Thursday, August 4, 2011

Still More on Retrieving Memory and the Right Brain


The orbital frontal cortex, which is the cortex just behind the eye sockets, reaches maturity between eighteen to twenty-four months of age. The right OBFC receives feeling information on the right side of the brain, and helps code it; it also helps control feelings and, above all, is involved in retrieving feeling information and integrating it with the left OBFC. This is a big job. Thanks to the right OBFC, we can know what we feel, and feel what we know; if only it will inform the left prefrontal cortex about what it knows and feels.

The right OBFC receives feeling information from below, from preverbal memories, and then provides a high level coding system that labels the feeling. What is important about the OBFC is that it has representations from the depths of the brain. In this way, we can make a connection between the awareness, and what happened to us even before birth. That is consciousness/awareness.

The right OBFC provides a map of our internal environment. Most early abuse and lack of love can be found coded there. If we want to regain conscious-awareness – full consciousness – we need to use the OBFC map to scan the non-verbal brain, the right limbic area and brainstem, to retrieve the most remote, ancient memories. Notice that I did not say “awareness,” which is left brain. Conscious-awareness is right-left brain working in harmony. We can be very aware and completely unconscious. We can be experts in politics or even psychology, and still not know what is inside of us. In fact, our hyper-alert awareness on the left can be motivated by the need to stay unconscious of the right. We can use he left prefrontal area awareness to dampen the amygdala/limbic areas and keep ourselves unconscious. I have cited earlier how in meditation the left OBFC becomes more active as the amygdala is less active. In some respects this is what happens in cognitive therapy; the left frontal area is stripped away from the right and treated as an independent entity. Thus, their efforts involve readjusting the left front brain to the neglect of other cerebral areas. Luckily or not, it is eminently adjustable and malleable. Ideas can be twisted and turned in so many ways; they can be “adjusted” so that we are convinced that we are feeling good when we are not. Thinking we feel good and really feeling good, involving the feeling centers of
the brain are two different things.

The right OBFC contains a model of what happened to us early in life. If we did not have a very strong emotional relationships with our parents early in life, the right hemisphere imprints will become a template for adult life that may cause constant broken relationships in adult life. We are victims of that template and then wonder what’s wrong with us when we cannot sustain an emotional rapport with someone. In that sense, it is more than a model; it is a fixed frame within which we operate. That frame is encased in biochemical chains, every bit as strong as links of steel. I have called this frame, the prototype (discussed elsewhere). The meaning is the same: lifelong patterns of behavior are organized very early in life, in pre-birth, birth and infancy experiences. The meaning is available to the right OBFC but not to the left. The patterns set up early in life become a guide for how we act in the future; for our adult compulsions and phobias as well as physical symptoms. That is why when we retrieve those early experiences with the right OBFC we can make immediate connections between our current symptom-- migraine, high blood pressure--and those early imprints. With the reliving the symptoms disappear, and we understand why. We carry around “broken relationships” inside of us all of our lives. We then develop a friendship with someone that soon breaks off, and it becomes a mystery as to why: the template. The template, as I have stated, involves all manner of biochemical processes. Thus, we may carry around very low oxytocin levels which helps determine how warm and close we can be to others. The brain’s neurochemistry, the levels of stress hormones and other activating chemicals, are all under right brain control. When these are altered they influence how we relate to others and to ourselves. In brief, we are rendered a different personality.


  1. Dr. Janov,

    Your sentence: “The right OBFC receives feeling information on the right side of the brain, and helps code it; it also helps control feelings and, above all, is involved in retrieving feeling information and integrating it with the left OBFC.”

    How do you understand the statement from the New York Academy of Sciences:
    “Despite an enormous increase in knowledge of the orbitofrontal cortex over the last 10 years, we still do not have an account of the critical contribution that orbitofrontal cortex makes across different circuits to support human behavior”.

    The UNI Oxford says:
    The human orbitofrontal cortex is an important brain region for the processing of rewards and punishments, which is a prerequisite for the complex and flexible emotional and social behaviour which contributes to the evolutionary success of humans.
    (link is too long to enter here) I have the study results if somebody likes to read it. (email:

    Now I’m confused. Is there another research paper that confirms " the OBFC is involved in retrieving feeling information and integrating"?

    I would appreciate some hints.

  2. Art: That is consciousness/awareness.

    Me: That is full complete consciousness/awareness.
    But how much awareness is possible, if any, when pain and repression is a continual part of the equation. It must vary according to how much pain or obstruction there is. Can some pathways be enlarged or pain signals rerouted? Though I can not site where, I know I have read it in your works before that rerouting can and does take place.

    So How much influence does our “will” have to redirect or to increase or decrease certain pathways?

    Art: We can be very aware and completely unconscious. We can be experts in politics or even psychology, and still not know what is inside of us.

    Me: Oh yeah, now we are closing in. Agreed, for one. So awareness if good for something. It is better than unconscious and unaware, too. Not nearly as good as both full awareness and consciousness. But when you can not have both, at least have one half, right?

    But it has been suggested that awareness is not possible for anyone neurotic. But this state, Art, seems to suggest that awareness without consciousness or full consciousness, is possible. But how much awareness is gained by a possible indirect route from the “feeling” below? Is there any? I only know that I can get confirmations or guidance from that silent intuitive side. Is there any communication tween the base feelings and maybe the right hemisphere, that does not allow consciousness to fully occur but can still let some affirmation or answer of denial to questions, yes or no types, usually?

