In the paper recently is a story about a female astronaut driving one thousand miles to do away with a perceived rival for the affections of another astronaut. All of her amazing education and brilliance could not stop her from doing something absolutely crazy. She could not think out this problem and decide on a different course of action; she was compelled to follow her deep feelings of past rejection into oblivion. Could there be a better example of rationality living side by side with irrationality in the brain? In cerebral terms, it is deep feelings of rejection in the right hemisphere and in the forward top brain (the orbito-frontal area) that sends the message over to the left prefrontal brain and says, "Stop the rejection by any means possible!" She could not do it as a child — helpless before parental neglect and indifference, but now she can do something about it. But ay any ay, what she did was nuts. So the left advanced brain tried to find symbolic solutions to an old imprinted problem that had only one solution — love by the parent — at that time and no other. So here we have the perennial dilemma: the left prefrontal brain always tries to find current solutions to old historical problems; and it therefore always fails.
This seeker gives up everything in exchange for the hope of receiving what was deprived her long ago. She becomes an extension of the leader's will. She and the other disciples will kill others or themselves at the leader’s behest, turn over their money to him, live by capricious rules he makes, think thoughts he inserts in their minds, eat what and when he allows them to. They act like devoted children, and his authoritarian bearing reinforces that childishness. Women will even give over their bodies to the leader, and their mates will allow it because they have learned obedience to authority. That obedience is one of the most dangerous facets of human life. All manner of crimes exist in its wake. Fascist dictators can easily get thugs to do their murderous bidding because those thugs are loyal and obedient to the leader. Those in war can kill because it is their job; they usually don’t kill out of anger. It is a job like any other, devoid of passion. In need of order in a world of chaos, hope and magic instead of confusion and pain, they swallow the ideology the leader dispenses hook, line and sinker. In the case of our homegrown cult leaders, women will even submit to the leader's sexual whims, will leave their husbands, and abandon children in order to please him. In the case of one cult leader, the wives’ mates bunked in a dormitory downstairs while they slept with the guru. Parents went along with their leader's penchant for their pubescent daughters. But the leader has to have the answer! And he must exert his ideas with certainty and force. Beliefs are medicine for the hopeless. They attenuate despair, vitiate parental substitute. He gives love and can take it away from those who are not obedient. For those who were rejected by family, to be again rejected and thrown out by the "new family" is intolerable. Some prefer death to this pain. loneliness and dissipate helplessness. Not a despair necessarily arising out of one's present circumstances, but one that is imprinted physiologically and emotionally in the individual — the despair of a baby in the crib who cries her heart out for days hoping someone will come to feed, cuddle, caress and soothe her. The despair of a child who sees his mother die in an auto accident or his father leave the family for good. A despair long ago forgotten by the mind but not by the body, consigned to the unconscious, covered over by layers of newly constructed hopes ... and best of all, the hope for a different and better life. Later on, it is no wonder that person becomes radicalized, looking for a better world, trying to destroy symbols of his current world, becoming a utopian who must find the perfect system or perfect place — all because his early life was such hell and so hopeless. We need hope more than we need truth. Hope feels good, but truth often hurts. The truth hurts because to feel that "my parents don’t like me, don’t want me around and they never will love me," is intolerable for a youngster. If the Bible is your bag, you can be born-again. The medicine of hope dispels the misery of our pre-born-again life. Hope's assurances shield our ears from the child screaming below the surface of consciousness. She is screaming yet even she cannot hear it — until, we take her back to her childhood and help her cry and scream, at last. Now she knows what has driven her.
Hello Dr Janov,
ReplyDeleteAnd no doubt the "utopias" our zealot politicans try to build are in many ways just the antithesis to their own childhoods, and are in turn a false projection onto a world that may not be quite so bad. And therefore possibly destructive or "anti-utopia" in practice, such as feeling the need for social controls when/where they don't really need to exist. I hope that's not too much the case for my own socio-political idealism (or whatever you want to call it) as I know that I am, in part at least, an example of what you're talking about.
