Articles on Primal Therapy, psychogenesis, causes of psychological traumas, brain development, psychotherapies, neuropsychology, neuropsychotherapy. Discussions about causes of anxiety, depression, psychosis, consequences of the birth trauma and life before birth.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Here It Is At Last: Confirmation of Primal Therapy
Whoa, wait a minute they never mention primal but the work is totally primal. Here is the headline from Science Daily: Life Stressors Trigger Neurologic Disorders. (see How big a step would it be to take to place this research into the proper context, give it a frame of reference and help it find its home? And help it make sense of the research and a proper therapy for the result. This is the work done at Yale University. (See and look for publication May 7, 2014 in the journal Neuron).
Here is the research summary: When mothers are exposed to trauma, illness, alcohol or other drug abuse, these stressors may activate a single molecular trigger in brain cells that can go awry and activate (serious) conditions, such as schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress syndrome and some forms of autism.
What they are showing is how neglect, lack of love and trauma seep deep down in the brain to impact single neural cells.
They point out that when a carrying mother is exposed to abuse, drugs or emotional she experiences the kind of trauma that can lead to a psychiatric illness later on in the child. Wait a minute; isn’t that a quote from the Primal Scream? Gee I hope so.
What is new is that they have identified a molecular mechanism in the prenatal brain that indicates how cells go off track. What is interesting is that even though the trauma may have different origins it still affects this minute cell. This cell becomes a trigger for a myriad of effects throughout the baby’s system. And depending on the genetic vulnerabilities the impact will travel to the weakest link; kidneys, liver, heart, etc., and sets the stage for serious afflictions later on. It makes the system more vulnerable which is what the researchers discovered. The affected cells were much more sensitive to later stress, lack of love, neglect and drug abuse. In other words, compounding. It seals in the imprinted memory and makes it much tougher to root out or even to have access to; we have to go through layers of neglect in childhood, lack of love, indifference, violence and other traumas before resonance will carry us all the way back to the origins of it all. That is not to say that we can always get back to original imprints but we do come close and in some cases we do get there. The point is that in therapy we need to wend our way slowly through later and lesser traumas before we can ever hope to reach way back into our fetal life.
So can we imagine treating patients with cognitive therapy hoping for results when the beginnings precede verbal memory? And recuperating memory has nothing to do with ideas or explanations? Luckily, there is something called resonance which is the link among all levels of brain function so that the current ideational level will eventually lead down the chain of pain to fetal life. If we try to get there fast, the strength of the pain down deep is such that it will immediately flood the top level brain and produce terrible results. We need to follow evolution in reverse, take our time and not induce flooding. But if we never go there the patient has no chance.
Trauma changes behavior; first among neurons (yes they do behave) and then throughout the system. All this reinforces our theory and frame of reference. And shows how very early trauma changes things. So here we are in front of a patient with migraines, for example. And we try to change her attitude about it or we try to rationalize something to make the person strong in the face of it. In short, we stay on the top brain level; yet we have found that the origin is often (not always) from lack of sufficient oxygen at birth and the cells become so constrained to try to conserve oxygen that we produce migraine. We see this clinically time and again. Yes we do need proper research but our clinical work, wanting to know, rather than knowing what we want tells us a story of origins. Why migraines? Nothing happens “out of the air.” There are reasons and it is our job to suss them out. If we never look there then there is no sussing out of anything.
I was wondering if there is actually a specific field of science that deals with the relationship between biology and psychology -- one that attempts to build a frame of reference as Art puts it -- one that tries to make sense of it all.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I did discover that particular field of science. In fact it comes under millions of names and millions of slightly different variations -- to name a few:
Affective neuroscience, Behavioral neurology, Cognitive neuroscience, Neuropsychology, Social neuroscience, Behavioral neuroscience, Biopsychology and Psychobiology.
All of these sciences are focused on providing an evidence-based "bridge" between biology and psychology.
But none of them provide a real bridge -- instead they provide road signs. A bridge is not a road sign that says "This cause will lead to that effect." The bridge is not the road sign -- the bridge is the road between cause and effect.
Let's not be satisfied with the discovery of road signs. Let's look further until we discover the bridge. Let's find out WHY a particular cause leads to a particular effect. WHY does a traumatic childhood lead to permanent psychological problems? Don't get too excited when you discover a pattern -- you should know that patterns (road signs) are not enough. We need a broader understanding -- an UNDERSTANDING that makes sense of it ALL. We need to discover a BRIDGE.
