With connection, feelings have found a home, and the system can rest. The person no longer has to engage in compulsive hand washing because she unconsciously feels “dirty.” Remember, that the higher pre-frontal regulatory systems have connections with the brainstem/limbic areas with information going in both directions. We can feel our feelings, and we can block those feelings when they are too hurtful. With a weaker pre-frontal cortex to handle input, we have amygdala-driven feelings that impact our higher centers directly, possibly driving us into unceasing mental activity. If there were ever a universal affliction, it is that unceasing activity. People cannot sit still and relax. Movement as an imprint may have meant life at birth, and it does so now as a memory.
Reconnecting the Brain
There is more and more evidence that brain tissue at the extreme anterior (front) part of the pre-frontal cortex is responsible for integration of emotional states. The recent work of a Yale team, Patricia Goldman-Rakic and Pasco Rakic, focused on the corpus callosum (the bridge between right and left brains) in which they developed a model of symmetry in the brain. What they state is that cells in the corpus callosum are marked so as to attach to mirror image cells on both sides of the brain. There may be either a certain resonating frequency that helps each side recognize each other or there may be a chemical affinity that allows cells on one side to join up—connect—with cells on the other side (or both). As I mentioned, (unproved) connected memory may exist when lower level imprints resonate with the same frequencies higher up in the brain. When the pre-fontal cortex and sub-cortex meet, there seems to be a pattern of recognition; it’s kind of like finding a soul mate. More possibly, the lower level imprints rise to seek out their other half higher in the nervous system. Once joined, they form an integrated, unified circuit.
It would seem that brain cells “know” when they have arrived at connection because the receptors on axons are found only on the correct target nerve cell. There is some evidence now that even in the womb, the brain is preparing itself for life in our world. So the fetus has recapitulated life in ancient history and is now preparing for life on the planet where each new level broadens our conscious/awareness. Each new level is an elaboration of the previous lower level until we arrive at full consciousness. Critical here is the concept of connection; the merging together of related neural networks. There is a unity of nature that happens only with connection. Neuro-psychologic laws do exist. It is up to us to find them.
Very early feelings exist in a sensory-only language have, in the past, been impossible to access and resolve. The lower levels “talk” to us all of the time in their own language (racing heart, highs blood pressure), but we never listen and have lost the ability to communicate with them. We don’t talk their language, and yet we must for survival. Otherwise, we fall sick early in life and our lifespan is much, much shorter. Because though the language is a one-way street we continue to drive on the wrong side of the nervous system (the left intellectual) and lose our orientation. We try to get to the right feeling side with the left, and we can’t get there from here.
We know that early events even before birth are imprinted throughout the system and largely onto the right brain. These events can occur before there is a functioning left pre-frontal cortex to make sense out of them. And by the time we do have that portion of the cerebral cortex the pain on the right, severe because it involves matters of life and death at birth and before, is repressed and results in a disconnection between the two sides and from lower to higher brain centers. Moreover, the connecting links are not as yet matured. This process is called repression or gating or, as it is often called in the scientific literature, dissociation. Remember, it is the very early prebirth traumas that find their way onto the right brain. The right brain, then, becomes the repository of the unconscious. Becoming conscious means reconnecting the pain to conscious-awareness. Connection means awareness even when the event has no words or scenes. We can be aware of a lack of oxygen during birth or of the agony of being twisted around due to breech presentation. That awareness is every bit as crucial as an awareness of events at the age of six even though there are no words to explain it. Sensing/experiencing the pain is awareness. It doesn’t need words.
What you offer is fantastic.
ReplyDeleteI know there are an infinite number of people who wish to participate in primal therapy... but how will they know if information is missing... the problem is availability and information announcing... impossible for only one to deal with... the economic picture also... there are many people who are not even going a step further when the economy are holding back… people who would give everything ... just got the slightest chance of understanding what primal therapy contains.
What can we do?
Frank Larsson
Frank: I will discuss this with staff and answer you in 3 days. art janov it is a real question
ReplyDeleteThe main reason why primal therapy hasn't expanded is because there just aren't enough people who have the desire or skill to be a primal therapist.
ReplyDeleteI understand that having good access to feelings is not enough. We need time to let our feelings guide us so we can begin to grow up emotionally. I never feel much when I am awake. I feel strong emotions in my sleep - but I am very immature when I am asleep! I don't expect to become an adult soon after I gain access to my feelings through primal therapy.
Are there many primal therapist trainees who are currently too immature but show much promise for becoming an unsupervised primal therapist one day? Or do most of them give up.... or invent their own 'mock' therapies aided by a newfound childish confidence?
