Articles on Primal Therapy, psychogenesis, causes of psychological traumas, brain development, psychotherapies, neuropsychology, neuropsychotherapy. Discussions about causes of anxiety, depression, psychosis, consequences of the birth trauma and life before birth.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Epigenetics and Primal Therapy: The Cure for Neurosis (Part 2/20)
Heredity Turned on its Head
Let’s make sure we understand this notion of epigenetics because in the coming years it will likely be one of most important areas of scientific research. As I’ve mentioned, one reason for its preeminence is that many of the serious diseases we think are genetic are actually epigenetic and, therefore, environmentally caused, and possibly treatable. That is now an established fact in human development. However, early discoveries in the field a short decade ago were so startling that they even surprised the scientific world.
The power of epigenetics was demonstrated early on in an experiment at Duke University. That study showed that when female mice were fed a diet rich in methyl it completely altered the fur pigment of the offspring; in other words, it acted like a genetic inheritance when it was not. It was the result of experience, something totally unexpected in the field of genetics until then. As a result of this study, two leading scientists from Canada, Michael Meaney and Moshe Szyf, thought: if that is true why shouldn’t it be true of other experiences such as bad mothering or negligent parenting? (3) Well,it was,and epigenetic research exploded. Think of that: traumatic events in very early childhood leave a mark or tag on a gene that affects us just about forever. That is what I refer to as the imprint, the psychological stamp engraved by harmful events during gestation and early infancy, and burned into the system for life. We now understand that the imprint is aided and abetted by the process of methylation, in which the chemical methyl group is added to the genome to restrict its expression. In other words, the imprint is laid down, in part, by a change in the cell, as certain chemical reactions are taking place — hydrogen removal, methyl infusion, and so on. Methylation leaves a heritable imprint, one that can be passed down even from grandparents to their grandchildren, as research has shown. So what we always thought was genetic may well be the result of very early experience diverting the genetic legacy. In short, the experiences of our forbearers can endure and be passed down the epigenetic chain – the inheritance of acquired characteristics. This is something science thought impossible not long ago.
In another key experiment, the McGill genetics researchers compared two groups of rats: one group consisted of the offspring of normal mothers who frequently licked their babies but had subjected the offspring to stress during pregnancy, with a second group of pups who were also under stress but experienced no licking (Meaney, Aitken, Bodnoff, Iny, & Sapolsky, 1985). Not surprisingly, those babies who were heavily licked turned out to be the most normal and well adjusted. What is a surprise, however, is how much womb-life counts; what the scientists found is that the right amount of licking and grooming early on, left offspring less responsive to stress hormones as adults. It is what we all know: that early love makes us stronger and less anxious. But it turns out that if the mothers were licked and groomed early on in their lives, that experience could be passed on too; the stress hormone genes of their offspring could be modified by the methyl group (and also other chemicals) in a beneficial way. Good history in the mother, good childhood for the children. The more loving by the mother, the less methylation in the child. As we will see shortly, loving in the womb means receiving proper nutrients, being calm and not furiously running here and there, avoiding dangerous or unhealthy situations. I know of someone who did extreme heat/massage therapy while pregnant, never realizing the possible harm to the baby.
Almost every animal form that is loved and licked has grown up pretty healthy with no serious disease; and in my therapeutic experience, those children who had bad and traumatic births with unhealthy gestations are the ones who suffer the most as adults. Too often, catastrophic early life equals catastrophic disease later in life.
To make sure that these changes in the rat pups resulted from experience and not heredity, the researchers let normally stable rat pups raised by attentive mothers be raised by neurotic negligent mothers. And the result was still the same – unstressed babies. These babies had birth mothers who had normal amounts of methylation in their genomes. Thus rats raised by loving mothers could pass it onto offspring even when the adopted mother was not loving. The genes for stress hormone output had minimal methylation; in other words love was passed down the genetic chain. So normal babies raised by negligent and inattentive mothers still had low methyl levels in their hippocampus. The babies started life one leg up; a good start in life despite a bad childhood.
For animal mothers, licking is tantamount to hugging and caressing in humans. And, just as we see in the rats, a woman who is unhappy or depressed while carrying can influence that child for a lifetime, even if she later normalizes and feels better. I believe that changes in the genes, methylation and acetylation, must occur very early as the whole neuronal system is evolving. So before we can state what causes depression or anxiety, we need to observe the early epigenetics at work. Again, pups born to bad mothers but reared by loving mothers still seemed to be normal and relatively un-methylated.