    Whether we are truly feeling good down below or not, there is the possibility of being functionally accurate and rational, even anesthetized (happy as clam).

    But since you have dealt almost exclusively with those in great pain and need of relief, do we really know the parameters of functionality for those who have some measure of function and pain killed (ocytocin?) comfort? I do not think it has been adequately explored, because functional types seldom ever seek your therapy, I suspect. It would help them, no doubt, but since there is no urgency, most other things take priority, given the difficulty and our won short life spans in getting that therapy.

    Art: The meaning is available to the right OBFC but not to the left.

    Me: Not available to the left or just reduced to the left? Reduced to such degrees that much pain is kept away and only answers, without the full valence of pain felt and integrated.

  3. Sieglinde: I would never make a rash statement about the brain. If you look in either the Biology of Love or Primal Healing you will find the reference. Keep me straight kid. art janov

  4. A facebook comment: "Think about this; human Brain is a Triune brain (Tri-une 3-in-1) We have 3 general bio-computers inside One Necktop! 3 levels of consciousness, each brain has it's own specific intelligence, his own memory motor and other functions, his own sense of time and space, and EACH can work with the other 2 or independently -- 3 Brains all yielding for Control. Think about his; 1-line of consciousness, the reptile brain (survival mind) ~circa 400 000 000 years old brain. 2-line of consciousness, limbic brain (social/emotional mind) ~circa 200 000 000 years old brainĖ‡ 3-line of consciousness, cortex (intellectual mind) ~circa 54 000 000 years old brain. BONUS: anterior part of primate brain has "frontal lobes" 700 000 years old (ONLY) 3/8 bulks of the brain ARE - frontal lobes. Why do Mistics report sensations "behind their eyebrows" , "between your ears" , and then their consciousness explodes and they "swim" in the river of "Cosmic Consciousness" --Brahman's Ocean of Infinity? There are as many explanations as there are cultures inside this "frontal lobes" peeking business happens. If it happens here in the west, and you are raving from the state of exultation and happiness impossible to describe, they frontal lobotomize you - you are nuts, you are not normal, happiness is pathology etc. (Well, that were happening some decades ago lol... lol lol) If we are constantly evolving toward greater complexity, and our brain also shows PRECISELY how it underwent each more progressive stage of ever increasing complexities (neuroscientists would have told you, frontal lobes are the most advanced meat part you have <-- higher mathematics, higher reasoning- planing, reality simulations (perhaps that's why women enjoy reading romance novels, they're simply enjoying masturbating their frontal lobes) etc. etc. - advanced problem solving intelligence. Then, we are to evolve into this idealized, highly valued "Sainthood" and "higher morality" -- take into consideration that "frontal lobes" are the seat of morality, Ken Wilbers work goes into ever increasing stages of morality (Spiral Dynamics e.g. Graves values system) Then frontal lobes are to mature if individual is to mature in their developmental level - emotional maturity - moral stage as well. "Frontal lobes" regulate the rest of the cortex. As well as reptile brain too, but frontal lobes give 'tone' to cortex, frontal lobes are your "character" !! "Character is Destiny" - quote. Okay, simple definition of brain modules and consciousness: reptile brain = 100% competitive 0% co-operative (Consciousness) limbic brain = 50% competitive 50% co-operative (Consciousness) prmate brain = 20% competitive 80% co-operative (Consciousness) frontal lobes = 0% competitive 100% co-operative (Consciousness) No wander now, that psychopaths who use 'almost none' of ther frontal lobes have no empathy/sympathy - they can kill without remorse and are incapable of feeling guilt and shame. Makes sense now? They are intelligent snakes with disfunctional frontal lobes. Now, contrast that to a Mystic who got his/her frontal lobes fully open/exploded - he/she is prime example of moral Summit this specie is capable of achieving / evolving into. He/she is an example to all of us to our unfulfilled potential. .. waiting us inside those frontal lobes."

  5. Apollo: You really need to read the critical passages in my Primal Healing that deals with all that, then you won't have to reinvent the wheel. It is has been worked out. art

  6. When we try to be "smart" by the thinking brain… we lose what we actually feels ... we think to avoid our reality… our feelings. Reality ... science will or cannot make itself known under these circumstances. We get sick of the attainment by intellectual exercises... but we can begin feel by intellectual exercises that are directed to where and what our feelings is about.
    What emotion contains... can never thoughts sort out. We can only experience through what all of these explanatory symptoms reports about. Anxiety and depression are reactions of suffering ... suffering that has its memory at the source of its events… events of feelings.
    The brain has two tasks… “Understand” the source of suffering… and heal with the science through primal therapy.

  7. Arthur, I have completed "Primal Healing" at least a couple months ago. I do not find the resolution that you suggest I would. I find a sort of back and forth thing with the intellect bossing the primal self while at other times the primal self being all powerful and bossing the intellect. It can not be both.

    I say, and using your quotes to prove it, that the inner self, the pain, rules the intellect always, the intellect being at the command of the other 2 and the servant of the other 2, a tool of the other 2.

    PLease, just refute me. If I am wrong, surely it will be easy to point it out for all to see. then I will have to put my tail tween my legs and eat a big piece of humble pie. I sit awaiting a chance for some pie. I need a good spanking, don't I? ;-) Don't I have it coming?