I look forward to getting your therapy. I know I've said it before on your blog that I know that the more I can accept my world, as it is, the more I can truly relax and enjoy it for what it is. (Though to say I don't like the idea of becoming an indifferent non-contributor to public policy/systems...though I can't see PT doing that to me I don't think).
Practical tip: Have you American's been following what's been going on with your currency? I understand Obama has printed crazy money (10 trillion?) into your economy which should, in principle, ruin your currency and create chronic inflation. If you have savings I would get out of the Amercian dollar if you want to be able to afford PT soon! If it was me I would get out of the Amercian economy altogether. (hope you don't mind that change of topic Dr Janov).
For some strange reason, I believe that ALL girls are somehow better than guys. Girls are cleaner, more gentle, more caring, more understanding, less competitive and more friendly, more humble and more willing to make a compromise in order to keep a friendly relationship. If the girl is pretty, then all of the above is super-magnified in my head. This is BEFORE I talk to her. I see all girls in this light even when I see a girl acting like a total bitch. I think to myself "Yeah, but she wouldn't talk to ME like that".
ReplyDeleteObviously I am completely insane. When a girl starts to talk to me in a disrespectful way, I am caught off guard. I don't see it coming. My reaction is "What the.....I thought you were a GIRL"
This unrealistic view of the opposite sex is the only warped belief system I can see in myself. As soon as I talk to a girl, the false belief/hope is quickly corrected to some extent, but I guess I am still probably seeing too much princess and not enough reality.
Mind you, I don't get that distorted view when I look at young girls (kids). Maybe it's because older girls don't express themselves as much, so my mind is able to fill in the gaps.
More self-indulgence huh? - you probably won't post this one will you Art :)
I like the line about obedience to authority being one of the most dangerous facets of human life. The authority doesn't necessarily have to rely on religious beliefs, a political or any ideoligical belief can do the job.
ReplyDeleteAs long as we're talking about beliefs, I'm reminded by an acquaintance of mine who is an otherwise smart and skeptical guy - except when it comes to his born again, Young Earth Creationist beliefs. He was not raised this way, mind you. He was a "moderate" Christian before he fell into a deep depression - he felt extremely lonely. Then one night he prayed and finally "let God take the guide", as he put it. He commented to me that he hasn't felt the same kind of loneliness ever since. Fervent belief in something, no matter how ridiculous that something is, seems to be an extremely effective defense mechanism against early pain and need. And the belief must be protected. You can see this in creationists and their cognitive dissonance; real data about the world must be ignored or explained away in absolutely ludicrous ways.
These people are not often dumb; they can be brilliant in some other areas of science, for example. It is a shame, though.
I know how right this is what you write but it makes me feel so desperate hopless... how do you get people to understand somthing as basic as not having a logical record... I feel hopless... I know... no one will ever hear me... thanks Arthur
Frank there is a therapy for this you know. It is called Primal Therapy. dr. janov
ReplyDeleteI know how bad we need Primal Therapy... just get here and start it up.
Hi Dr. Janov , h o w was it poossible that Dr.Holden became a born again christian...?!! Yours emanuel
ReplyDeleteIt's stunning to watch you unravel the tangled web of rational and irrational thoughts, behaviors. I'm also impressed on how you let your own mind leap globally, a roughhouse of connections that we wouldn't see in an organized book. I'm 77, and find that I am thinking more more in this way. It is not wandering. It all gathers together around a central theme. Primal Thinking! Art, I wish you would write something about aging and memory from a Primal perspective. I think I am aging 'normally.' Terrible short-term. The long-term fading, harder to access, but still there. And recently I've been getting these incredible bursts of memories and connections from my adolesence, all the little pieces coming together, finally! It just keeps coming, as if there were no tomorrow! Is it that way with you?
ReplyDeleteEmanuel: Michael decided early on that he didn't need help, although I begged him to let me do his therapy. He was a self primaller, and when you had the pain he had it cannot work. I loved him and wanted desperately to help him but it was not possible. dr. janov
ReplyDeletehubber1: You write well. I am not sure how objective I am about aging. But I will write about it. thanks Hubbert art janov