail but being warned about what was gonna happen since the human pelvis got shrunk due to overhasty genetic results derived from what is described on MichelAngelo’s encrypted painting “the Creation of Adam”. Maybe we were supposed to have evolved in a more harmonious way and therefore female labour much easier, but something weird happened on the way…? Could it be we all are on the brink of discovering the root of all knots? If our transit through the birth canal is the primal nightmare we all have more or less endured since God know when, could there be way for future mothers to labour less painfully yet keeping their awareness of it all, not needing thus sleeping drugs? This may sound childish, but Do female chimps labour more 'naturally', less painfully? Did you ever know about neurotic behaviour in our closest chimp relatives? All the best, Lars (

  6. I'm shy... that is my "open sensory window"!

    "the open sensory window" is and has always been open in one way or another... so it's more a question of using the mental state for what is possible. "The Open sensory window" is open... we are just a thought away from it!


  7. Paul give me you e-mail adress. Art thank you for posting this.

  8. Science is not rude but can be experienced ruthless if we do not understand it!

    Can science be rude? No absolutely not! Can science be perceived as rude? Yes... but only if you have a different opinion on what science presents!

    So now we understand why it is so difficult to get science in to the psychiatric and psychological area... introduced to its scientific content! The answers are in the text above which "professional" defends himself against by all means!

    We have a problem and it is the professional corps who sit on their chairs and with both eye and ear protection for the benefit of their own business... a business that takes life of many... it in the footsteps of psychiatric and cognitive methods as are a phenomenon of madness more than they can think of. That is a murderous activity for many who suffer without any knowledge... it at the mercy of quackery... quackery for what science long ago is presented!

    Open the door to hell and you're standing in the middle of a psychiatric clinic... it because the science is presented over and over and over again without any attention!


  9. Another brilliant article, Art. Really hit home. Thanks.


  10. Your theory that brain stem imprints of lack of oxygen and near death drive later anxiety, shallow breathing and possible cancer makes perfect sense.

    Over the years I have experienced a strange state of not being able to move my body or make a sound to call for help on waking from sleep that lasts for maybe a minute, though it feels like an eternity when it happens as my focus narrows and goes into every second. In describing the experience I would say the feeling is always the same fear of not being able to move, of suffocating and not being able to get help. These episodes started in my teens and continued on into adulthood. They occur maybe once a year.

    There was no anaesthetic or pain killers during my birth process, labour lasted only 5 hours,and there were no complications. However I can imagine that being stuck in the birth process even for a few minutes would be terrifying, and would signal a real danger for the infant of near death.

    Thanks for this.

    1. I agree.A few seconds to a baby can seem like hours of torture. Art

    2. Which presumably is why reliving these events happens in small bits at a time. Unraveling the

      It seems to me the situation is far more complex than Art can describe here due to the fact that hardly anyone shares identical experiences and organisms. . . Thus each individuals traumas/imprints may contain similar overall patterns but very different combinations. No one lock shares the same key. Each person has to peel their onion a different way.

      Paul G.

  11. Talking about cancer. Enclosed an amazing lecture by Thomas Seyfried. Is cancer a genetic disease? He proves it is NOT. He claims it is a metabolic one. Not beeing genetic I Think the Primal Theory fits nice together with Thomas Seyfrides ideas. The lecture is almost one hour long but as it is so interesting and humorus I I have seen it several times. Have fun:

  12. I think Art must be telepathic,

    Either that or he simply 'knows' us better than we know ourselves. This is more likely that telepathy but to the uninitiated 'Knowledge' seems like magic eh?

    I have been having involuntary deep breathing / apnea episodes for about a year now. Prior to that (for about 5 years) I had been having involuntary deep crying episodes; the former experiences seem to have largely replaced the latter. From a Primal Theory perspective that seems very predictable.

    The insights I am having are indescribable. Words fail and that could well be because I am experiencing 'connections'. I don't know, I don't have a Primal Therapist to supervise me and listen to me as I 'come out' from these episodes'. Nevertheless I do have this blog and whether Art prints this or not here I am yet again writing about the indescribable in MY life.

