Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Even Your Blood Remembers

Lest you think that only our brain remembers, it turns out that almost every part of us, every cell also remembers. And that memory stays alive for most or our lives.  That is exactly why we need a therapy not just for current symptoms of migraines or high blood pressure, but of something that affects every part of us.  That means those key imprinted memories that have detoured our lives, changed our destiny and our evolutionary trajectory.   We need a therapy that has a reach as long as the duration of some of those memories.  They have to be reached to impact and change them; that means a therapy that has a reach over most our lives, particularly our very early lives.

In comes Primal Therapy which attacks the central nervous system, the system that radiates its traumas everywhere in the brain/body.  That means we do not have to chase down every a small impact; simply go the center from where it all emanates.   That means that if the immune system is damaged while we are young or living in the womb, there may be a cancer lurking years ahead.  If we find ways to boost the immune system, a number of cancers seem to be reversed.  And the most recent work on serious diseases involves the immune system.  For many afflictions even later on, the primal, primary imprints are channeled to do harm where the system is weakest.   And they become weak and ineffectual when early trauma lowers the effectiveness of part of the immune system called natural killer cells.  Once affected they cannot do their job of attacking newly developed cancer cells.
Our therapy, as I have reported have doubled those cells in patients after one year of therapy.   And our primary focus is to attack the central mechanisms that spread its primal tentacles throughout the neurophysiology. It is simpler and more efficient.

Speaking of how all cells remember, a study put out by John Hopkins School of
Public Health, states that “blood taken from children up to the age of five, showed molecular evidence about whether their mothers smoked or not during pregnancy”. (Nov 23, 2015 ). That means that early traumas stay around and affect us.  It is not a benign memory; there are changes in the blood of the offspring.  They also suggest that many environmental factors are ‘remembered” and change us in the same way. That means serious toxins stay alive when the mother is herself affected while carrying.   The baby is constantly impacted by it.  And there is evidence that those babies impact by things like smoking in the mother have behavior problems later on.  And so when a doctor says  “anything troubling you that would affect your behavior”?   You are forced to say “no” because there is no way you can know until you visit the zone of the underground.

I related the story of a woman who had to move to the remote desert because she felt she was being poisoned in the city.  She was poisoned:  thirty years earlier when her carrying mother was chain smoking.  That memory, totally unconscious, still drove her behavior.   Her blood system remembered.  And if she had blood and circulatory diseases we would still not know its provenance.    “Do you smoke?”  “No”.  “We will have to do  a lot of tests to figure this out.”  Oh, thank you.

“Oh by the way, could you check out the imprint on the cells in my brainstem?”    Wha?????

There are levels of conscious awareness, and the blood remembers as well as any mental memory; only it does not speak English; it speaks biology,  a most valid and accurate language.  Your body as yet has no language to distort its meaning. So listen closely; the symptoms are speaking.

What the researchers are stating now is that these traumas can go back to pregnancy days and affect us for years.  You mean we are affected why back when?   Yes. And those experiences have an enduring and explosive impact?     Yes, don’t forget the toxins the mother produces on her own.  The baby is a prisoner in a locked-in cell with no exit; and he suffers and suffers.   He seems to be born depressed or anxious.  Probably not.   He was born neurotic (a life of imprinted pain) due to life experience.  Neurotic meaning, a load of pain not integrated, that disfigures the body and alters behavior over time.

The good part of this is that we can take a blood sample and spot where you have a trauma from womb-life,  and from mother’s smoking.  There is now a way to measure it so we do not have to ask key questions: a pin-prick and we know.  In the same way that exposure to lead can affect the body prenatally, we are beginning to see how early experience exposes us to different kinds of chemical imprints.  The body gathers up all the chemicals it is exposed to, registers it and is diverted from normalcy.  Yes we can be abnormal in the womb.   And maternal smoking can do it all by itself.  It is now a predictable event and should warn against the ingestion of any drugs during pregnancy.  Remember, blood contains minute molecular memory.  We can be fooled but not our blood.

So it isn’t that the blood remembers but it also stores the memory and affects us thereafter.  When there are serious blood diseases later in life, we should not neglect womb-life events.


