I was looking around at some people I know and at least 1/3rd of them had the malady of needing to move constantly; organizing trips, making reasons to go here and there, and, in general keeping on the move. Does all that constant going and coming lead to strokes and heart attacks? I do think so. Why? Because below all that movement is a giant silent scream. So, if they scream it out will they stop moving? Nope. We have so many assumptions here, so let’s take it slowly.
I have seen thousands of patients relive all kinds of traumas: one key one that is widespread is being trapped in the womb, suffocating and unable to get out. Trapped. Suffocating, Unable to move; those are the key feelings involved. They could scream then and they cannot scream now but once they as adults are in the feeling they can first grunt and try to move and feel then, later, At birth….. scream. It is not the screaming that is liberating. It is the reliving. And then the scream to express the agony of all that. Reliving changes the imprint, reduces it, and begins the resolution process - demethylation which I have written about extensively. Screaming alone is not what we are after; it is the total agony of the reliving, and then the reaction—screaming. Reactions alone cannot do it. And that is what is wrong with all those early Scream Clubs in universities that began with the publication of the Primal Scream. Yes, screaming relieves the pressure involved in the reaction but does nothing to the imprint.
So now we see the tremendous pressure in the build up after the traumatic event early on; not only the birth trauma but many other traumas where the mother is taking drugs or smoking and drinking and the fetus/baby cannot escape. He can turn his head away as if to escape but, alas, he is trapped. And that feeling impressed into a vulnerable body remains there as a engraved memory and will drive her behavior thereafter. “I have to move. I have to get out of here.” That is the leitmotif of his or her life. And it never ever leaves! The person is literally trapped in the memory, a trap that has chemicals stronger than steel to bind them forever. One of those chemicals is methyl. Another is serotonin, and there are many others. But is is a chemical conspiracy to make sure we never ever feel free or liberated. Now do they feel bound? Of course not. They are too busy trying to get unbound, yet never knowing the feeling and where it comes from. Can you imagine someone saying to himself, “Wow. I am bound by a feeling in the womb!” In that womb there are obviously no words or concepts or scenes. Only a physical feeling. So how can there be a memory? There is no memory as wee think of remembering, but the body remembers exactly. It remembers trapped and suffocating because in the Primal that is what comes up and what we see. And in everyday life we lug those feelings around as a weight as if carrying a ten pound steel bar around constantly. We are carrying around those devilish chemicals that trap us, however. And what changes those chemicals? Primals.
Can you guess? Less methylation, decreased serotonin (which we have measured) and on and on. We change the chemical composition and diminish the memory so that we can really change our behavior and our proclivity toward disease. So screaming won’t do it. What will? How about dampening drugs, SSRI’s? They shush the scream but never never change the memory, the imprint. And how about slowing us down so we don’t move so much? That just helps the build-up of pressure. It exacerbates the problem and aggravates the need to move. What helps? Nada!
So when we see the constant motion we understand, but we never see the agony. Why no agony? Because it is busy being acted-out to relieve the agony before it is fully felt. So we cannot possibly see it and the person in motion cannot feel it; that is the idea, that it disappear before it is evident. Now we know why psychotherapy is at such a loss. And now we know what could be behind high blood pressure and migraines. I had one patient who was sexually never satisfied. When she could not have sex her blood pressure rose to dangerous heights. Drugs could not help her. What could? Feeling the need to discharge pressure,, a Primal; that helped. That cured. Why cure? Because it dealt with the origin of it all. The original methylation and imprint. What caused all that need for sex; to say nothing of her first-line imprint which was so strong. An imprint on the physical level that had no words, nor screams. A constant smoking mother who was literally killing her baby. Or a chronically anxious mother who could not shut off her anxiety. The brainstem, almost fully developed at the time absorbed all that trauma and is therefore heavily methylated. We never will see that until we bring patients down to that level; yet that could take months and then we need to know what to look for. That is why it took me decades to figure it out. It is not evident.
So why aren’t they all walking down the street screaming? It is not done and not polite, but what they can do is scream out the agony of the migraine or heart constriction (angina). And we rush in to treat the heart condition or migraine or high blood pressure. That is where it is obvious but that is NOT where the problem lies. It lies hidden in the lungs and surroundings. In the arching back and the constant movement. We see what we see, the obvious, and miss what we cannot see. That makes sense. Maybe we should be searching for what cannot see: a lens that magnifies primal pain. dHey,I have it and I am giving it away. Oh you mean no one wants it. Why? They are too busy treating what they see.