Thursday, September 11, 2014

Happy Birthday Letter

This is a “Happy Birthday” letter from a series of letters sent to Art by patients, former patients, friends and readers from all over the world that show how Primal Therapy have impacted their lives.

Hi Art,

I am sure that you don't remember meeting me, but I will never forget meeting
you!  It was the mid-1980's and, I believe, you had fairly recently returned from
France.  I was in my mid-20's at the time and a patient at the Primal Institute.
You gave a talk up at, I believe, a church in Westwood.  It was a total thrill to hear
you speak.  And after I had the honor to shake your hand.  It was a great night!

After a couple of years at the institute, I moved back to Minnesota and began a
"new" life.  I worked a job.  Got married and had two beautiful daughters.  There
is no doubt in my mind that my experiences in primal therapy helped make me
a better father.

Through the years I knew that I hadn't completed the job that I needed to do.  I
began looking into getting back into primal therapy but my life was here.  I
investigated your website and learned that I could carry on therapy with Skype.
So, after a couple of weeks in LA I returned home and have, very successfully
carried on my therapy.

I do want to share one anecdote of the one group that I attended in Santa Monica
as part of my two weeks.  A patient was saying something like, "I haven't been to
a group in a long time.  It's been 9 months.".  When it was my turn, I said, "My last group was... 25 years ago."  I am not sure that they believed me.

I'd like to say something about the differences in therapy between my experiences at the Primal Institute in the mid-80's  and the past two years at the Primal Center.  It's much better now.  It's rare for me not to feel deeply.  I don't think the suffering builds up as much.  And I think that my therapist knows what he's doing.  Looking back I can only think that my therapists at the institute missed a lot of opportunities to send people into feelings.  Thank you for these major improvements!!!

I don't have enough words to express my gratitude for the extremely positive differences you have made to my life.  The only way that I know how to express the depth of my gratitude is by sharing this thought.  To know that I've done something right with my life, all I have to do is to look at how happy and healthy my daughters are.  I know that I couldn't have done as good of a job as a father without primal therapy!  To fully convey how important this is to me I would need about a million exclamation marks but that would make this letter too long.

I would be remiss if I did not say Happy 90th birthday!!!!  And I wish you a hundred thousand more birthdays!  I suspect that you have some awareness of this, but you are a man who will live forever.  Your life's work is unparalleled.  All the people that you have already helped and all the people that your work will help, will increase exponentially.  My personal examples are my daughters.  They don't know about primal therapy.   They don't have a need for primal therapy!
Art, I don't know a greater success story than that!

Sincerely -- with my deepest gratitude.

M. T., USA

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