Let's take Janov's beautiful theory and lay it on top of all those millions of road-sign-discoveries. Does it fit? Has he discovered the bridge? Should we test his bridge? Or should we carry on searching for more and more road signs?
Alas, I am just a rat in Fraggle Rock and all I can say is "The trash heap has spoken."
And well spoken. art
DeleteHi Art,
ReplyDeleteYes!! At last! Now they need to mention Primal Therapy.
Best wishes to you, France and Morey.
If we need a hero... it's you Art!
ReplyDeleteI must be allowed to congratulate you Art... and for our great luck... it will be helpful for all of us who want and can benefit from Primal Therapy!
So... our cognitive understanding is of the nature to be added correctly for the long road home... added correct for the question of how we think about the cause of our suffering!
How shall professional be able to think that they have something wrong within themselves... something crazy that have become part of their personality as professional... when they live with the "good fortune" to be successful?
Intellectuality works in case of professionals as something they have as defense... an twisted intellectual activity and especially when they feel attacked more than the ability to perceive the content... something they need to maintain for what they once were taught to become a professional! They can not think right about something that is wrong... if they fall for own opinion... so that they have copied what you presented... are more obvious than others!
Scientifical Explanation of Evolution in Reverse.
ReplyDeleteBeing long term patient / practitioner, I feel enthusiastic and am relieved about the identification of the molecular mechanism in the prenatal brain. Identifying this may help explain how cells go awry when exposed to certain environmental conditions. By identifying many risk factors, the researcher detected the gene that may be linked to neurological problems. “Different stressors may have different stress responses”. They examined risk factors specially involving epilepsy, ADHD, autism and schizophrenia. They expressed hope “to provide therapy in the future to reduce the risk and protect vulnerable cells”.
Having been involved during the development of Primal Therapy (from a “quick-fix” to the process of re-lived pain during years and decades) for nearly half a century, PT has, for me, developed through experience to a lifestyle, finally to become an identity. Through a series of extraordinary coincidences, I happened the intuitive genius of Art Janov. He realized in the late 1960s, unscientifically, how psychological and neurological contexts were rooted before, during and just after birth. With this background, he identified accurately the Primal Principle and defined Evolution in Reverse. Potentially existed thus, already then, the new treatment paradigm that had the potential to take psychotherapy out of the deadlock that cognitive therapy has continued to create. However, it would take nearly five decades before the scientific world seems to have caught up with Art Janov.
It is easy both to understand and feel for Art Janov´s many disappointments and impatience when it comes to achieving recognition from official bodies for his ingenious innovation. Lack of recognition and attention from both the neurological, psychological and other related circuits, in several respects, hampered the development of Primal Therapy. A stagnation, which with self-inflicted inexperience, not became smaller because of the questionable hip character that followed “The Primal Scream’s” best seller edition. In the eyes of too many, PT became a fashion therapy, often in the hands of inexperienced, fortune-seeking boobs that caused permanent damage.
As a patient, I have survived and have been given a new outlook on life thanks to Art Janov’s guidance. It used to feel difficult and incomprehensible that almost everyone in an international environment (who consider themselves intelligent, well-educated and experienced) are reluctant to the general value of my achievements and my documented stories about my Epileptic Journey. The journey has to all parts followed the Primal Principle and Evolution in Reverse.
The research results which have been presented by Yale now feels as natural to me as when I after 53 years met my soul mate from adolescence. Now I can talk about my experiences with someone who happens to have a natural feel for interpreting both research papers and bottom-up information in the brain. Our fellowship eliminates naturally the old inhibitions in our thoughts and behaviors.
The Primal Principle is our as well as the future of research. And to all whom it may concern.
Jan Johnsson
Jan, I may have missed this, but when did you start Primal Therapy? And about when did you start resolving the pain that drove your seizures? And, where is "Epileptic Journey" posted, or linked?
DeleteHi Art,
ReplyDeleteInexorably, researches are returning to the scene of the crime but blindfolded by their own repressive defenses they can only see cause and effect in a reductionist way. This is the Janovian Gap for sure. . . It takes feelings to perceive the feeling cause. . .
Nobody can explain to a blindfolded man (or woman) what the terrain underneath their feet looks like and expect them to walk it and negotiate it and arrive at the right destination.
So frustrating. . .
Paul G.
Yep. art
DeleteI have been trying to write part 2 of my sons medical statement. Part 2 is a summary of his symptoms and how Primal Theory explains the causes and how Primal Therapy could help cure, over time his problems.
