Tuesday, December 4, 2012

On Surviving

The central nervous system receives input from outside but also, importantly from insides, as well.  It processes and stores information.  So why exactly are we neglecting the nervous system that processes and contains inner input in therapy?  Is it because we only can treat what we see, and since we don’t see what’s inside we imagine it doesn’t exist?  Or is it because some  of us live in “our heads” and cannot believe in  a life  deep in the interior; a life in the underground; in the zone of the interior?  This is the system that responds to stress and threat.  The system that cares and feels. It is the system of need and deprivation; why ignore it?  It is the system that remembers early hurt and deprivation; of suffocation  at birth and of not being touched right afterwards.  It is the system that needs.

  It is also the system that begins its connections with other brain circuits to help  us mature and make  us whole.  It is the system that begins the maturation of the blood and circulatory systems.  All detours are registered here, and here is  where  answers  lie to early hurt and lack of emotional care and touch.  How on earth can we ignore the key system that  remembers what  must be remembered; the system  that fully informs us of what we underwent very early in our lives?  It is the system that speaks of epigenetics and how genes and their expression were permanently changed.  It is the system that forms our personality, that shapes  how we respond to others  in life;  whether we battle on  or give up easily, our future passivity or aggressivity.  All this is set down so early but it is there for the looking; all we have to do is ask and seek.  How in therapy can we not believe in all this and go on treating only the here and now?    The early traumas take on and store early indifference and neglect by parents; it is early on that some neurons settle in the brainstem while  others find their home in the neo-cortex to make  us top heavy with intellect and prevent easy access to our feelings.  Don’t we want to know how mother’s taking drugs and alcohol caused the detour of key neurons  and changed our bodily functions?  Doesn’t this count when we are trying to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it?  Don’t we want to know how experience  in the womb reduced the brain’s dendrites and changed inner communication?  This resulting in learning problems and  ADD?  We want to know how experience changed the brain  to  take in  less input and  therefore to be easily overwhelmed with too much stimuli or input.  We must know that all the key major changes have taken  place before we play in the schoolyard.  Even before we have words to describe our problems.

  Our first major phase of development lies in the brainstem where we organize  terror, rage and impulsivity.  From this later  comes feeling and then thoughts.  There is a whole world of living before the top level even exists.  And a whole world of hurt, too.  It is the lowest  level  that impairs heart function  and is the precursor for later cancer. It is the site for organizing later diabetes and high blood pressure.  So when we wonder about an early heart attack or stroke we need to look for answers in the right places.  How is it possible to understand any of this and at the same time ignore its existence?  It  means not only ignoring  months  and years of personal development  but millions of years in the development of mankind.  We musn’t forget that our brain neurons migrate and how and where they go depends on early experience.  And  it is  early experience that ultimately determines brain growth.

  This reminds me of the giant painting of  a nude  and there  is  a  little old lady looking  only at the flowers around her.  We cannot afford to look away and still help people.  Cannot afford to not examine the critical period and not  to understand the importance of that period  for  our development.  How love at fifteen cannot ever, ever make up for its lack at age minus eight months.    And while  I am at it, there is a significant meeting going on by august mental health professionals who are renewing the diagnostic psychiatric manual.  And guess what? They are completely ignoring those key lower levels of our existence.

  When we examine animal life and see  how important  the critical period is, how  those not licked or  nuzzled suffer forever, we know how critical the  critical period is.    How the  brain shrinks  when love  is missing and reduces in size. How the brain is  denser with  early love.  Untouched newborn animals (and humans too) die much earlier.  There is a premature atrophy  of the brain.  It is becoming clear that early lack of love affects attachment  and impacts the  right brain that deals with attachment.  So  what is  it all about  Alphie?  Love Love Love.


  1. My dearest… dearest friend Art!

    It is amazing to read what you write and no “buga buga” are going up against it and can therefore never be proved in any form to be scientific.

    What else could be the reason for a legal process? May the form for argument to reach neo cortex limited capacity? If necessary… a clinical trials proving facts… so let's do them!

    Yours pal Frank,

  2. Quote: "Is it because we only can treat what we see, and since we don’t see what’s inside we imagine it doesn’t exist?"


    And I think our psychiatric diagnosis is based primarily on the individuals ability to function (or not). It's based on their ability to pretend to be normal - not their normality.

    We live in a world where people don't give a shit how you feel. They care about your ability to meet THEIR needs - governments included. I.e they care about your ability to FUNCTION.

  3. Neurotics don't want to think properly. They want to get better....NOW!!!! Even the sluggish parasympath will vote for a quick fix. Make the pain go away...NOW!!!!

    NOW!!!!! That is why we are attracted to the idea of 'SELF-EMPOWERMENT'

    YOU can do it!! NOW!! YOU can believe in YOURSELF!! Don't let anyone tell you anything.....just BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!!!

    Dictionary.com's definition for SELF-EMPOWERED:

    deriving the strength to do something through one's own thoughts and based on the belief that one knows what is best for oneself

    Sounds great doesn't it? Now....if you are an unloved scientist who has never been able to rely on mum and dad, you will probably fall in love with SELF-EMPOWERMENT. You will practice it on yourself and others. THINK POSITIVE.