  1. Hello Art!

    What really shows what you are saying is when we are ashamed ... we are not only red in the face of high blood pressure ... we will also be sweating all over the body while we mentally suffer this unpleasant sensation which in itself proves that our entire system is involved in this context... the context for what we believe only happens in our brain but throughout the body react to it... for what we now attribute the symptoms to be reason... symptoms of cause we can not think of anything else as the cause... cause what symptoms are actually caused by.
    We understand to not feel the reason... an neocortex dilemma. A cause of death in the limbic system... a memory that we ascribe symptoms to be the cause. Take what you want... anything you do not understand the process of but you see that something is happening then you are close to the truth of what we struggle around the psychological issues for what we do not understand a thing!
    If we understood... so would the cause of suffering be told on the front page of every newspaper. Anxiety and depression would no longer be targets of symptoms it would be a question of why... which they are in their scientific context... but not allowed to be!
    What we belive us understand is not always the cause of it... that in itself is a matter for science to solve... which is the reason why there will not be an issue because the science has not reached all the way to the cause of its consequence.


  2. I read a lot about PT. Now only read. I think that my tinnitus can be related with child trauma. I hardy now about myself, but when I am thinking about my parent's fights I simultaneously think "I can't hear this, I don't want to hear this".

  3. As someone diagnosed with Vasculitis, and systematically poisoned with Medecine's Cortisone over the past 2 years, I can relate to this. Getting better now I'm weaning myself off the Cortisone, and using 'naturals' like Turmeric, Magnesium, Flaxseed oil etc. but a long way to go. 3 years of doctors and specialists scratching their heads at blood test results and saying 'all your inflammation markers are through the roof!' I've always suspected it was largely Pain related; thanks Art.

  4. I used to think that expanding ones consciousness meant to grasp for something mysterious outside and beyond myself, what a tragic idea that was, and as you said , 'what a waste'. I wish they would teach the facts, perhaps, I will have to . I'm not afraid of the work, but spending all my savings from my pension and cash jobs, to do my therapy and possibly loosing my partner over my decision to, yet I know it's right to choose to feel over money, or status or even fear of loneliness. What other choice is there...... It will be incredible to meet you, it's incredible just to be able to talk to you over the Internet. Very humbling to receive so much charity and love from you ! Who will I give my authority to when your gone? Hope to see you soon, in the next 6 months. I need to be working and studying with feeling people. I don't want to waste anymore time. Life is too precious, and wonderful to waste...Katherina

    1. Katherina,

      I have learned the hard way that:

      awareness + feelings = consciousness.

      In words, it really is that simple. In reality it is much harder and that is why people concoct all sorts of 'theories' to distract and defend against their own pain.

      Good luck,

      Paul G.

  5. We believe... a process towards what feelings contains why they becomes a need... a need which we do not understand for what reality tells of life-threatening experiences!

    The process of how consciousness in the limbic systemetska shall have opportunities to come into place in the neocortex? It is what science and the experience of its contents to illuminate!

    Neocortex does everything in its path to suppress life-threatening signals ... that by processing intellectual sentences against everything what penetrates up from the limbic system... make it abstract. That is what we are!

    How do we let go of a thought... a thought that nothing else does than tell us to be for what our thoughts make possible to escape ourselves... thoughts as nothing else does than save the life of us. Remember saved our lifes? We need to "understand" it... it binds us to past events... for what we today can let go of... it for what science tells his process. We simply need to understand why we understand... it binds us now to catastrophic events... and we understand to not perceive its consequence.

    So what are we in the name of science?

    The question is whether the limbic system's vulnerability led to the development of the neocortex? I think it has... it in the process of survival... survival for what pain of life-threatening experiences caused... catastrophic experiences so painful impossible to endure... as for neocortex to process to an abstraction... with consequences of symptoms... but logical... logical if we understand its cause. That is why we more believe in the cause than feel the cause of feelings... an abstraction we still can not learn from... a dilemma for what we think causes rather than feel them.



  6. "Awareness + Feelings = consciousness", and the rest of what you said Paul so eloquently in a nutshell, is brilliance! However , what is going on with me I ask myself , that even though I understand all of what you said Paul, I be continued? Until then, thanks a million Art and Paul, Katherina
