Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Cause of Some Cancers: Not What You Think

Before we get into the general subject of cancer I want to expand on my previous article on Natural Killer cells (NK Cells). The research we did years ago showed enhanced NK production after one year of our therapy, and by that I assume better control of cancer; that is what these cells do—look out for developing cancer cells and attack and devour. But why would reliving those early imprints increase production of NK cells? Here I have to make an assumption: when we have traumas during womb-life there is a deregulation of many biochemicals, hormones and neurotransmitters. The whole system, in short, changes to accommodate the input; and what that does is alter set points. How do we know that? Because in all of our studies we have found that set points seem to change after therapy and “normalize”. Thus, for example, NK cells seem to change set points and come back to normal after one year of our therapy. As do the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol.

So once we go back to those generating sources, those early imprints, the system appears to re-regulate itself back to what it should have been before the trauma intruded itself. Our therapy seems to “erase” the input and allow the cells to normalize. It is as if the trauma never happened; which is why I maintain that we can go back and undo and redo our early lives. The mechanism for this may well be the pattern of methylation that “seals in” the trauma—cancer is characterized by “methylation imbalance” (Baylin, et al., 1998). There are other factors, as well, which are being sussed out anew each and every day by biochemists and other specialists. We will leave that to those experts. But it seems as though we are reversing those early changes that caused a detour of biochemical set points. Along with this was a rerouting of brain circuits as well. The neurotic system changed. I am painting in broad strokes for the moment, details can be found in my book Life Before Birth.

So what happens when the NK cells are increased? We have a stronger army to fight cancer, an army that was weakened by trauma occurring during our womb-life (and also possibly during the birth process). The system has a normal amount now and can amass a greater force to fight cellular anomaly. The cells seem to know when something is amiss and rush to correct it in the same way that repair cells rush in to stem the flow of blood and help in healing when we cut ourselves. We are a naturally healing system when given the chance; and what is wonderful is that we always have the chance in our lives to go back and restabilize the system. That is why when NK cells are extracted from tumor cells, processed and reintroduced to the system there is an increase in cancer fighting ability.

Here is the good news: when the NK army is bolstered there is less cancer. And when there are even metastasized cells the NK cells can fight each and every appearance of abnormal cells, no matter where they are, and stop them in their tracks. It is not like chemotherapy, a poison that destroys the malignant cells and also healthy cells along with them. Here, it is but a matter of increasing the health of the cells in order to combat the intruders: a much healthier way to go. In other words, the system now has a normal amount of NK cells, which it should have had early on but did not. And the same trauma that may have lowered the set points of NK cells could have also increased the likelihood of cancer; for example, it can epigenetically affect the tumor-suppression genes, leaving the system open to later cancer. The problem is that the distance between the early trauma and the appearance of cancer at forty is so vast as to be incomprehensible. It is only when we allow patients to back and relive early trauma that we see the connection. And for now, it still it has to be an assumption.

This can never happen with a cognitive therapy that never touches deep-lying imprints that deviated and deviate the system. Intellectual therapies never operate on the levels that set off deviations. They operate on the derivatives, the effluvia of the early imprints such as deviations in perception or thought patterns or learning. Treating all that never makes a profound change. And who suffers? The patient.

Baylin, S.B., Herman, J.G., Graff, J.R., Vertino, P.M., Issa, J.P. 1998 Alterations in DNA methylation: a fundamental aspect of neoplasia. Adv. Cancer Res. 72:141–96.


  1. Like the waves on the sea... rise feelings up to surface without us know how. We see the waves violently rolling in towards shore... but not like feelings... remains where they are.


  2. Hi Art

    I can imagine that any child who starts off in the womb with trauma is going to also experience many trauma's in his childhood and as you say these compound the early trauma. Thus what the medical establishment calls a cancer personality is going to have started off in the womb as we are quite obviously not a Tabula Rasa when we are born because we have been preparing for the environment we are to grow up in.

    I remember not so long ago reading a survey in the UK where when asked privately most of the women questioned didn't like children. It was one of the saddest things I have ever read. I am sure there is a lot of compounding going on in those families sadly. having had a Mother who openly told me she did not like me I can vouch for how damaging that was to my development.

    Thus the cancer personality in considering the inability to express and FEEL deep feelings and having had a difficult relationship with the parents is looking in the right direction but is not looking far enough into the past.

  3. Art:

    Are you in contact with any of the folks cited in the URL below? They seem to say some things similar to you...like: "During gestation or in the first two years of life, more subtle issues like maternal depression can affect a baby chemically."