This is turning out to be much more difficult to do than I first thought and is taking a lot more time. Mostly because all the professionals involved are either focused on his 'parenting' or trying to 'fix' his parenting skills. Consequently I am holding the baby and / or working and have not the time or energy to finish the blessed document.
Also, being only a 'layman' I am struggling with the problems associated with peoples perception that 'cure' should be left to the 'experts' and I am not one of those. . .
I'll get there in the end but the document is quite long due to having to explain my version of the Primal Centers version (in Precise) of Primal Theory.
It will get finished and be a very good document, eventually. Thank goodness for word processors eh ! ?
Paul G.
Hey well Art you have been the early adopter shouting into the buffeting wind of scientific resistance until recently. It must feel good to have one's peers start to see what you have seen for years even if they don't directly see it as Primal. Perhaps a few "I told you so" T shirts sent out? :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd can this trauma also be the Mother starting to remember her own very early years and the lack of love and affection she experienced as a baby and young child and the hoops her mind will go through to deny that truth. The deep anxiety, anger and panic this entails must be serious and be enough to cause trauma.
Yeah yeah we all need the perfect parents who give us love every second of the day. Or else they are useless. Here is some news for you: the perfect world with perfect people doesn´t exist. You give parents (and people in general) demands they can´t live up to. (and I bet you wave this aside, claiming I´m "neurotic.")
Hi, Anonymous Inga. Feel like someone just walked into a fire station and said what's the use of putting out fires! If you want agreement I'm sure you can find that everywhere with all who pooh, pooh therapy. I think because Primal therapy is so hard to come by, that people just see it as something else they can't have (triggers something else they should've gotten way back when; i.e. love.) It's understandable you should be negative about the situation of people's lives; but no one is saying parents have to be perfect, just more feeling. I think this therapy is for people trying to cope with life, and unearthing their pains in order to enjoy life and not inadvertently hurt others. And most of all to let the general population know about good birth practices & gestation importance; and yes, treatment of children in hospitals. Sheri
DeleteHi Anonymous,
Delete-"unearthing their pains in order to enjoy life and not inadvertently hurt others"-.
I have concluded (as a grandfather) this can't easily be done without re-training as a therapist. . . before we have children. . .
This particular 'Janovian Gap' is one I fall down all the time. . . every day. . . now that I am a grandfather without the qualifications of a Primal Therapist.
Ho hum, what to do ?
Paul G.
Anonymous: If you studied Janov's work properly you would see how completely inappropriate your comment was.
DeleteAndrew Atkin
Research should give credit where credit is due. Primal therapy does work, and they (researchers) know it exists, but refuse to acknowledge it. It just shows their arrogancy and jealousy; what really comes forth is their absolute ignorance all around. Sometimes the smartest people can be so stupid.
ReplyDeleteArt knows the research, what goes one , and also how Primal Therapy works; he knows how people can feel so that they will feel as though something is resolved after having lived (many years) through a birth trauma with the imprint.
Hi coastbeach7,
Delete-"they (researchers) know it exists, but refuse to acknowledge it. It just shows their arrogance and jealousy; what really comes forth is their absolute ignorance all around"-.
Thing is about the 'disconnects' the intellectuals show in their behaviour is that they themselves are impervious to their own disconnects. . . They therefore use their paranoid advantage (which is that they are disconnected from feelings) to get us to believe in universal denial so they can maintain their own individual denial. They quickly establish a reductionist "behavioural" framework for relating with others with those of a similar neurosis; IE: the neurosis of DENIAL. Why isn't the neurosis of denial in the diagnostic manuals? I digress. . .
They (who must be obeyed) do this by establishing a network of administration based on 'information' only. This eventually produces a moral majority who 'believe in denial' as a way of dealing with pain on a 'moment to moment' basis. After all, they are the ones self elected to 'observe' society with the advantage of emotionless 'objectivity'. This is known as the "Intellectual's Advantage". From the philosophical point of view emotions simply cannot exist. IE: they must carry on trying to persuade us that ideas are more important than feelings.
Aaaaand so we are born into this 'system' and become indentured slaves to the neo-cortical deceit of reductionist behaviourism. You are accountable, but the people telling you this are not.
This is the absolute advantage of the intellect, that it can justify absolute power and never accept it's own accountability as relevant to the 'position' of it's own judgement. Absolute intellectual narcissism.
It's important for Primal people to try to stop believing in this conceit/deceit handed out like candy. We can have our own feelings when we need to; absolutely regardless of the dictates of other non feeling people who simply do not understand.