Here is one more reason this research is important: the scientists found that unloving mothers of rodents caused methylation of the estrogen receptors in female offspring. Then, when they had offspring of their own, the offspring were deficient in estrogen, which made them less attentive and loving to their own babies. We as yet do not know how many key chemical processes can be affected by lack of early love, and more, we have no idea how many hormones are changed in neurotic (heavily methylated) mothers, and how that affects myriad adult behaviors.
Nowadays, there seem to be constant breakthroughs in epigenetics research. As I stated at the start, researchers have established that epigenetics is at work not just in animals but among humans as well. In the aforementioned study of Holocaust survivors, published in August in Biological Psychiatry, an international team of researchers led by Rachel Yehuda, professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, examined the genes of 32 Jewish subjects who had suffered some level of trauma during World War II. They were either held in concentration camps, tortured or forced into hiding. Researchers also examined the genes of 22 adult children of these traumatized survivors. The results were then compared with a control group of Jewish families (eight parents and nine offspring) who were living outside of Europe during the war.
Investigators focused on a specific gene, FKBP5, which is known to
regulate the stress hormone system and determines how well a person handles
stress, according to Elisabeth Binder, director at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich, who directed the molecular analyses. The study found that the war trauma had altered the methylation levels of a specific site within that gene (bin 3/site 6) in both the Holocaust survivors and their offspring. The methylation levels at that site were higher in Holocaust survivors compared to the control subjects. In the survivors’ adult offspring, paradoxically, the methylation levels at that same site were lower, compared to controls. Still, researchers determined that “methylation levels for exposed parents and their offspring were significantly correlated.”
The research has quickly led to a practical, real-world application. In August, around the same time the study was released, London’s Guardian newspaper reported that Jewish activists in Scotland had launched an effort to help the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors suffering from depression, anxiety, addiction and eating disorders. The article makes note of epigenetics studies that document “the intergenerational effects of the Holocaust” by showing that “the atrocities altered the DNA of victims’ descendants.” Armed with that knowledge, activists called for “a mental health provision to treat inherited trauma.” (4)
Although critics say the number of subjects in this study is too small – reflecting the small number of Holocaust survivors still alive – the connection is clear. "The gene changes in the children did not appear to be mediated by adversity experienced during their own childhood but could only be attributed to Holocaust exposure in the parents," said Yehuda, in a statement from the Max Planck Institute (5). "Environmental influences such as stress, smoking or diet can affect the genes of our children.”
In other words, even before a baby is conceived, his genetic destiny is being determined, at least in part, by the life experiences of his parents, not just their existing genetic code. That is epigenetics in action.
(3) Hoag, H. (2011, Summer). Are your genes your destiny? (Not if your mom has anything to say about it). Retrieved from your-mom-has-anything-to-say-about-it/
(4) West, J. (2015, August 3). Holocaust survivors' grandchildren call for action over inherited trauma. The Guardian.
(5) Holocaust survivors pass on trauma to their children’s genes. (2015, August 25). Retrieved from
Hi All,
ReplyDeleteI just found this one:
"New research from Emory University School of Medicine, in Atlanta, has shown that it is possible for some information to be inherited biologically through chemical changes that occur in DNA. During the tests they learned that that mice can pass on learned information about traumatic or stressful experiences – in this case a fear of the smell of cherry blossom – to subsequent generations.
According to the Telegraph, Dr Brian Dias, from the department of psychiatry at Emory University, said: ”From a translational perspective, our results allow us to appreciate how the experiences of a parent, before even conceiving offspring, markedly influence both structure and function in the nervous system of subsequent generations.
“Such a phenomenon may contribute to the etiology and potential intergenerational transmission of risk for neuropsychiatric disorders such as phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.”
This suggests that experiences are somehow transferred from the brain into the genome, allowing them to be passed on to later generations.
The researchers now hope to carry out further work to understand how the information comes to be stored on the DNA in the first place. They also want to explore whether similar effects can be seen in the genes of humans.
Professor Marcus Pembrey, a paediatric geneticist at University College London, said the work provided“compelling evidence” for the biological transmission of memory.
He added: “It addresses constitutional fearfulness that is highly relevant to phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorders, plus the controversial subject of transmission of the ‘memory’ of ancestral experience down the generations.
“It is high time public health researchers took human transgenerational responses seriously.”
“I suspect we will not understand the rise in neuropsychiatric disorders or obesity, diabetes and metabolic disruptions generally without taking a multigenerational approach.”
