Saturday, March 10, 2012

Addendum to "Skipping Steps"

This is an addendum to Frank's story.

Since writing Skipping Steps, the insights keep coming. The meds slow me down so I can be more conscious of what’s going on around me. Of course, by that I mean that I feel more as well as become more aware. My first insight was patience, I don’t have to get this over with as fast as I can. I’m more grounded in the present and I’m not quite so controlled by the panic and terror of the past. I can let other people be where they are at and join them there. And then the big (to me) insight of Don’t Skip Steps.
Since then I recently had another big insight: Softer. I admit that you’ve really got to be inside my skin to understand what that means to me, but I’ll try to explain. When I hold a pencil, or mouse, or almost anything, I grip it like someone is trying to take it away from me, or that my life depends on not letting it go, or that I’ll lose control if I relax my grip. When I type, I strike the keys hard to make sure they do their job, and harder after mistakes. When I write, I feel like I’m holding on to a plow being pulled by a wild horse, dragging me all over the place while I’ve got to keep the rows straight. This leaves my writing with a hard, coarse, jerky somewhat illegible appearance. When I talk, I’m desperate to make sure I’m heard, making my voice louder and sharper than it needs to be.
Oddly enough (to me) I’ve been somewhat aware of this for a long time, but this is the first time I’ve been able to feel how unpleasant it is to me in the doing, not just the result. And this leads me to another insight. I’m always careful. But it is a carefulness born of fear rather than love. It arises from wombs eye fear that something terrible is going to happen to me if I don’t watch out. I want to remain careful, but in a positive way born of love for myself, and for what I’m doing, along with love for those with whom my life transpires. It’s a carefulness that comes from within rather than from the outside.
I also have to add that this change doesn’t happen cleanly, and instantly. It is a slow process of being more conscious and noticing those things that sabotage my daily life, and applying conscious effort to change. Because the truth of the matter is that I’ve had over 72 years practice reinforcing these imprints, and my only advantage is that I feel what they do to me, and also feel what it’s like to relax and go slower, softer, and consciously careful.


  1. Love.. beautiful Art, enjoy being soft xx

  2. About “skipping steps” and where they begins!
    When I experience where the step begins... my everyday life is beset with suffering. Being rejected... left and ignored in a very subtle shape is the most mundane events as the first step... it rose by the greatest importance to be the first steps... they bear as much pain as what the cause of the suffering caused
    If we have our behavior as a defense against suffering... we must also change behavior in order to feel that we suffer. Something as I think… a professional has extremely difficult to do. A professional has usually a behavior where also power plays a significant role ... to be seen ... to feel successful… and with the political support is the illusion "perfect"... he/she is prepared to do anything to keep their support. That is the reason why it is so difficult for them to accept primal therapy... they must give up a near-perfect defense against suffering ... if so… by denying sciences and to exterminate their own people.


    1. Frank: This is a very simple truth that I must include: If our behavior is a defense against the suffering, why not go after the suffering, the base, and not the behavior? art

  3. Hi Frank, Art & all,

    -"If we have our behaviour as a defence against suffering... we must also change behaviour in order to feel that we suffer"-.

    -"Frank: This is a very simple truth that I must include: If our behavior is a defense against the suffering, why not go after the suffering, the base, and not the behaviour? art"-.

    That's called a 'paradigm shift'.

    basically I agree but also Art your reply is a bit of a discussion stopper because, well, I mean, in the interim period (in the absence of an appropriate therapeutic vessel) whilst we struggle with our 'façades' we will inevitably try to adapt (our behaviour) to better manage our neurosis in whatever way we possibly can. Living with the truth is not easy, particularly if you really want to be conscious of it (the truth) that is.

    Much easier to carry on as before, steaming on ahead regardless.

    We are faced with our recurring act outs and their inevitable consequences.

    We seem to be like the Titanic, too long, too fast and not enough rudder to change direction, nor foresight to see the icebergs ahead (and frankly without enough 'primal life rafts and boats some of us will inevitably drown or freeze to death when the crash comes).

    As Frank says though, or implies, it is only the captain of the ship that stays on board till the last soul is off. . . . These other 'technicians' and 'tycoons' are well away first. . . They don't 'need' a primal life raft.

    Paul G.

  4. Yes that sounds simpel and easy and is so relieving to be in when we are there… tears flowing in a never-ending stream.
    If you could give us the key to how we sink into suffering… a key to understanding what the child in us says… then would the world be "blessed" and healed from all sufferings.
    But if we do not know that we suffer and we defending ourselves by beeing religious and professional... professional in whatever it is that "professionalism" alleviates suffering from... then what?
    If we can’t get that key we will suffer untill the day we die… we will be mad as professionals… religious... mad with a pore little child in us who wants to se the light of the day.
    Thank “god” Art that you hav done what you has… I also know that you have a key… a key we need to hone to become so perfect that no resistance is when we turn it on… or so rough in a scientific way that no one can stop it.


  5. Dr. Janov,
    by going after the basis of suffering, the base of all “evil”, you hand out many pink slips - to all cognitive therapists, police, Judges and perhaps, close all jails.
    Exactly this will never happen.
    Behavior can be corrected with behavior management, bad behavior must be corrected by the law.

  6. frank, i hope you have many more years to live and continue to get better.