As long as the number of primal therapists is increasing - no matter how gradually - they will multiply exponentially like bacteria....I think a good goal would be for every therapist to 'create' two new therapists in a lifetime.
For now we must not allow Janov's therapy to be polluted and lost forever. The few existing primal therapists must understand their responsibility to keep the science going in the right direction.
Richard: You are so right. We have been training for the last 3 years almost on a full-time basis. We hope to have some therapists as a result. But many in foreign countries have to return because of visa problems so we do have a problem. It is astounding to me how few are willing to put in the time to learn this therapy. Would any doctor set up surgery in his garage? What is happening now is tantamount to that. art janov
ReplyDeleteDear Dr. Janov, please be aware that statements like these: *Clearly not everyone gets well, but a sufficient number do that makes me think our therapy is the first real science of psychotherapy.*August 9, 2009 and *I will write in the future about who does not make it and why* August 10, 2009, may seriously discourage those who just start to see and feel the terrible truth about their childhood and who are shocked by it. At the beginning it was very difficult and very hurtful for me to read for instance "biology of love" and some of your articles, because it confronted me abruptly with the unalterable and unbearable truth that my mother hated me already in her womb, never ever loved me, but abandoned and tried to destroy me. Now your book confronted me with the horrible consequences, the damage of my brain and psyche as well. Feeling and knowing this now 52 years later, is like hell. So please know that your sometimes "brutal" – clear! honest! true! - way of telling the truth may increase the desperate fear of being too brain-damaged to get well again. I was in deep depression, PTSD, and sometimes thinking about suicide to end the pain. Reading Janov for me sometimes felt like: it's too late, the damage is too severe.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, you are absolutely right and I am glad that I have found your books. It has saved and changed my life. And I've never had any doubt about what you are writing, not at least because I'm doing PT now (in Germany) and after half a year I'm already feeling the change, the healing effect of PT. I also know (by reading Janov!) that it is not YOU who is hurting, it is the TRUTH itself. But when you are slamming down the truth could you please be more gentle? There are those who are just beginning to see, to feel, to read Janov, who are desperately trying to survive and still wonder whether they will ever get a chance to heal or not. There is a chance for everyone, I think. Sincerely, Sabine
Thank You Sabine. I appreciate your sentiments however, I do not know anyone in Germany who practices primal therapy. I don't know any way to ease on the truth because it is what it is. I cannot change it but if I soften it it may no longer be the truth. art janov
ReplyDeleteWhen I met my new girlfriend and she started reading the primal scream, her first comment was "I'm not crazy it is just my feelings I do not understand" a great relief for her... so the view is not uniquely frightening... even then my reaction at the 70's was like yours... how much of the information Janov should release of their own activities about primal therapy should be left for him to decide... that he defend his knowledge is absolutely nothing I would question… given what he knows can happen due to failures... of course it is to wish that there were methods… by perhaps… internet or another way for a’ chance by the primal Institute… to go through primal therapy… we can ask him if there would be possible… If his thoughts ever wondered about such a solution? One thing is sure… I like be as safe as possible to connect something I have given my life to avoid.
Frank Larsson
Frank. We are already doing a lot of followup therapy through skype, the internet etc. I want the therapy to be available but each must start with individual therapy for a time to make sure that no abreactive pattern sets in. you know what Henry Miller said decades ago? If you had the best idea in the world, you can be sure someone would immediately come along to put it down and destroy it. alas, humanity. art janov
ReplyDeleteSabine, I would hate to be in deep depression for a long time. I understand your need to take action and do what appears to be Janov's primal therapy in Germany. When you are hurting you are desperate for help. I don't want to be brutal with you - but I must say that I think you are taking too much risk with mock PT. Those people can't possibly have the expertise of the people at the Primal Center in LA. It would be a tragedy for someone who can be so honest with herself and so vulnerable to get hurt even more.
ReplyDeleteI know a guy who had a terrible experience in therapy (not PT). He is psychotic...he believes the therapy made him psychotic. During one of his psychotic episodes his therapist started crying and left the room and left him to deal with it all by himself.
Now he is on a lot of medication. I can't be sure the therapy made him psychotic, but I'm sure it didn't help. He is a very likable guy and he didn't deserve to go through that.
There is LOTS of bad therapy everywhere because lots of well-intentioned therapists are NEUROTIC. Like Frank says, best to be as safe as possible when you start feeling the big stuff.
If visa becomes a major problem for me, I will find a way around it. This is way too important.