Professor Wolf Reik, head of epigenetics at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge, said, however, further work was needed before such results could be applied to humans.
He said: “These types of results are encouraging as they suggest that transgenerational inheritance exists and is mediated by epigenetics, but more careful mechanistic study of animal models is needed before extrapolating such findings to humans.”
OH really? ? ?
Paul G.
A Swedish study - that strongly contributed to draw attention to epigenetics - used reliable statistcs to prove that dietary deprivation was passed on to cause disease in *grandchildren*.
ReplyDeleteHi Art,
ReplyDeleteI am fascinated; not so much by your well articulated post above, but by the strangely synchronous reflections of it I have recently read in various media. . .
Something is going on. . . I wonder why?
Paul G.
If we only knew how many psychiatrists non scientific content keeps underarms... we would be afraid. It is not possible that science around mentally ill have so many options that it supplies thousands and thousands of psychiatrists in action. Supplies... because that is what it is all about when best symptom reliever can decide what science should stand for and not what science tells us about.
ReplyDeleteIt is not I who react with anxiety and depression it is my brain! And who am I? I'm the one who carries the pain... difficult to access... as my brain reacts to... I little Frank... me as no psychiatrists want to acknowledge and hence all speculation about anxiety and depression lucrative... similar to an industry that sells anything for money.
Om vi bara visste hur många psykiatriker ovetenskapligt innehåll håller under armarna så skulle vi bli rädda. Det är inte möjligt att vetenskapen runt psykiskt sjuka har så många alternativ att det försörjer tusen och åter tusentals psykiatriker in action. Försörjer… för det är vad det är frågan om när beprövade erfarenheter får bestämma vad vetenskapen ska stå för och inte vad vetenskapen berättar om.
Det är inte jag som reagerar med ångest och depression det är min hjärna! Och vem är då jag? Jag är den som bär på smärtan (svår att komma åt) som min hjärna reagerar på… jag lilla Frank… mig som ingen psykiatriker vill kännas vid och därav all spekulation om ångest och depression inbringande miljarder liknande en industri som säljer vad som helst för pengar.
My needs of love is painful!
ReplyDeleteThinking and speaking is largely a neurotic phenomenon... neurotic phenomenon as think and speak is protecting for what neurotic phenomenon is the cause!
I have tried to explain myself about anything in my entire life... what if I had found anything to explain me around... for example, psychiatrists?
Words can mean a lot for healing purposes if used for the purpose for what its defense was intended to be against.
For me being shy are the same as then standing in front of my mother yearning to be loved ... longing for what my now painful symptoms of being shy was planted long time ago.
"It can hurt so much to be alone and having no one to likes me... and I have come so much further in my education than any psychiatrist ever can suspect be possible.
Frank, yes you have. Art
DeleteFrank, Art: Animals can´t speak but communicate effectively and beautifully through physical contact, vocal sounds and signs. I feel that our ability to talk is a subsitute for what we have lost in terms of real communication, ie mainly physical, and an extremely inadequate and self deluding one. I watch TV sometimes with the sound off, or foreign language programes and I just see endlessly moving mouths. It looks strange to me, but not to most people, because we are all conditioned to communicate 95% with our mouths from our heads and 5% from our bodies. It should be the other way round. I feel so much sadness when I see three year olds crying and their parents bending over them lecturing them. The child has her arms outstretched - the language, the need, is so, so clear - yet the parent or guardian or teacher just lectures on, despite the cries, despite the obvious fact that the child isnt listening and can´t "understand" the moral lesson /he is being táught. I see it all the time in Portugal. So,so, so sad.....Gary
DeleteWRT Dr. Yehuda's August 2015 research, the problems were greater than a small sample size. Reading a half-dozen scientific critiques showed that there wasn't sufficient evidence for her team to accept the starting hypothesis, although she did.
ReplyDeleteIt may be beneficial to your upcoming collaboration with Dr. Feinstein to review some of these problems as they are common to epigenetic studies. For example:
- The influence of cell subtype composition wasn't studied. This can't be ignored when the DNA source is blood.
- The control groups weren't appropriate.
- The parents' DNA methylation difference were increases whereas the children's were decreases was an unexpected result termed "intergenerational biological accommodationism." This epigenetic mechanism needed further evidence.
- The "bin" that showed the only significant difference contained only one CG site. The two other "bins" contained multiple CG sites. A more accurate methodology would have processed each CG site separately for comparison to be confident that the effect was limited to the significant CG site.