Monday, September 2, 2013

Adversity in the Womb and How It Affects All of Our Lives

Over the years I have quoted a great number of studies showing how womb-life experience can carry on for a lifetime. What seems to be evident is that the chronic moods of the carrying mother produce the same or similar effects in her offspring. One way we imprint these deleterious experiences is through the process of methylation. We recruit part of the methyl chemical group to enhance or seal-in the repression of the memory. And the importance of our proposed research is to show how remote/early experience changes the neurophysiology of us humans for a lifetime.

I have explained that traumatic imprints change our biology and our neurology; the process of repression of these pains may play into such serious afflictions as cancer and Alzheimers disease. But what we want to show is that we can reverse the imprint or alter it a bit with our therapy. What I have proposed is that in reliving the primal imprint we lessen its effects, and once that is done can we actually short-circuit or demythelize the imprint. Can demythelation abort the advance of a serious disease? I think so. We need to prove it.

But the theory should guide us here; deep repression, heavy methylation is the culprit in many afflictions, not the least of which is depression. Can we intervene in time to avoid the advance of both physical and mental disease? We do attack the key primordial imprints at their source. And since we lessen chronic cortisol (alarm reactions) levels, as well as lowering blood pressure, body temperature and heart rate, we already have evidence of the reversal of key indices of neurosis/imprinted pain. It seems to me that the system functions as a whole, and when we relive and relieve many of the concomitants of the imprinted pain we are affecting the imprint directly. Otherwise why would the stress hormones continue to decrease in many of our patients as the result of our therapy? What I am indicating also is that undoing repression may contribute to a longer lifespan for our patients, something we shall measure through telomere lengths.

Methylation is becoming critically important in current science. What has been found recently is that if a stretch of DNA has a lot of methyl surrounding it the activity of some of the genes is suppressed. And they found in a study of twins where one was healthy and the other had a split spine (New Scientist, 31, Aug. 2013), that the possible cause was a plethora of methyl in the area which down some of the activity of growth; growth was suppressed. Methyl and repression seem to be more and more blood sisters. It’s hard to get one without the other. We are finding that more and more of harm such as pesticides is agented by the methyl group; that is, methylation patterns are altered. And it may also be that prolonged smoking may have impacted methylation as to produce enduring harm.

I have wondered why it is that we see wisdom teeth dropping after the age of forty in some patients, or why there is marked foot growth in their thirties. Methylation may be one answer since, an assumption, what seems to happen is that we do in part is reverse methylation, allowing certain structures to continue their voyage to their proper destination. In other words, methylation blocks or aborts genetic evolution, puts it on hold until it is revisited and then allows it to continue along its genetic arc.

Regarding the twin study, the authors seem to think that even though the twins share the same womb, the methylation for each of them can be different. And this may ultimately affect how each person interacts with others later on; making for marked differences.

What brought this home to me was a recent article in Science News (Also Human Health, Brain and Behavior, Aug. 25, 2013) (see Mice given caffeine while pregnant changed the brains of the offspring. Also, a set of mice drank water treated with caffeine, (an amount a woman would drink while carrying--about 3 cups of coffee a day). There were direct effects on parts of the limbic system, particularly the hippocampus. There were fewer neurons in these structures that deal with memory in the mice. And more, these caffeinated mice did poorly on tests of memory. These mice did not explore new stimuli and had what I think was aspects of ADD. They were not as curious as normal mice. Their brains seemed rewired. And it is not a big step to see the implications for humans. A mother does not have to have drunk coffee to produce adverse effects; she simply needs to be in a chronic agitated, nervous state. It is exactly as if she drank many cups of coffee. The fetus picks up on this automatically and reacts accordingly. Neurons in the limbic system, then, became hyperactive, as well. And that chronic agitation keeps focus and concentration from happening.

During sessions with in-dwelling thermisters in our patients we can observe changes in blood pressure as the patient relives key imprints. It lowers when primal pains are relived and rise when repression is evident. We see this clearly also with body temperature; depressives come to sessions with low body temp and we see it normalize when they relive early traumas. In other words as key memories are relived the accouterments of the memory do change; from this we may find, as I believe, that these are the indices of changes in the imprint itself. In short, the imprint is an ensemble of reactions, not just the chemical.

Whatever external stimuli are affecting the carrying mother are also affecting her baby. He is not behaving on his genetic legacy so much as his epigenetic inheritance, his life experience. We must understand that we need to be careful about ingesting any foreign substance from alcohol to tranquilizers, while pregnant. And we therefore need to be aware that womb-life effects are impactful and enduring.

Because they endure and continuously stimulate the system there is hope; that we can attack the basic imprint and reverse it. It is not heredity that is irreversible, but epigenetics which is reversible, something we have been doing for almost 50 years. If it has been life experience that has caused changes in the biochemistry and neuronal circuitry it can be altered. It is not a fixed entity. The way this is done is searching out and reliving key imprints. The changes in vital signs are part of the imprint so that when we reverse the by-products (lower blood pressure) it tells us of its effect on the imprint.


