Wednesday, January 27, 2016

How Can Psychology Ignore Neurology?

I don’t mean that neurology should drive psychology but that brain science has so much to offer therapy.  We ignore new neurologic findings at our peril.   For what we are learning is that early trauma leaves a trace on the gene.   That trace is a marker that tells us there is a big hurt buried inside that is redirecing our behavior and is behind so many serious diseases.    The traces can be observed.  And far more important, they and much of their effects can be reversed.  Imagine that!   We can undo the imprint and reverse history and eliminate the hurt.  We don’t have to guess anymore so when psychologists ignore brain science they no longer know that history is barricaded deep in the brain, nor do they know on what level of the brain, nor are they aware   of how serious the imprint is.  How can we go on ignoring early trauma and its effects on our sicknesses  when all new science says it is there?

So what happens?  Therapists remain on the top cerebral level and never ever reach into the messy imprint that changes the brain through methylation and distributes the pain, impacting so much of us.  They try to figure out blood pressure and many other afflictions when the causes elude them.   Worse, they try to undo psychosis,  serious neurosis and addiction without acknowledging the causes lying literally just under their noses.

Now here is where we shrinks come in.  The new research paper by the Institute of Molecular Biology in Germany finds a way to possibly unto methylation.  That is, they have discovered the proteins neils 1 and neils 2 play a major role in demethylizing cells and revert them to normal, a great discovery.  But this is a neurologic answer and cannot be fixed through neurology alone;  they suggest that the two proteins are instrumental in reversing methylation; ergo, it could be the answer we are looking for.  But whoa, why are the genes methylated, in the first place?  What kind of pain and where does it come from?  Here is where primal enters the fray.   Now after 50 years of our daily work on hundreds of patients we have a very good idea what the pain is and how it has settled into the system.  We believe we are demethylizing through immersing ourselves into the trauma and reliving it exactly as it was laid down.  That means becoming a 6 year old again or a fetus reliving the mother’s smoking or drinking.  We see it and we see the effects of reliving: major changes throughout the system.   We believe we alter the neurotic trajectory that would have led to serious disease later in life.

The authors state that may include cancer: when there is a failure in resetting of the methyl marks on the DNA, it can result in development abnormalities and possibly cancer.  In this way the cells lose their identity and start to divide without control,  the profile of cancer.  This research is advancing by the day and will help   us measure and treat serious imprints.  And here is where we shrinks will leave neurology.  Because in psychotherapy the patient will talk about his life and ultimately descend down the chain of pain to the deepest imprint.  When that happens  the distortions that methylation engenders will normalize.  The patient is on his way to being normal.  We want our theories of the human being to be unassailable:  why?  Because correct and accurate theory leads to proper therapy , and the means ultimate health  and longevity.  That is our mission.


  1. Art!

    Since they at "SBU knowledge center for healthcare" here in Sweden soon decide what scientific areas they should acquire funds for future years... so it would be great if I could get all the parts of the "Epigenetics and Primal Therapy: The Cure for Neurosis" to submit.

    My e-mali

    Your Frank

  2. To just be thinking!

    Why is suffering so catastrophic to just be thinking of the cause of it? Because childhood and fetal stage is the cause of feelings ... without the consciousness of it ... which in some sence means to let go of thoughts. It is not to be despised for what it open a wide door opening to feelings ... if we do not do it right!
    To just think of feelings as cause Do not allow himself to feel and closes all the doors ... we need intellectual approach of how the emotional content presents itself When We might lose someone close!
    I remember the first time I read "The Primal Scream" ... how I found myself in a psychosis to only imagine what it Meant To return to my childhood. I did not understand then how memories of my childhood was to be a party of me ... memories of me as a child ... i thought more that i would undergo a transformation to've become small again ... a scourge I think many of us are going through for what our thoughts are not properly informed thatthere are memories and not a transformation it is all about ... which it is easy to perceive it as without knowledge of what the emotional memory contains.
    Without the understanding of being the child we once were is the most horrific we have ahead of us if we do not let ourselves be treated by Primal Therapy ... and we die a horrible death if we are not taken away from the consciousness of it ... which now occurs through blocked medications! But if we can ease ourselves into what consciousness contains about the terrible death ... death we already lived through ... so we avoid not only suffer now ... but to also live the time we have left to live.


  3. Dr. Janov
    I read Ketting’s and Niehrs’s publication at the Institute of Molecular Biology in Germany and decided to write an extensive letter (still in the editing process) to Joe Biden and to the NIH Director Francis Collins encouraging him to use the newly released funding for DNA de-methylation. My main point is: “healthy genes do not produce cancer”.
    In addition I stressed the so far neglected issue of trauma induced high cortisol levels as a possible culprit for gene methylation. Many people who experienced trauma show later epigenetic induced illnesses and consequently display markers for “reduced serotonin and oxytocin receptors”.
    It could not harm if you write a letter to Joe Biden as well.

    1. Sieglinde, we will write to him as well. art

    2. But we need to specify where the money goes;  not just for demeth but to a therapy that normalizes the system that  is aimed at demethylation.  Thanks,  Art

  4. Dr. Janov,
    right, we need to emphasize that there is not only a micro biological repair-mediated DNA demethylation.
    I believe you can stress the case for Primal therapy more effective than I can. This is the reason I wrote to you.

    My aim is to wake up the still sleeping scientists, to tell them that psychological trauma leaves the endocrine-system dysfunctional.
    Just look at the one methylated gene “Gadd45a” and the damage it produce. That is indisputable evidence, that is pushed under the carpet.
    Gene: Gadd45a
    tumorigenesis (Cancer cells)
    reproductive system
    renal/urinary system
    nervouse system
    mortality aging
    immune system
    homeostasis metabolism
    endocrine exocrine gland
    BTW I have this Marker in two different genes.