    Another "sorta-related" piece documents the importance of early childhood support, followed by letting kids take more risks and learn by failing:


    There seems to be a slowly-growing awareness that early traumas CAN have life-long effects. Support is suggested as one palliative for the wounded. But how many know the imprinted can enter the "Janovian Time Machine," revisit their traumas, and be healed?

    1. Hi Trevor,

      Yes, just recently all NHS Maternity Hospitals in UK have been advised not to cut the umbilical cord before a certain period of time has passed and to leave the baby on the Mums' tum.

      Personally speaking I think the shit has actually hit the fan and it's only a matter of time before the full weight of the truth leaks out. I am sure there is a landslide of evidence stacking up about how we treat pregnancy and it is not going to go away or be effectively suppressed by the powers that be.

      Sure, the drug companies will find a way to keep a commercial grip. So too will some maternity suits keep on with old damaging practices. Gradually though, the more progressive organisations will have to take note of what science is showing us all and move with the evidence. This is what happened with smoking tobacco in UK. It's pretty well outlawed in public places now.

      Some Science does have a positive, dare I say 'evolutionary' effect.

      Paul G.

  4. When your therapist lies to you -- you get confused.

    When you get confused -- you make bad decisions.

    When you make bad decisions -- accidents happen.

    When accidents happen -- you get an eye-patch.

    When you get an eye-patch -- people think you're tough.

    When people think you're tough --people wanna see - how tough.

    And when people wanna see how tough -- you wake-up in a road-side ditch.

    Don't wake-up in a road-side ditch.

    Ditch your denial therapist, and up-grade to Arthur Janov's Primal Therapy.

    Call 1-310-392-2003

    There's an abundance of denial therapies out there for the people that think they can't deal with reality. Then there's Art's PT for the people that are willing to see and feel their truth.

  5. For the people that are genetically predisposed to getting cancer, that were traumatized inside the womb, during birth, and in their earliest years -- these people will not get cancer if they do Art's Primal Therapy and relive their worst experiences. For the same reason a tree can't bare fruit if it's continually cut at it's base; a life can't be lost to cancer if the cancer isn't aloud to grow.

    I also think, after the system normalizes (and I'm sure I'm thinking this because I've already been influenced by so much of Art's writing -- if I'm wrong, I take full responsibility for my comments -- these and the comments above), cancer won't need to grow, because cancer was the way the body reacted to stress. When the stressor is removed (because the original pain was re-experienced), then there's nothing to react to. There's no opposite reaction (cancer) because the action has been eliminated (because it was felt).

    Doesn't the outside world have to mimic the inside world; the brain and it's synaptic connections? The active pathways and the abandoned pathways, abandoned because we got hurt on the literal pathway (the outside world), so we abandoned the synaptic ones as well (they became useless because we stopped using them). If that's what happens, by reliving the trauma that shut that pathway down (or any pathway), it must reopen because the block was felt and therefore removed.

    Art, you're the best! I'm working on my end to get to LA so I can do your therapy. I turn 48 in November. I'll be there before I turn 49. I wish I could be there sooner, but it's so hard trying to accomplish something when I wasn't allowed to accomplish anything while I was growing up. Giving up is what I do best (I learned that from my parents -- I'm very good at that). Hanging in there is hard because it reminds me of my pain. Being aware of that helps me to see the big picture, so I can continually refocus and do what I need to do so I can get out there. Your writing has often given me the strength to keep moving forward. I would post more but, I don't always feel confident enough to post. Thanks for doing what you do. I have benefited from it tremendously!

  6. Art my dearest pal!

    Do you know who you are talking to as you describe how feelings and thoughts makes them self’s impossible behind the scenes at us? I mean… emotions that are not conceptually linked confuse the mind beyond recognition for the role... what might come out of it?

    Who is behind the words of the political... religious... military and commercial context? The scenario has its comparison in the production of all these terrifying novels and films who showcasing the images of the truth in it.

    We live in hell mazes of ourselves… on a terribly fragile thread to the child in us ... it screams out its pain… pain in a forbidden adult body... forbidden to recognize itself as small.


  7. The Primal Therapy could support modern immunology to improve the working conditions for our immune system.

    A traumatic womb life is a sure way negatively to influence the quality in our lives. Therefore, it is interesting and important that the science of modern immunology can prove that an overtaxed immune system is giving way to the invasion / creation of cancer cells. If by reliving old pain / imprints we can strengthen our immune defense, we might in the future be able to develop a new cancer treatment paradigm.