    I have considered going back to my 'conventional' therapist here in UK but that is ridiculous as I'm sure I 'know' more about all this than he ever will; though he did tell me that he had also experienced deep baby crying episodes himself. Blah - .

    So, the details: These episodes seem to happen more often when awakening from a better nights sleep (1st to 2nd to 3rd), usually after a very messy period of stress and grief at work / family issues (IE: they happen when I begin to let my 'guard' down and relax - release stress). All of that revolving around fortnightly contact with my daughter which mimics perfectly the fortnightly 'visits' back to my parents when I was at boarding school. So there we have my 'perfect timetable' of resonance down from the current 3rd line situation I am in now, to when I was still a child and presumably, now that I have 'released' so much grief from boarding school, my organism is letting me have access to earlier stuff.

    I was / am in a melange and I feel like I am untangling the layers. It's incredibly hard to describe all this as words (3rd line) have rarely been used before to actually 'express' the real experiences on the 2nd & 1st line. It comes as no surprise (but a relief) to know that the Legacy includes the title: "How to deal with Childhood Melange".

    That is all I can say for now.

    Paul G.

  13. Replies
    1. Art,

      you once said in a reply to a post of mine (or was it that voluminous document, now out of date, that I sent you-?) :

      -"Remember the Resonance Down"-. . .

      So true, and it gets truer and truer as we go along.

      Paul G.

    2. Paul, you do not get 60 letters a day. I cannot keep up. Art

    3. Art,

      you need a blog editor and personal secretary, not France.

      What a 'job' that would be. Not wanting to demean your books but this blog is worthy of a book in it's own right. It already is a book.

      I've had a look around at other 'mental health' blogs, forums etc and they simply do not address the issues as they really are. For starters, it's not 'mental health' it's emotional health in response to chronic early pain. Getting past that seems beyond the scope of most people yet my doctor agreed with me as soon as I mentioned it to him when I went for a blood test today. . .

      How is it that other professionals also seem to have a foot in two worlds eh? The cognitive behavioural (truly 'MENTAL') and the emotional/instinctual where the actual bio chemistry and psychology takes place. . . They all know, you know they know but they are still operating in the old 'mental' framework.

      It's only a matter of time before this ridiculous 'split' is healed in the healing professions. Maybe sooner than our pessimism predicts.

      Human affairs are not merely random, a critical path is certainly being trod by every single one of us.

      Paul G.

    4. Yes, I do need a personal secretary. So far, doing it all on my own. Art

  14. Paul, Art
    Thanks for your encouragement .

    I wish to be stronger now and not write for encouragement to be liked, but to live !
    60 letters a day ?! I must remember all your kind words so you don't have to keep repeating them!

  15. Persons with a further interest in this topic might wish to read a part of Dr Janov's book ''The New Primal Scream'' called 'The imprint of maligmant despair:hopeless and cancer'. Also Wilhelm Reich's '' The Cancer Biopathy'' who pretty basically says the same thing as Janov, insofar as I can tell.


  16. Hello Art,
    I was wondering if long term respiratory acidosis as a result of this type of breathing has anything to do with the process. Perhaps it shortens the telomeres or affects the immune system. Your article made me think of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome also. I also wondered whether you have observed your primal patients with this apnea during sleep to see whether they experienced REM sleep disorder. I've been reading lately the astounding finding that almost 80-90%!!! of people with REM sleep disorder go on to develop Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinsons. I could not believe that number when I first read it but it's apparently true, with lots of research going on in light of the finding. We are meant to be paralysed during REM sleep, however people with the disorder make movements, gestures and even sleep walk during their sleep. Just wanted to run that past you and I'm really interested to hear what you think about it and whether it explains any of your own observations in Primal Therapy.

    1. Hi Juliette, We have studied and filmed apnea and I wrote a blog on it some time ago. Try to find it (there are 600 of them). It means reduced oxygen in the system, later shallow breathibng a a host of afflictions. Shallow breathing as a biologic reaction to serious oxygen deficiency from the imprint. When you say they go on to develop immune dysfunction and some sort of dementia, yes. I see it but no double biund study as yet. But if you do not get enough oxygen for years and years, they brain is affected, as is memory. I mean that shallow breathing reduces 02. Art