  1. With primal therapy... is below not a necessary future!

    During my time as a child when I found the roads in my games which distracted my feelings and I ended up in a "vacuum" without anyone whom I could confide myself at... a vacuum that ultimately fraudulently got my mind focused on other things than the lovelessness I myself was in.

    My game then... as an Indian and cowboy was a dream world... an attempt at what further would be my cognitive life away from all what love meant.

    I had no mother and father who cared about my studies... so it was easy to push around. On the questions of my homework I came away with lies... it to my "luck"... I did not end up in an academic world without the ability to get out of there!

    Now... my life was cemented... a symptom of sentences into meaninglessness created cognitive illusions as relief against my reality ... a reality from one hell to another... but still with a grim luck as I could escape an academic formation and come across the primal scream.

    Before this cognitive "hurricane" as almost embossing I tried with my life at stake to be present around mom and dad but my attempts became too painful so I gave up.

    Not anyone or anything could no longer hold back the flow of the sentences as relief... Mom and Dad was no longer an alternative for my needs... the need of them were transformed into perverted acts and nothing else but the cause of it would prove to be enough to get me out of it!


  2. Hi Art ,
    the fact,that "we" do not comment to all Your Blog entries ,does not mean that me! at least do not profit by them!!

    It is intellually !! stimulating and in my case has therapeutical effect ..
    At this very time I am very much in need of it (I am freeing myself out of the influence of
    an well adjusted !! (contrary to me..) Psychopath!1 Thanks!! Yours emanuel

    1. Emanuel: still it is nice to hear from you all. art

  3. corrected spelling and a bit edited:

    if there is anything that is encapsulated it is the actual traumatic event. the hurt. the feeling of near death. everything else, including methylation, stress response, blood pressure, hormonal status... everything that is not a total immersion in true first line life situation - is not fix but it is ever changing... adapting, coping, reacting to actual present situation that is affected of course by that traumatic event. and all the therapies in this world was, are and will use this fact to prove their effectiveness. there always will be a therapy that will change some aspect of imprint expression which is a combination of many present variables combined with the original repressed reaction. but out of original context. Here and now the imprint is anything and treated with anything. it exists encapsulated only in that past context. Here and now, there is no outside instrument that can isolate it. no proof. neither that imprint exists nor that it is gone. only a jungle of disguise... that science helps us explore with this new means... forever... normalizing this and that... until the nature does it's normalization and make a fertilizer out of us.
    consciousness is intimate and can't be fixed from outside. the will must be intimate. organic, alive.
    we first do and then much later learn how to somehow put it in words, explain it...
    that is why we need consciousness. to do, to survive, to prevent and heal.

    1. are you sure Art? because i think the epigenetic is not untouchable from outside in the present. i wrote "including methylation". so i wouldn't exclude all sorts of magical results from these so called therapies. not that i really want to be particularly against any of them. i use them. we all do i guess. whether they have a name or not yet.

    2. Vuko: Wait another week and I will publish my long article on the subject. art

  4. I think many people gain from your writings Dr. J. weather they write in or not. I always read the blogs. I especially got a lot of understanding from your Life Before Birth book. I always wondered why my thoughts about suicide started so early (age 7). Had an induced labor lasting 14hrs. with no anesthetic-=so as to not hurt the baby. also mother smoked and was avid coffee drinker. I get overloaded a lot, but know why at least. The book explains my small stature at 2yrs. You answer so many questions...just want to say thank you. Have health problems, but have hope and feel when I feel safe. I do see progress, feel a little smarter, more empathetic and enjoy things more. thank you. Sheri

  5. Can we make analogy between our non ability to feel and measure objectively the present moment and non ability to measure and feel past moment in present context. The only place where it is possible to
    measure and feel is the original place that we must relive.
    I say this because in our present context so far from original context (both time and neurologically) there is so much environment variables that our body-mind has to deal with. So many therapies, repression variables, life situations, lifestyle variations make and shape all those parameters you Art want to measure. Ultimately there will be a therapy out there that will be able to target and attack every one of those variables- a perfect intervention therapy for our perfect health and longevity. And there are some some of them available. Maybe not yet perfect but could affect us deep. And will get better, more precise.
    But we still won't know the cause, wont really know how to prevent, won't know why? won't see below our disease . and worse we will lose the connection with normality, with our reference point. Everything will be allowed when there is no consciousness. No judging from inside , only from outside.

    You must differ you therapy not on the level of intervention but on the level of consciousness which is below it.

    Primal therapy doesn't „attack“, but makes the imprint not necessary. explains why there is imprint, why there is repression, why there is suffering. our life was in danger and only life can give the answer. big difference. And i don't know how to do it from outside. How to prove it to them (outside). i don't know yet.

  6. for military/medical methodology of intelligence/measuring/diagnose/target/attack there is no place in primal therapy, i think. not to mention that this methodology is greatly affected by some interests that doesn't necessary complies with health concerns. and to be true, it is not easy to study the functioning of human body.
    today date maybe wouldn't so tragically resonate if the science of supplied data was seriously looked at. science is nothing without consciousness.
    so awareness and prevention are excellent and so is the science but the therapy is absolutely necessary. sorry for not being really constructive :-(