    In many individuals, it seems to take up to four - five decades for the imprinted pain, working on different organs throughout the body (including the brain) to develop our most common illnesses such as cancer, ulcers, heart and angina, stroke and arthritis. For my own part, I experienced early how my pain / anxiety created an irresistible craving for painkillers like sugar, caffeine and nicotine. (Alcohol triggered my pain and was for that reason, fortunately, no problem for me.)

    My neurotic sugar addiction overtaxed my pancreas and caused, within short, hypoglycemia. Without that I was aware of it, a chain reaction / continuous vicious circle of pain, anxiety, irresistible sugar craving, hypoglycemia and epilepsy was established. Because the overload of pain searches and finds several outlets in the body, it also overtaxed my immune system, which meant that I was an easy victim to colds (including herpes and sinuses) and allergies and for decades, I lived without a sense of smell).

    My physical tensions (closely related to my original imprint, cramps/pain) influenced and distorted my posture and hampered my coordination. The original pain created a disharmonious and uncoordinated way of walking, which became tense and jerky. My vital signs were during many years too high, although I was addicted to physical exercises and, at times, tried to keep a strict control with my diet. Later, my intake of strong antiepileptic medication worsened my immune defense and intoxicated my liver and my kidneys with added negative consequences for my well being.

    Reading and writing about the severe effects that pain / imprints are having on our immune system and on our organs is bringing up my old dream / vision of a holistic treatment / therapy based on the principles of PT in cooperation with, for example, Rolfing, career counseling, physical exercises (like stretching and yoga) and detoxification, etc.. PT, as a stand-alone therapy, is valuable, but, without the support of a number of other therapies, it will not be able to put it all together. At best it may be a remedy for a lucky few.

    PT opened up for the connection of soul mates between different levels of my brain (and in the extension in my external life). Based on the combination of PT and a number of treatments, in a curing ensemble, I have succeeded in getting rid of most of all my symptoms and today my immune system, pancreas, liver, kidneys and heart are being far less overtaxed.

    Jan Johnsson

  8. Art
    I am slightly anxious because there are a few people who have had cancer who also had primal therapy, including, I think, one of the therapists. Is it due to unfelt need still lying dormant deep down in the body, please?

  9. The fysiological need of mom!

    How can we learn about an exhibitionist’s needs... unless the time for its cause becomes the target? I mean... when a child seeks his mother's good graces… but rudely are rejected. A time when the childs needs of mom was so elementary that another physiological activity was compelled... compelled as masturbation. For the time... the only possible relief... relief through physical action as masturbation... a denial of mom through masturbation... a denial for what an absent mother caused... caused an exhibitionist!?


  10. The physiological need of mom!

    How can we learn about an exhibitionist’s needs... unless the time for its cause becomes the target? I mean... when a child seeks his mother's good graces… but rudely am rejected. A time when the child’s needs of mom was so elementary that another physiological activity was compelled... compelled as masturbation. For the time... the only possible relief... relief through physical action as masturbation... a denial of mom through masturbation... a denial for what an absent mother caused... caused an exhibitionist!?


  11. Art: I've read some of your articles recently on some of the physiological changes to your patients after doing Primal Therapy, i.e., breasts getting larger, foot growth, growing taller, etc. I thought, if you and your staff could gather the physiological changers from when they started therapy to when they finished therapy (or after a year of therapy), and put it all down on a list and/or in a flier -- I believe it would give people that might not be looking into your therapy (for what ever reasons), a reason to consider your therapy.

    Let me quickly explain: Many people play the lottery in spite of the "dismal" odds because they feel there's something missing in their lives. Some women get their breasts enlarged for the same reasons. Some men want larger penises for similar reasons; something isn't quite right or they feel they're not enough.

    My point: Make that list. It gives you a reason to list the things that you haven't talked about yet. It then gives everyone else something else to think about; along with the list/flier is everything else pertinent to PT on your website. People will have all they need to make the choice of doing PT or not doing PT. But, for the people that are extremely desperate, who play the lottery, thinking/hoping that maybe this time their numbers will come up -- having a list of things that have actually happened to people, will attract a group of people that might never have been attracted to your therapy. You're not trying to trick anyone into doing your therapy; you're just showing other possible outcomes besides reducing or eliminating a host of physical and psychic ailments and normalizing the body.

    Primal Therapy: What our patients on a whole have experienced...

    1. Larry: It is a good idea but who has the time? art