Paul G.
ReplyDeleteoff topic but not,
in the guardian today: "Mental illness surges among war veterans"-. Apparently David Cameron was heard to say that the effects can take ten years to surface. It's in the guardian today. . . read it for your selves. . . The Janovian Gap is closing. . . when the 'Prime Minister' says that, you have to wonder where he is getting his information from and why he is prepared to say that.
Bad news indeed but when a Tory Politician in UK says this we should all look up and try to see how we can back up and support this huge admission of pain. Admission of pain from a Tory politician. . . . not long ago a certain general back in ww2 slapped his dysfunctional specemin in public. . . and before that in ww1 you could be shot for "shell shock". . . there is some change happening. . .
Paul G.
ReplyDeleteoff Topic.,,,
I have (finally) found in my cellar.. in an old suitcase.... copies of THE NEWSLETTER!
I do send 2 copies via Airmail .
Of You are interested in more ,please let me know.
For me it is like reading them for the the first time-since now I am quite a different Person NOW!!!
Yours emanuel
Emmanuel: Yes I would love to get them. art
Delete"First-line Closeness" is a primitive feeling. When two animals of the same species feel that they can approach each other and do anything to each other without any feeling of threat -- I would say they are feeling "first-line closeness". It is too simple to be called 'love' and in its purest form it is not sexual, but it is an extremely powerful need. I think all vertebrates have this need. Including psychopaths.
ReplyDeleteScientists say: "In order to keep the brain compact enough to fit into a skull that would actually be in proportion with the rest of our body size, the brain folded in on itself as it grew."
ReplyDeleteWhen you think about it, you realise there is no advantage in having all those wrinkles on the surface of the brain -- in fact we would have more neocortical tissue if there were no wrinkles. But the wrinkles are proof that the brain, throughout evolution, has always grown from bottom to top. The surface of the brain is an 'afterthought'.... instead of growing as a perfectly integral part of the brain, it simply continued its basic growth pattern; adding more and more cells to the surface until the surface folded in. And it appears that the rest of the brain grew in a similar fashion; rather than re-organising the entire structure of the brain, it simply added bits on over millions of years. This in itself is evidence of a brain that grew in a very specific order -- bottom first, top last. This growth pattern would be possible only if the original brain tissue was relied on as the 'default brain' so that the superficial 'mutant brain' could afford to fail while it goes through millions of years of trial and error. Following this reasoning, and the evidence of less-than-ideal folds in the surface, it is ridiculous to assume that the original brain has lost it's authority in terms of brain function. I mean... the rest of the brain grew inefficiently because the lower brain didn't want to change! The lower brain is perfect and it is the boss -- it will not be changed by a few twisted thoughts.
Hi Richard,
Delete-" The lower brain is perfect and it is the boss -- it will not be changed by a few twisted thoughts"-.
No indeed, it is twisting the thoughts. . .
Paul G.
Hi Paul. Perhaps all signals travel around the brain in loops that go from bottom to top and left to right. And to numb a signal, you must twist it at some point in the loop. If you can twist it before it reaches the brain stem, the brain stem will accept the twisted signal as if it were a real input and will not register the signal as an 'unforgettable' trauma. But if the twist occurs after the signal has been sent from the brain stem, it may need constant re-twisting (in the higher brain) because the lower brain never forgets.
Hi Richard,
DeleteJust recently I started introducing Primal Theory to some people who have the power to help our struggling family and they have very clumsily twisted the loops in their own mind to blame me for all the family problems. These people work for an agency that 20 years ago did exactly the same mental gymnastics and said the same things and now these new 'sociology students' have pulled that 20yr old reality out of their banks of information and used it to apportion blame and responsibility onto me. Again. Yet I am holding the baby they tell me I am an abuser of the baby because of past allegations. Yet they also say "please keep holding the baby". .. at least until the conference tomorrow morning. . . where they can 'interrogate' my integrity and demonise Primal.
The great thing about this kind of recurring institutional abuse is that eventually if you stick it out and "man up" to the "playground psychology" these professional paranoiacs hide their own agenda behind you do end up vindicated. . it's just that you really have to "man up" to it. . . Aaaand stick it out. . . I mean. . . well. . . don't deviate from the main issue.
By "man up" I mean tell the truth of course; I mean, the truth about trauma, repression and recovery.
We shall see. . .
Paul G.
(PS. No wonder I have so little time to write my son's medical statement).