    Deep down you feel as if you are all alone; you have only yourself -- only yourself to blame, and only YOU can make things better. There is no one else who will help you. No one ever did -- why would they help you now? Why? because you have changed? NO!! Deep down you know you haven't changed....
    So what are you waiting for? IT'S TIME TO CHANGE! YEAH BABY!!

    SELF-EMPOWERMENT. It is the obvious choice for the unloved scientist. Trust your own two eyes. Believe in only the things that you can see for yourself. Listen to your own thoughts. Don't listen to Dr. Janov.....he talks about mysterious UNSEEN forces...... Can YOU see those forces?....what do YOU think?......Dr. Janov is wasting your time.....look, you know you are feeling uncomfortable......this is urgent.......you MUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF......there is no other way.

    No other way.

    Art, I think it's time to start loving those unloved scientists. Give them another way.

    Give them some emotional candy - tempt them to let down their guard. Make them feel warm and squishy inside. Little by little they might open up to the possibility....the possibility that there is someone out there.....someone who can help.......someone who can be trusted. Someone who can feel and understand the pain that is rising in their stomachs as they give in to that childish urge to cry.

    Art, remember that guy who came in to fix your dishwasher? You listened to his life story, and he let down his guard a little bit. He trusted you. He cried in front of you. Why won't you do that to the mental health professionals? Why won't you give them some love and understanding? Is it because they annoy you? You don't want to socialise with them? Well then ask one of your therapists to do it. Or maybe one of your patients will socialise with them. They are not vampires. How bad could it be?

    1. Richard: The guy who fixed my machine did not live in his head, and that is the big difference. art

  4. The little boy in me screams out all his despair... despair of life and death through my limbic system... it's just a matter of if I can hear it or not... as it hurt so much. "Hear" it by the electrochemical process which is supplied through hippocampus to neo cortex… I… the neo cortex who don’t "want" to listen!

    What's wrong for me to ask mom for help if that is what I must do… what is leaking out from an otherwise isolated limbic system? For me now... it's liberating... liberating at the moments I am listening and responds to what it is I "hear”… hear throe my symptoms of fear.

    How in the world can we allow this information to be lost... lost for those who call out their despair and are meat by impossible argument for what is the cause... that is lost science when we do not let it be proved in a lawsuit?

    Art… our neo cortex here and now is all we have… it is what we also must let be... be to a possible process for primal therapy. We by our self are the only ones to hear! We have allotted of professors who are in a mind of a child trying to explain then self’s… self’s as professors. If they were smart in off they could hear but most of them have to lose their status in order to be able to listening. You may explain this more clearly? To hear about themselves as children in the name of science may makes a different!

    You need to send a bunch of therapists to those who educate teachers… where it would make much more use than anywhere else. What if students would get the opportunity to do their therapy? A rapid change would take place! Way not start a university of science as they don’t exist?

    "A world of life in the brain steam and the limbic system" before we start thinking! There is a life in ruins and therefore so difficult to listen to… but we have no choice… we must begin to listening to the “Chinese language”… and to listen we must also speak the language as where spoken in China… “China” as our home land in our childhood and in the womb where we started to grow!

    I am “feeling” dumb and stupid speaking the language… language exactly as then when I were trying to explain myself for the need I had… that’s who I am!


  5. I think… when we are grow up… we “learn” to suppress symptoms… and that in our schools... symptoms for its cause that otherwise would be useful in a therapeutic process.

    To be forced in to an intellectual existence must be off the biggest mistake ever done by human them self’s. To search for something that never will be there… is in process in neo cortex blocking memories of need that causes cancer etc… what a terrible “mistake”.

    Giving children the opportunity to their own lives by teaching teachers at our schools about the knowledge of what the limbic system contains... must be of the question elementary... for what first must be done.

    The question of how to educate and what it really means should be the issue!
    It is with grave consequences for the child to be force it into a dead end. Neo cortex is confused by what the limbic system leaking... neo cortex that otherwise should be in team with the limbic system.

    Neo cortex is blocking what otherwise becomes symptoms of mental illness… but if neo cortex should get the chance to interpret the signals right from the limbic system... it would make a difference… difference in the question of life and death... life and death in the sentence of being consciously aware... a sentence far from being consciously in just neo cortex!

    A teacher organization with "life before birth" as dictionary of what children need most... would be of the revolutionary process without comparison.

    Art... why not starts a school similar to the one AS Neil did… I would love to be there!


    1. Frank: You know Frank. If we were much younger I would no doubt do a school as A S Neill did. But alas, I am not young so it is out of the question but some of you could certainly do it. A good idea......a Primal school. art

    2. Hi,

      Montisori, Rudolph Steiner, The Middle school, and several more besides. Many attempts at taking Kids seriously and not cramming them with 'information'; some successful, some a bit cranky but some still flourishing.

      Paul G.

  6. Hi Art,
    -"Or is it because some of us live in “our heads” and cannot believe in a life deep in the interior; a life in the underground; in the zone of the interior"?

    I was trying to explain (again) about the 1st line to my ex in regard to our daughter's birth trauma and she said: "oh don't go giving me all that 1st line stuff, what's it all about anyway"? (Or similar words). She has been in 'psychosynthesis' therapy for 4 years. . .

    Others I talk to agree and refer to re-birthers. . .

    It's a waking nightmare trying to 'share' one's true experiences with those who have not relived any of theirs.

    Paul G.
